Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Estimates Replies
Grant Programs
In reply to Mr BATTY (Bragg) (4 July 2023). (Estimates Committee A)
The Hon. A. MICHAELS (Enfield—Minister for Small and Family Business, Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs, Minister for Arts): I have been advised that for the Department for Industry, Innovation and Science:
The following table provides the requested information on grant program/funds under my responsibility for the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 financial years—Controlled:
Payments into the program/fund are identified as a negative.
Grant program/fund name | Purpose of grant program/fund | 2023-24 Estimate $000 | 2024-25 Estimate $000 | 2025-26 Estimate $000 |
Small and Family Business | ||||
Business longitudinal analysis data environment (BLADE) project | Contribution to the BLADE project being administered by DPC. | 25 | — | — |
Centre for Business Growth | Support the creation of a new position, the Playford Professor of Business Growth, and provide continued support for outreach activities included in the centre's Growing South Australian Companies program. | 320 | 275 | — |
Flood Recovery Grants | Provides up to $50,000 to pay for costs of clean-up and reinstatement of small businesses and not-for-profit organisations that have experienced damage as a result of the River Murray flood event. | 1,650 | — | — |
Small Business Strategy | The Small business strategy seeks to increase the skills, capability and capacity of small business owners, and support them to create jobs and build the economy. | 1,500 | 1,437 | 1,267 |
Women in Business | The funding provides a suite of programs to South Australian female-owned businesses and boost our economy, creating jobs and supporting local entrepreneurs.Through the provision of upskilling, capability development and support, the Program will build resilience and strengthen innovative female-owned businesses in South Australia. | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000 |
Arts (Creative industries) | ||||
Adelaide Film Festival | Operational funding for Adelaide Film Festival (AFF), including support to the AFF Investment Fund. | 2,133 | 2,140 | 2,149 |
Jam Factory | Operational Funding for the Jamfactory. | 1,279 | 1,158 | 1,187 |
Music Development Office (MDO) | Facilitate the development of South Australia's music industry by supporting both creative and business development.Funding from the Community Development Fund as per the Gaming Machines Act 1992. | 1,626 | 1,636 | 1,649 |
-850 | -850 | -850 | ||
SA Film Corporation | Operational funding for the SA Film Corporation, including the screen production fund. | 5,021 | 5,125 | 5,179 |
SA Film Corporation – ABC Partnership | Funding provided to the SA Film Corporation to support its three-year production partnership between with the ABC to create a pipeline of work in South Australia. | 2,021 | 1,163 | 715 |
SA Film Corporation – Post-production, Digital and Visual Effects (PDV) Rebate Scheme | PDV Rebate Scheme to support the screen industry. | 6,381 | 6,000 | 6,000 |
The following table provides details, including the value and beneficiary, for any commitments relating to contracts (excluding MOAAs) executed on or before 30 June 2023 and funded from the program or funds mentioned in the previous answer for contracts with a total value of $200,000 and above. Grant commitment data is subject to change (pending the provision of commitment data to the Auditor-General on 11 August 2023).
Grant program/ fund name | Beneficiary/ Recipient | Purpose | Value$ |
Small and Family Business | |||
Centre for Business Growth | University of South Australia | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 595,000 |
Small Business Strategy | Australian Cyber Collaboration Centre | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 200,000 |
Small Business Strategy | South Australian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (trading as Business SA) | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 75,000 |
Small Business Strategy | City of Salisbury (trading as Polaris Centre) | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 75,000 |
Small Business Strategy | Social Traders Ltd | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 162,500 |
Women in Business | Adelaide Business Hub | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 249,000 |
Women in Business | DW Behind Closed Doors Pty Ltd | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 99,900 |
Arts (Creative Industries) | |||
Music Development Office (MDO) | Australian Independent Record Labels Association | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 192,000 |
Music Development Office (MDO) | Beer & BBQ Pty Ltd | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 110,000 |
Music Development Office (MDO) | Nexus Multicultural Arts Centre Inc | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 167,416 |
Music Development Office (MDO) | City of Playford | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 114,159 |
Music Development Office (MDO) | South Australian Contemporary Music Company Limited (trading as MusicSA) | Refer purpose of grant program above. | 747,688 |