Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Estimates Replies
Grant Programs
In reply to Mr BATTY (Bragg) (4 July 2023). (Estimates Committee A)
The Hon. A. MICHAELS (Enfield—Minister for Small and Family Business, Minister for Consumer and Business Affairs, Minister for Arts): I have been advised:
The following table provides the requested information on grant program/funds under my responsibility for the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 financial years—Controlled:
Grant program/fund name | Purpose of grant program/fund | 2023-24 Estimate $000 | 2024-25 Estimate $000 | 2025-26 Estimate $000 |
Consumer and Business Affairs | ||||
Anglicare SA—Financial Counselling and Advocacy Service | Financial counselling and advocacy services for tenants with low financial literacy. | 146 | 149 | 153 |
The following table provides details, including the value and beneficiary, or any commitments already made to be funded from the program or funds mentioned in the previous answer.
Grant program/fund name | Beneficiary/Recipient | Purpose | Value$ |
Consumer and Business Affairs | |||
Financial Counselling and Advocacy Service | Anglicare SA | Financial counselling and advocacy services to assist tenants with low financial literacy. | 146 |
The following table provides the requested information on grant program/funds under my responsibility for the 2023-24, 2024-25 and 2025-26 financial years—Administered:
Grant program/fund name | Purpose of grant program/fund | 2023-24 Estimate $000 | 2024-25 Estimate $000 | 2025-26 Estimate $000 |
Consumer and Business Affairs | ||||
Harm Minimisation Fund | For programs that support health and safety education and rehabilitation services. | 226 | 205 | 210 |
Australian Institute of Conveyancers (SA) – Professional Development Program and Public Advisory Service | Provide an advice service and educate conveyancers or members of the public about conveyancing matters or issues. | 387 | 397 | 407 |
Real Estate Institute of SA – Professional Development Program and Public Advisory Service | Provide an educational program and advisory service for the benefit of agents, sales representatives and members of the public. | 495 | 507 | 520 |
The following table provides details, including the value and beneficiary, or any commitments already made to be funded from the program or funds mentioned in the previous answer.
Grant program/ fund name | Beneficiary/Recipient | Purpose | Value$ |
Consumer and Business Affairs | |||
Harm Minimisation Fund | Encounter Youth Hindley Street Program | To support volunteers in patrolling the Hindley Street area offering a safe presence. | 131 |
Australian Institute of Conveyancers (SA) – Professional Development Program and Public Advisory Service | Australian Institute of Conveyancers (SA) | Provide an advice service and educate conveyancers or members of the public about conveyancing matters or issues. | 387 |
Real Estate Institute of SA – Professional Development Program and Public Advisory Service | Real Estate Institute of SA (REISA) | Provide an educational program and advisory service for the benefit of agents, sales representatives and members of the public. | 495 |