Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Education Standards Board
The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:55): Supplementary: is the $2.2 million the minister just referred to coming out of the allocation for public schools as provided in the Gonski agreement?
The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills) (14:55): I will probably refer the member for Morialta to Thursday's budget. It is just a couple of sleeps now. It is not long to go.
Ms Stinson: I know you're all excited.
The Hon. B.I. BOYER: Indeed, you are eager, but I think the point to which the member for Morialta alludes is that, given the ESB's role is across the government and non-government sector—and in terms of the government sector there are about 248 out-of-school-hours care services but a lot of non-government ones as well—would it be right if we were to fund the money that is coming to the ESB, I hope, to go towards making sure they can keep pace with the cheques to come out of Gonski money which is for the public system.
I do not envisage that that would be the case, but it is something that will be dealt with not only in the budget but once we receive the final recommendations from the royal commission in August. We are not going to jump the gun. We are well and truly aware and cognisant of the challenges that are faced by the out-of-school-hours care sector, and if there is anyone in here who doubts that I would point you to the fact that we announced a royal commission and wrote the terms of reference that had out-of-school-hours care quality, accessibility and affordability in it from opposition. There is no government in this state that has done more to prioritise this, and I well and truly intend to make it, I hope, a longstanding focus for me as long as I am lucky enough to be in this job.