Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Estimates Replies
Children in Care, Education Pathways
In reply to the Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (5 July 2023). (Estimates Committee A)
The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills): The Minister for Child Protection and I regularly engage on matters related to the education of children and young people in care. I have been advised of the following from the Department for Education:
The Department for Education and the Department for Child Protection (DCP) continue to work together through an interagency working group on initiatives to support educational outcomes for children in care. The most recent 2023-24 work plan includes key actions relating to:
promoting and supporting preschool participation;
improved data sharing;
ensuring timely enrolment;
early identification of children at risk of disengagement;
improving mentoring and tutoring programs;
celebrating the educational achievements of children in care;
supporting preschools and schools with trauma-informed practice capacity building; and
working with DCP NGO partners to build their capacity to support participation in learning by children in care.
Previous actions supporting children in care that have been delivered through this working group and the previous two joint plans of action include:
updated policy on safeguarding children;
the establishment of Education Champions within DCP;
improved communications to foster and kinship carers;
induction resources for key staff working with children in care; and
staff guidance on processes and responsibilities related to enrolments, personalised education planning, attendance, behaviour and other supports.
The Department for Education also has ongoing initiatives to support the educational outcomes of children in care, with engagement with DCP as the legal guardian on individual students, including:
early entry to preschool education from three years of age;
school card financial assistance is provided automatically to all children in government schools fostered through the Department of Child Protection (under the guardianship of the chief executive);
the trauma-informed practice in education approach to support educators' understanding of education strategies for children and young people impacted by trauma, in particular those in care;
the Children in Care Service within Student Support Services, supporting schools and preschools to deliver education to children in care;
student engagement reforms focussed on reduced use of exclusionary discipline and greater inclusion of students in their learning in South Australian government schools (including particular considerations for children in care);
the school retention program providing mentoring, tutoring and social/emotional learning programs for children in care;
transition funding provided to preschools and schools when a child enters care or when a child in care starts at a new preschool or school, to support their smooth transition;
the One Plan personalised learning approach, which supports students to achieve their potential, including children in care; and
regular children in care school enrolment and attendance monitoring to identify and ensure timely action.