House of Assembly: Thursday, November 14, 2019


Matter of Privilege

Matter of Privilege

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS (West Torrens) (17:29): I raise a matter of privilege. Today, in question time at 2.24pm, I asked the Minister for Innovation and Skills a question:

Given the Premier's previous answer, can he explain to the house why he vetoed a visit by the Leader of the Opposition to Stone and Chalk?

The minister then replied with:

There was no veto for the—

and then members interjected, the Speaker called for order and then the minister said:

I personally wanted to be there so I could give—

and then there were interjections, the Speaker warned the member for Badcoe and then the minister said—

the Leader of the Opposition the full treatment.

He went on to say:

I am a very hospitable man. There has been no cancellation.

Members interjected, the Speaker called for order and then the minister went on to say:

My office has said that I wasn't available at that particular time, and I wanted to be there—

Then members interjected, the Speaker called for order again and the member for Lee was on two warnings. The minister then said—

to take the Leader of the Opposition on the tour of the Startup Hub and, as far as I understand, our officers are working with each other to find out a mutually agreeable time.

Members then interjected, the Speaker then called for order and we moved on. I have checked with the Leader of the Opposition's office and his electorate office. There has been no communication from the minister's office to arrange an alternative time. A time was scheduled for the Leader of the Opposition to visit with Stone and Chalk. That was cancelled at the request of the minister.

I believe that the minister has deliberately and intentionally misled the House of Assembly and that a prima facie case exists for the establishment of a privileges committee. I ask that you give consideration to my matter of privilege and rule if a motion to establish a privileges committee should be given precedence over other business in the House of Assembly.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Thank you, member for West Torrens. I will of course refer this matter to the Speaker for his consideration. If you are able to furnish the Clerk or myself with any relevant documents, I will ensure the Speaker has those.