House of Assembly: Thursday, October 31, 2019


Estimates Replies

Grant Programs

In reply to Mr SZAKACS (Cheltenham) (25 July 2019). (Estimates Committee A)

The Hon. D.G. PISONI (Unley—Minister for Innovation and Skills): I have been advised:

The following table provides the allocation of grant program/funds for 2018-19 and across the forward estimates for the Department for Innovation and Skills—Controlled:

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2018-19 Estimated result $000 2019-20 Budget $000 2020-21 Estimate $000 2021-22 Estimate $000
Aboriginal Programs Aboriginal Programs support Aboriginal South Australians into employment, through skills training, employer incentives and mentoring. Funding via Skilling South Australia now available resulting in an increase in the number of Indigenous South Australians in training. 596 17 11 3
Adelaide Film Festival Operational Funding for Adelaide Film Festival. 1,079 1,059 1,084 1,110
Adelaide Gig City Connect businesses within key Adelaide innovation precincts with extremely fast broadband speeds of 1 gigabit per second and up to 10 gigabits per second available on request. 1,097 1,274 1,140 0
Adult Community Education (ACE) Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. (Funding under the 3-year Strengthening ACE ceasing – Federal Government investing more in Foundation Skills under their $525 million Skills Package. 3,543 1,064 1,964 1,965
Australian Institute of Machine Learning Build on research strengths in machine learning. It is the first machine learning institute in Australia. 1,300 1,300 1,325 1,300
Auto Jobs Connect Connect automotive supply chain workers to employers or jobs. 522 0 0 0
Boosting Business Investment Migration To facilitate this and assist with achieving 1,000 business migrant nominations. 0 125 250 375
Ceduna Thevenard DIS contribution to DPTI towards Thevenard Marine Offloading Facility. 125 0 0 0
Centre for Business Growth The Centre for Business Growth is part of the University of South Australia's business school and delivers programs targeted at executives of South Australian companies between 5 and 200 employees. 698 0 0 0
Commercialisation & Entrepreneurship Support the University of SA to establish exhibitions and program resources for the operation of SciCEd, develop science, design and innovation program content for young people and adults. 290 750 190 196
Country Arts SA Grant payment to Country Arts SA for operating Hopgood Theatre at Noarlunga.Another funding extension was made by a further, but final, six months, taking it up to 31 December 2019, to allow the Onkaparinga Council more time during this period to develop a funding model to take over this facility. 230 0 0 0
Group Training Organisation (GTO) Support Program GTO Support Program funding is provided to GTOs in lieu of Payroll Tax Exemption. 2,827 2,084 2,136 2,190
Digital Games Development Program Fund was established to support South Australia's entrepreneurs and businesses to create high quality digital games.New $300,000 Games Innovation Fund announced. 150 0 0 0
Disability Sector A time-limited, once-off grant for activities to support individuals and businesses to build their capability and capacity to meet the demand for services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). NDIS Jobs and Market Fund is available with additional work being undertaken on workforce and training. SA leading reforms. 673 0 32 0
DOME Paid to DOME (Don't Overlook Mature Experience) DOME provided a business case and funding is aligned. 102 123 0 0
Equal Remuneration Order Cabinet approved supplementation paid to not for profit organisations to cover CPI increases for community sector workers. 750 785 804 824
Helpmann Academy Grant for advancing/supporting and promoting visual and performing arts at tertiary level in SA. 412 0 0 0
JamFactory Operational Funding for JamFactory. 1,040 1,049 1,070 1,100
Job Readiness STEM Trial to improve the job readiness of VET STEM graduates. Includes $50,000 contribution from the Commonwealth. 50 0 0 0
Jobs First Jobs First Employment Projects 1,278 0 0 0
Leigh Creek Motel Support the operation of the Leigh Creek Motel—Tavern at Leigh Creek. Includes $115,000 contribution from the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure. 125 0 0 0
Local Finance Management Scholarships Scholarship program to provide post-graduate research opportunities in finance and related sectors by investing in research projects exploring new innovations, products or problems in the finance and fintech sectors. 250 250 250 250
Longitudinal Study Funding for undertaking a Longitudinal Study over 5 years to assess the impact on former automotive workers as a result of the closure of GMH and Toyota. 250 0 0 0
Lot Fourteen/FIXE Subsidies for the Innovation, Incubation, Start Up and Growth Hub to be domiciled at Lot Fourteen site. 2,630 1,522 1,560 1,599
Maritime Skills Centre Support skills and training requirements of the Air Warfare Destroyer Project workforce. 450 392 0 0
Medical Devices Partnering Program To assist Flinders University with the continued operation of its Medical Device Partnering Program to undertake research and experimental development and other activities that support the development of innovative medical and assistive technologies with an identified clinical need, sound technical solution and viable market opportunity. 1,000 550 0 0
Metcash Distribution Centre Assistance with the establishment of a Distribution Centre in Adelaide. 1,000 0 0 0
