Legislative Council: Thursday, May 03, 2018


President, Election

The CLERK: I inform the council of the resignation of the Hon. R.P. Wortley as President of the Legislative Council.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (11:26): I move:

That the Hon. A.L. McLachlan be President of the Legislative Council.

The CLERK: Is the motion seconded?

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (11:26): I second the motion.

The CLERK: Does the honourable member accept the nomination?

The Hon. A.L. McLACHLAN (11:26): I submit myself to the will of the chamber.

The CLERK: Are there any other nominations?

An honourable member: No.

The CLERK: There being no other nomination, I declare the Hon. A.L. McLachlan duly elected as President of the council.

The Hon. A.L. McLachlan was escorted to the President's chair by the mover and the seconder of the motion.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (11:27): On behalf, I am sure, of all members in this chamber, but in particular on behalf of my colleagues, I congratulate you, Mr President, on your elevation to the most esteemed and important office in this chamber. I know you will undertake your task with fairness, impartiality and diligence, all the attributes for which you have been known in your period in the Legislative Council. On behalf of government members, I assure you of our willingness to cooperate with you in the task ahead. We look forward to working with you. We thank you for accepting the will of the council and taking the position as President of the Legislative Council.

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (11:28): I rise on behalf of the opposition to congratulate you, Mr President, on your appointment. I have no doubt that you will conduct yourself in the spirit of fairness and with the sense of meticulousness that you have brought to everything you have done in this place. I think it is fair to say from our term in government that you, Mr President, were the only one we ever feared, so I am sure you will robustly keep us in order in this place. Indeed, it is with no small measure of sadness that I have had to retire my Andrew McLachlan question time folder.

Once again, on behalf of the opposition, I congratulate you on your appointment. I know you will be a staunch and unbiased defender of the standing orders and of the responsibility and privileges that members have in this place, and I am very pleased to see that a good head of hair is still one of the great requirements of the presidency.

The PRESIDENT (11:29): Thank you for those comments. I thank the chamber for the honour of electing me to be the President of the council. I will faithfully and honourably serve the council to the best of my abilities. Thank you for the confidence you have placed in me. I also take this opportunity to acknowledge the dedicated service to this council of my predecessor, the Hon. Russell Wortley. I thank him on behalf of the chamber for his leadership of the council.

At 11:30, accompanied by a deputation of members, the President proceeded to Government House.

On the council reassembling at 11:48:

The PRESIDENT: I have to report that, accompanied by honourable members, I proceeded to Government House and there presented myself as President to His Excellency the Governor and claimed for the council the right of free access to and communication with His Excellency that the most favourable construction might be placed on all its proceedings. His Excellency was pleased to reply to the honourable President and honourable members of the Legislative Council:

I congratulate the honourable members of the Legislative Council on their choice of a President. I readily assure you, Mr President, of my confirmation of all the constitutional rights and privileges of the Legislative Council, the proceedings of which will always receive most favourable consideration.

Signed, His Excellency the Hon. Hieu Van Le AC Governor of South Australia, and dated Thursday 3 May 2018.

Sitting suspended from 11:49 to 14:30.