Legislative Council: Thursday, April 14, 2016


SA Water

The Hon. I.K. HUNTER (Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, Minister for Water and the River Murray, Minister for Climate Change) (15:11): By leave of the chamber, I would like to be able to answer a question that I took on notice that was asked by the Hon. Jing Lee on the tabling of the SA Water Annual Report. I am advised that SA Water has made three amendments to the SA Water Annual Report 2014-15 since first tabling on 17 November 2015. These amendments relate to:

the number of complaints to the Energy and Water Ombudsman in 2013-14 and 2014-15 reporting periods;

omission of a page within the appendix of the SA Water Annual Report—Annual Financial Statements; and

a spelling error in the SA Water Corporate Charter contained within the SA Water Annual Report 2014-15.

I am advised that all these corrections have now been made.

I am also advised that the number of complaints to the Energy and Water Ombudsman in 2013-14 was initially published at 352. This figure has been corrected to 368. The 2014-15 figure was originally published as 335. This has been revised to 342. I understand the second issue was due to a one-page omission from item 15, Non-current Assets—Infrastructure, Plant and Equipment, published on page 143 of the Appendix, Annual Financial Statements. I am advised this omission occurred during the design phase.

The third issue was a spelling error on the final page of the SA Water Corporate Charter—and I apologise to the chamber that I don't have the actual word that was misspelt—contained within the SA Water Annual Report 2014-15, which has since been corrected I am advised. I am also advised that no copies of the SA Water Annual Report were destroyed. The total cost of the amendments was $235, which was for reprinting. The electronic version of the SA Water Annual Report 2014-15 has been updated as well, I am advised, and, of course, the final version of the report will now be tabled.