Minerals Skills Centre Grant to RESA for the coordination for workforce development opportunities and issues in relation to the resources and engineering sectors. 217 228 234 239
Mobile Blackspot To improve and extend mobile phone coverage to regional and remote Australian locations in conjunction with the Commonwealth Mobile Black Spot initiative. 956 0 0 0
Music Development Office Facilitates the development of the South Australia's music industry by supporting both creative and business development. Includes $850,000 per annum from the Community Development Fund. 2,038 1,728 1,736 1,744
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy To support six South Australian based NCRIS facilities through the purchase of new equipment and the upgrade of existing equipment. 7,000 453 3,756 3,784
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury. 912 0 0 0
OJP: Automotive Supplier Diversification Program Support the diversification of businesses impacted by the closure of the automotive manufacturing industry in South Australia. 1,748 0 0 0
Organisational Development Contribution to the Office of the Commissioner of Public Sector Employment (OCPSE) relating to the OCPSE Leadership Academy. 30 0 0 0
Our Jobs Plan Established on the departure General Motors Holden assisting industry diversification and providing support for entrepreneurs. 158 0 0 0
Research Commercialisation and Start-up Fund To support South Australian businesses to collaborate with researchers and universities to solve industrial problems, commercialise new products and services and attract research infrastructure investment into the state, as well as to encourage the establishment and growth of start-ups. 3,427 5,207 6,025 7,913
Retrenched Workers Assist non-automotive workers exiting a company as a result of retrenchment or company closure by providing funding for career services and training. 357 0 0 0
Rip It Up Initiative DIS contribution to Whole of Government Electronic forms platform. 32 32 33 33
SA Film Corporation Operational Funding for SA Film Corporation. 4,762 4,754 4,839 4,932
SA Rapid Commercialisation Drive commercialisation of technologies that can be acquired or licensed from South Australian research institutions. 600 600 0 0
SA Young Entrepreneur Scheme To assist young South Australians aged 18-35 years to turn their business concept into a reality or focus on creating a sustainable business model for a newly established business. 120 0 0 0
Science and Research Fund Dedicated Research and Development funding to support the State's research community to compete successfully on a national and global scale. 3,648 1,925 1,150 100
Screen Production Investment This fund is used to finance local and international screen production, providing opportunities to broaden the talent base of emerging and established South Australian screen practitioners and position South Australian screen businesses with opportunities to deliver on a local, national and international scale. Includes $6.0 million contribution from the Economic Business Growth Fund. 8,500 0 0 0
Skilling South Australia Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. In the first year almost 13,000 new training commencements have been achieved. 34,696 46,418 46,321 46,189
Skills in the Workplace Skills in the Workplace provides employers with a training subsidy to help them lift the skills of their existing employees at higher qualification levels.Skilling SA now provides 35 0 0 0
Small Business Initiatives Support for small business to grow capabilities and expand operations. 230 155 175 175
Strategic Industry Development Fund Fund targeting priority sectors, specifically businesses undertaking structural change to sustainable high-value economic activities, with sustainable growth potential, capitalising on national and international opportunities for South Australian products and services, developing global connections and alliances, and investing in new technologies and innovations. 256 0 0 0
TAFE SA Capital Support provided to the TAFE SA Capital program. 4,975 11,456 13,047 13,375
Tauondi Paid to Tauondi, a Registered Training Organisation 1,050 2,614 0 0
TechInSA Contribute to the development of South Australia's high-tech industry. 3,103 877 1,026 0
Thebarton Theatre To support an upgrade to the air-conditioning units for the auditorium, dressing rooms and foyer at the Thebarton Theatre. 500 0 0 0
Trainee & Apprenticeship Support Program aimed to support trainees, apprentice and/or employers to maintain or increase participation and provide support for the training sector. 3,911 2,719 2,789 2,858
Training Fund & other VET Support Subsidies for TAFE and non-government training providers for the provision of VET and associated services. Includes $969,000 per annum from the Department for Education. 289,323 219,081 211,123 217,661
UNISA Future Industries Institute The Future Industries Institute builds on the research capabilities in Information Technology, Engineering and the Environment. 3,000 0 0 0
US Ignite Foster development of next generation applications that provide transformative public benefit using new technologies like software-defined networks. 60 0 0 0
Other – Low value Grants Various 285 72 69 69

The following table provides the allocation of grant program/funds for 2018-19 and across the forward estimates for the Department for Innovation and Skills—Administered:

