House of Assembly: Thursday, November 14, 2019


Heavy Vehicle Inspection Scheme

The Hon. G.G. BROCK (Frome) (14:39): My question is to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. Can the minister update the house on the implementation of the second stage of the Heavy Vehicle Inspection Scheme, the awarding of the contract and how it's going to affect the regions?

The Hon. S.K. KNOLL (Schubert—Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government, Minister for Planning) (14:39): I thank the member for Frome for his question and his ongoing interest in this area. That ongoing interest, I think, is twofold. First off is the fact that the member joins with everybody in wanting to improve road safety and especially the very difficult situation we have at the moment, where far too many heavy vehicles on our roads do not pass muster. I must admit, there have been some very strong and good improvements on that front.

HVIS stage 2, such an improvement to the existing regime, which was contemplated back in late 2017, is currently in the tender process. In terms of updating the house, I actually have provided a ministerial statement to the house, I think last sitting week. I am more than happy to get the member a copy of that ministerial statement. That does provide the particulars, the dates and the time frames.

Again, I think it is useful to state for the house that one of the important considerations through this process is making sure that, as we roll out stage 2 of the Heavy Vehicle Inspection Scheme, regional areas have access to that inspection scheme in a timely manner. The fee for that has been set at $268, from memory, and that will be regardless of where the vehicle is inspected. But I think it is extremely important that we make sure that there is coverage so that we don't see vehicles off the road prematurely or vehicles off the road simply because regional areas can't get access. I do note the member's ongoing interest in that and certainly will provide a copy of the ministerial statement to the member.