House of Assembly: Tuesday, September 24, 2024


GFG Alliance

Mr PATTERSON (Morphett) (14:58): My question is to the Treasurer. Has the government made any loans to GFG Alliance and, if so, when do they full due and payable?

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Treasurer, Minister for Defence and Space Industries) (14:58): I will check for the member, but as far as I am aware the offer that we have made to GFG is an offer that has been on the table since the last time Labor was in government and all through the course of the time of the previous Liberal government, and that is having $50 million available to it for investment in new technology that will achieve those outcomes I just mentioned in my previous answer: a plant that receives new investment to make it more cost-effective, more reliable, to decarbonise its operations, and to make sure it is more productive for those steel products that our nation relies on.

So that money is on the table; it has not been given to GFG, let alone expended by GFG. As you have heard the Minister for Energy and Mining say to the house before, it is a frustration for the government and also the federal government that some of the commitments that have been made in the past have not yet come to reality, that some of the investments have not yet commenced, and that transition to what we would like to see the steelworks to become has not yet been achieved.