House of Assembly: Thursday, November 14, 2019


Landscape South Australia Bill


The Hon. D.J. SPEIRS (Black—Minister for Environment and Water) (11:40): I have to report that the managers have been to the conference on the bill, which was managed on the part of the Legislative Council by the Hon. J.M.A. Lensink, the Hon. D.G.E. Hood, the Hon. K.J. Maher, the Hon. F. Pangallo and the Hon. M.C. Parnell. We there received from the managers on behalf of the Legislative Council the bill and the following resolution adopted by that house:

That the council insists on its amendments Nos 2, 14, 40 to 44, and 47 to 50 and suggested amendments Nos 1 to 5 disagreed to by the House of Assembly.

Thereupon the managers for the two houses conferred together and it was agreed that we should recommend to our respective houses that the resolutions, which are being circulated, be agreed to:

As to Amendment No. 2—

That the Legislative Council no longer insist on its amendment.

As to Amendment No. 14—

That the Legislative Council no longer insist on its amendment.

As to Amendments Nos 40 to 44—

That the Legislative Council no longer insist on its amendments.

As to Amendments Nos 47 to 50—

That the House of Assembly no longer insist on its disagreement to the amendments.

As to Suggested Amendments Nos 1 to 5—

That the Legislative Council no longer insist on its suggested amendments and that the House of Assembly makes the following amendment in lieu thereof:

Clause 67, page 73, after line 32—

After subclause (9) insert:

(9a) If a council writes off a debt constituted by an unpaid regional landscape levy (or part of a regional landscape levy) under section 143 of the Local Government Act 1999, the regional landscape board must, on application by the council in accordance with the regulations, refund to the council an amount equal to the amount of the levy (not including any related interest) that has been written off (payable from the fund under section 94).

And that the Legislative Council agrees thereto.