Legislative Council: Thursday, June 07, 2018


South Australian Tourism Commission

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (14:25): Supplementary, and I am referring to an answer the honourable member tabled today in response to a question from the Hon. Kyam Maher, which says—

The PRESIDENT: Is this a supplementary?

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER: It is. It says:

After careful consideration, it has been decided not to disclose the details and value of the investment in the event.

Is this to be the way the council will be answered when we ask questions—based on your own claims of transparency and openness—that now you will no longer be releasing any of this information, subject to transparency and openness no longer being a part of the government's policy? Now it is going to be about, in fact, commercial in confidence. That is going to be your excuse for every question we ask.

The PRESIDENT: Hon. Mr Hunter, that has gone a bit too far. I'm going to rule that question out of order.