Legislative Council: Thursday, May 03, 2018


Key Performance Indicators

The Hon. K.J. MAHER (Leader of the Opposition) (16:35): A supplementary question. I don't think the honourable member understood the supplementary before. Will he be committing to actual targets, not just saying, 'We will try to do a little bit better'? The Premier has very clearly stated that there will be KPIs for improved economic outcomes. Will the Treasurer commit to actual targets that they are aiming for in the very near future?

The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Kyam Maher, I am going to allow that question because it is the first day of parliament, but it is not really arising out of the answer; it's a further question. Today I am going to allow the supplementary because I am merciful.

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (16:36): You are very generous, Mr President. I think in the passage from one side of the chamber to the other side the Leader of the Opposition is becoming hard of hearing. We are and will commit to targets. As I have indicated already, for example, in some areas we have to match national growth rates. We have to, for example, match national employment growth. We have to match or better, in terms of NAPLAN results, our performance in schools. They are going to be the targets. They are clear targets that we have set.

Whether we want to, over a period of time, establish year-by-year targets, which was the wont of the former government, which they failed spectacularly with, will be a separate issue. But in terms of targets, I have indicated what our target will be, and our target will be that we need to match the national performance and, if we can, a better national performance in terms of economic growth, jobs growth, school results and performance in terms of the services delivered through our hospitals.