Legislative Council: Thursday, November 15, 2018


Community Visitor Scheme

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (14:25): I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question of the Minister for Human Services regarding the Community Visitor Scheme.

Leave granted.

The Hon. K.J. MAHER: I refer the minister to a report in The Advertiser on Monday of this week, titled 'New probe on carer's "threats"', regarding a police investigation into the alleged abuse of a disability client by a disability worker. I understand, and I am informed, that these concerns were already made known to the minister through the Principal Community Visitor's annual report.

I also refer the minister to another report in The Advertiser on Monday titled, 'Visitor scheme is threatened', in which the minister refused to support the ongoing funding of the scheme beyond 30 June 2019. Given the good work of the Principal Community Visitor in unearthing complaints and concerns within the community sector, can the minister explain why she is refusing to provide funding certainty for it beyond June next year?

The Hon. J.M.A. LENSINK (Minister for Human Services) (14:26): I thank the honourable member for his questions. In relation to the Community Visitor Scheme, the disability Community Visitor Scheme is established under the Disability Services (Community Visitor Scheme) Regulations 2013. The CVS attends supported accommodation funded by DHS, supported residential facilities and day options programs to advocate for individuals and inquire into the quality of care.

The CVS is an independent statutory scheme that can advocate resolution of client issues and improve service responses for state-funded supports. The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission commenced in South Australia in July 2018. This commission is responsible for service provider registration, complaints, incident management and positive behaviour support for NDIS-funded providers and participants. We have received legal advice that the CVS has no legal coverage for these services.

The commonwealth Department of Social Services is coordinating a national review of community visitor schemes, which is being conducted by an independent consultant, which is due for consideration by COAG in December 2018. South Australian stakeholders were provided with an opportunity to participate in consultations on 9 October. At the request of the South Australian Principal Community Visitor, a second private consultation was held in Adelaide, specifically for community visitors. This followed the public consultation. The role of the mental health community visitor is not affected by any changes to the disability Community Visitor Scheme, which is an important note, so that role continues.

The role of the community visitor in the disability space is under review by the commonwealth government. We believe that the Community Visitor Scheme certainly adds value to disability services. The commonwealth of course has a right to review these services going forward, and we await a positive report from them in due course.