Legislative Council: Thursday, November 15, 2018


Question Time


The Hon. S.G. WADE (Minister for Health and Wellbeing) (14:22): I seek leave to make a statement to provide additional information in answer to a question.

Leave granted.

The Hon. S.G. WADE: In response to a question yesterday from the Leader of the Opposition, I undertook to seek further advice regarding two KordaMentha staff who have temporarily taken on roles in CALHN management. I have been advised that the cost of these positions is in addition to the broader KordaMentha contract and their appointment was a decision of SA Health management.

The KordaMentha employees have reported to a public servant throughout this process. They have no authority over any clinical decisions, hold no financial delegations and exercise no authority under Public Service legislation. Decisions about patient care, including access to patient records or direct interaction with patients, have always and will always remain with clinical staff. The total cost of these temporary appointments will be $220,000 plus GST and on-costs over a 10-week period, concluding on 30 November.