House of Assembly: Thursday, November 14, 2019


Controlled Substances (Youth Treatment Orders) Amendment Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to amendments Nos 2 to 5, 7 and 8 made by the House of Assembly; disagreed to amendment No. 1, as indicated in the following schedule; disagreed to Amendment No. 6; and made an alternative amendment as indicated in the following schedule in lieu thereof:

Schedule of the amendment made by the House of Assembly and disagreed to by the Legislative Council

No. 1. Clause 2, page 2, after line 7—Insert:

(2) Section 7(5) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915 does not apply to this Act or to aprovision of this Act.

Schedule of the amendment made by the House of Assembly, disagreed to by the Legislative Council and an alternative amendment made in lieu thereof

No. 1 Clause 7, page 10, line 37 [clause 7, inserted section 54L(1)(e)]—Delete 'psychiatrist' and substitute:

medical practitioner, with appropriate expertise in addiction, psychiatric or paediatric medicine or other expertise related to the order,

Consideration in committee.

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:

That the House of Assembly do not insist on Amendment No. 1.

Motion carried.

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I move:

That the House of Assembly do not insist on Amendment No. 6 and agrees to accept the alternative amendment made in lieu thereof.

Motion carried.