Legislative Council: Thursday, June 07, 2018


Royal Adelaide Hospital Site Redevelopment

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (15:22): Supplementary: can the Treasurer also, on seeking advice and bringing it back to the chamber, advise what his definition of 'heritage style' is, which buildings have actual heritage values and which buildings would otherwise have his appellation of 'heritage style' and how that might differ?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (15:22): I am happy to do that, and I use that phrase advisedly because I freely confess to not being an expert in terms of what ought to be described as a heritage building. I am aware that there are local, state, federal and I think probably international definitions of heritage buildings. Essentially, the ones that I am referring to are the old buildings along Frome Road and on North Terrace where I am advised that the former government was told, and we have been told, that those buildings cannot be demolished.

I think there is one older-style building further down Frome Road where the former government and the new government have been told that that is not required to be kept, and the former government and the new government have that as part of the demolition program, but I understand that, sort of, the buildings that start from around Eleanor Harrald, Margaret Graham and around to McEwin Building and the Bice Building, I think, on North Terrace—says he, struggling to remember the names of all these buildings—there are five or six of them, and our advice or my understanding of our advice is that they are all heritage-style buildings and have to be kept. Whether that is local, state, federal, heritage, I will get the definition for the honourable member and bring back a reply.