Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Committees
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy
9 The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (8 September 2022).
1. Will the government continue the work underway as part of the Department for Education's entrepreneurial education strategy, along with continuing financial support for the entrepreneurial programs at Mount Gambier High School, Murray Bridge High School, Heathfield High School, Seaton High School and Banksia Park International High School?
2. What initiatives are currently underway as part of the strategy, and will they be supported in an ongoing manner?
The Hon. B.I. BOYER (Wright—Minister for Education, Training and Skills): I have been advised:
Funding has been committed to the Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy in 2022-23. This funding supports the five entrepreneurial specialist schools to complete their program of initiatives and deliver on the outcomes of the strategy which are due to be completed by the end of 2023.
The funding has enabled the five entrepreneurial schools to embed entrepreneurial learning within their own schools and it is expected that these programs will continue to be offered, beyond the term of the Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy funding.
The five entrepreneurial specialist schools have also worked to support other schools with their entrepreneurial learning programs.
They have delivered a comprehensive range of initiatives, which include curriculum materials and resources, professional development and a range of programs.
These initiatives ensure sustainability and support for those that need it beyond the funding term of the Entrepreneurial Learning Strategy.