Legislative Council: Thursday, April 14, 2016


Answers to Questions

Water and Sewerage Charges

In reply to the Hon. J.A. DARLEY (19 March 2015).

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change):

1. Since July 2014, SA Water has been providing the Para Vista Retirement Village with a water and sewer rebate for the difference between the amount charged based on individual ILU assessments and the amount that would have been charged if SA Water were to issue a single bill for the village. The Village has not been disadvantaged by the change in valuation process.

2. As of 1 July 2015, SA Water introduced a limited period Retirement Village Discounted Single Assessment (RVDSA) charge to apply to the Para Vista Retirement Village and other Retirement Villages impacted by the change in the Valuer General's policy regarding the assessment of Retirement Villages. This RVDSA will run for a period of ten years ending on 30 June 2025.