Parliamentary Procedure
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Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Answers to Questions
Aboriginal Education Strategy
7 The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (8 September 2022).
1. Will the government continue the work previously underway as part of the Department for Education's Aboriginal education strategy?
2. What initiatives are currently underway as part of the strategy, and will they be supported in an ongoing manner?
The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills): I have been advised:
Implementation of the Aboriginal Education Strategy 2019-29 continues.
The strategy continues to be implemented with three-year rolling implementation plans to allow the department to periodically review and evaluate the program over the 10-year life of the strategy. The 13 key initiatives as part of the strategy's second implementation plan, build on the delivery the strategy's first implementation from 2019 and findings from the strategy's mid-implementation review.
The implementation plan includes:
Scoping pilot initiatives for child development screenings for Aboriginal children and families.
Increasing preschool access and participation by Aboriginal children.
Aboriginal learner achievement leaders resources.
One Plan–personalised learning support for Aboriginal students
English as an additional language or dialect learners (EAL/D) hub and capability framework.
Strengthening Aboriginal languages and literacy.
Supporting Pitjantjatjara and Yankunytjatjara language and culture in Aṉangu schools.
Aboriginal contexts are being embedded into teaching and learning resources aligned to the Australian curriculum.
Aboriginal student pathways to enable Aboriginal young people to transition to further study, training and employment.
Key strategy enablers include working alongside Aboriginal families and communities and building a confident, culturally responsive and inclusive workforce through the:
Aboriginal Workforce Plan
Aboriginal Voice Framework
Aboriginal funding reform.
The Aboriginal Education Expert Advisory Panel will continue to guide the strategy to help deliver outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people.