Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Answers to Questions
Sampson Flat Bushfire
In reply to the Hon. S.G. WADE (23 February 2016).
The Hon. P. MALINAUSKAS (Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety): The South Australian Country Fire Service (CFS) has advised the following in regards to the Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council's independent operational review (AFAC review):
Recommendation 8—'The CFS conduct a review of SIMT with a view to increasing the number of teams from four to six, aligning them with each of the six regions within South Australia.'
This recommendation was noted but not accepted. The CFS has advised that this recommendation is not sustainable within the South Australian context due to the relatively small size of the fire and emergency services sector in South Australia.
I am advised by the CFS the four teams currently used are sufficient for most normal fire seasons in South Australia. Increasing the number of teams from four to six will take resources away from other functions required to manage large, complex or long duration incidents.
Recommendation 18 – 'Review relevant legislation, associated Acts and Plans to establish a consistent approach to fire and emergency management to minimise duplication and risk of contradiction. That the Hazard and Functional area plans be amalgamated and establish a South Australian Bushfire Plan, under the State Emergency Management Plan, which clearly define the role of the CFS.'
I am advised that the CFS has noted recommendation 18 of the AFAC review. The recommendation relates to the fact that there are requirements for a Bushfire Management Plan in the Fire and Emergency Services Act 2005 and a Hazard Plan (fire) in the Emergency Management Act 2004, and questions why there are two separate plans. I am further advised the CFS is currently working towards amalgamating these into a single plan covering the requirements of both acts.