Legislative Council: Thursday, May 03, 2018


Live Sheep Export

The Hon. F. PANGALLO (17:23): Thank you, Mr President, and while you are in a generous mood, if you can indulge me in my question. If it seems a bit long—I will try not to make it too long, but I will work at formatting it. I seek leave to make a brief explanation before asking a question to the Hon. David Ridgway, the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment.

Leave granted.

The Hon. F. PANGALLO: Earlier this month, Australians were shocked by the footage on national television of the horrendously cruel conditions aboard a livestock ship carrying sheep to the Middle East. In this incident more than 2,400 sheep suffered an agonising death. According to Animals Australia, a further 4,000 died in routine shipments to four Gulf states last year.

We know this trade has been going on for many years and there have been similar incidents where promises of action soon dissolve into thin air. In fact, just 10 years ago I produced a story for the Seven Network with Animals Australia where footage was taken of Australian sheep sold to markets being stuffed into the boots of cars, strapped onto the roof racks for a harrowing trip on bumpy roads through choking Cairo traffic. Yet, the cruel and abusive nature of this industry continues, raising concerns about how well regulated it really is.

Rightly, the public continues to be outraged and is demanding an end to this practice. If those deaths happened here the persons responsible would have faced criminal charges and possible gaol time. In the meantime, the powerful international animal welfare lobby has now been handed a fresh cause to attack us. My question to the minister is: is the state government willing to risk damage to our international reputation and continue to allow South Australian ports to be used for these live animal exports and, if it does, what does the government intend to do to ensure that animals are kept and transported in conditions acceptable to animal welfare authorities?

The Hon. D.W. RIDGWAY (Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment) (17:25): I thank the honourable member for his first question. I think like all South Australians (in fact all Australians) I was horrified at the vision of sheep suffering on that particular boat. I don't think anybody would condone cruelty to animals wherever it may occur, whether it is at sea with animals on the way to another country or even on our own farms and domestic animals as well.

The Liberal Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, the Hon. Tim Whetstone, is the minister who has responsibility for this particular issue. I am happy to refer the honourable member's question to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development and bring back an answer.