Legislative Council: Thursday, May 03, 2018


State Productivity Commission

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (16:56): Supplementary. As a point of clarification: has the Treasurer just apologised to the people of South Australia for failing to deliver on his first 30-day commitment?

The Hon. R.I. LUCAS (Treasurer) (16:56): Let me just indicate that, unlike the former government—

An honourable member interjecting:


The Hon. R.I. LUCAS: —if we don't implement exactly in accordance with the commitments that we have made, we'll 'fess up in this particular chamber—indeed, anywhere else—as I indicated to the honourable member. We have commenced the implementation of the productivity commission. We are delighted to hear that the member is such a fierce advocate for the establishment of a productivity commission, and we look forward to that ongoing support for the productivity commission.

But can I just indicate that there will be no arrogance from me as a minister, or even the government, in relation to the government's promises that it makes and how it's measured in relation to whether or not it meets those particular promises. If in some areas, over the period of the next four years, we fall short, I can assure you I will willingly submit myself to the chamber and indicate that we have fallen short in a particular area. There is no shame in that.

We have a vision for a massive reform agenda over the next four years. In some cases, we might fall short as a result of delays in our own decision-making. In others, it may well be the will of the parliament. The reform agenda that the government has may not be supported by the majority in both houses of the parliament, and we will have to accept that if that's the case in some areas of our reform agenda.

As I said, unlike the former government and former ministers, if ultimately, over the period of four years, we fall short of performance in some areas, we will ask the people of South Australia in 2022 to judge us on our overall record in terms of keeping the promises we have made. There is an absolute commitment to and desire to meet each and every one of the commitments that we have made within the timetable. Ultimately, we think that the people of South Australia will judge us as to whether or not we delivered on a particular promise. On the actual timetable, we suspect the people of South Australia are likely to be forgiving in terms of the actual timetable of delivery.