Grant program/fund name Purpose of grant program/fund 2018-19 Estimated result $000 2019-20 Budget $000 2020-21 Estimate $000 2021-22 Estimate $000
Student Transport Concessions Program to support Student Transport Concessions. Payable to DPTI. 15,984 14,472 14,834 15,206

The following table details the new commitment of grants in 2018-19 for the Department for Innovation and Skills – Controlled:

Grant program/fund name Beneficiary/Recipient Purpose Value$
Adelaide Film Festival Adelaide Film Festival Operational Funding for Adelaide Film Festival. 3,197,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Aberfoyle Community Centre Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 60,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Alexandrina Connect Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Anglican Community Care Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 121,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Baptist Care (SA) Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 63,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Beach Road Artworks Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 85,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Catherine House Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 55,500
Adult Community Education (ACE) Catholic Church Endowment Society Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 80,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Centre for Equality Ltd Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 38,970
Adult Community Education (ACE) Christie Downs Community House Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 49,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) City of Port Adelaide Enfield Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) City of Salisbury Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 80,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Corporation of the City of Marion Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 160,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Eastwood Community Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 20,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Elizabeth Community Connections Project Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 49,656
Adult Community Education (ACE) Employment Options Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Encounter Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Eyre Futures Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 88,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Hackham West Community Centre Inc. Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Kornar Winmil Yunti Aboriginal Corporation Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 33,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Limestone Coast Work Options Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 10,560
Adult Community Education (ACE) Lutheran Community Care Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) MarionLIFE Community Services Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Mid Murray Support Service Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 28,704
Adult Community Education (ACE) Midway Road Community House Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Milang and District Community Association Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Morella Community Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 160,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Mount Barker Family House Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Murray Bridge Community Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 58,790
Adult Community Education (ACE) Northern Area Community and Youth Services Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 29,893
Adult Community Education (ACE) Overseas Chinese Association of SA Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Paralowie R-12 Community Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Parks Children's Centre Community Development Group Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 17,900
Adult Community Education (ACE) Plaza Youth Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 33,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Pooraka Farm Community Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 183,893
Adult Community Education (ACE) Reynella Neighbourhood Centre Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 39,470
Adult Community Education (ACE) Riverland Division of General Practice Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 49,500
Adult Community Education (ACE) Southern Yorke Peninsula Community Telecentre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 18,040
Adult Community Education (ACE) Strath Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 12,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) The Hut Community Centre Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 100,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) The Junction Community Centre Inc Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) UnitingSA (formerly UnitingCare Wesley) Port Adelaide Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 79,276
Adult Community Education (ACE) Vietnamese Community in Australia / South Australia Chapter Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 30,000
Adult Community Education (ACE) Woodcroft Morphett Value Neighbourhood Centre Incorporated Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 29,930
Adult Community Education (ACE) Zahra Foundation Australia Grants paid to ACE providers to deliver foundation skills training (literacy, numeracy, digital literacy and employability skills) in accessible community settings. 60,000
Commercialisation & Entrepreneurship University of South Australia Support the University of South Australia to establish exhibitions and program resources for the operation of SciCEd, develop science, design and innovation program content for young people and adults. 150,000
Disability Sector Flinders University Grant for activities to support individuals and businesses to build their capability and capacity to meet the demand for services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). 56,000
DOME DOME Association Inc Paid to DOME (Don't Overlook Mature Experience) to deliver training and employment activities to support mature aged jobseekers. 400,000
JamFactory JamFactory Operational Funding for JamFactory. 3,159,000
Longitudinal Study University of South Australia Funding for undertaking a Longitudinal Study over 5 years to assess the impact on former automotive workers as a result of the closure of GMH and Toyota. 1,000,000
Lot Fourteen/FIXE Stone and Chalk Limited Subsidies for the Innovation, Incubation, Start Up and Growth Hub to be domiciled at Lot Fourteen site. 7,900,000
Medical Devices Partnering Program Flinders University To assist Flinders University with the continued operation of its Medical Device Partnering Program to undertake research and experimental development and other activities that support the development of innovative medical and assistive technologies with an identified clinical need, sound technical solution and viable market opportunity. 1,550,000
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Flinders University To support six South Australian based NCRIS facilities through the purchase of new equipment and the upgrade of existing equipment. 2,102,649
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy MIMP Computer Cable Pty Ltd To support six South Australian based NCRIS facilities through the purchase of new equipment and the upgrade of existing equipment. 1,000,000
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Limited To support six South Australian based NCRIS facilities through the purchase of new equipment and theupgrade of existing equipment. 2,982,369
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy The University of Adelaide To support six South Australian based NCRIS facilities through the purchase of new equipment and theupgrade of existing equipment. 6,771,000
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy University of South Australia To support six South Australian based NCRIS facilities through the purchase of new equipment and theupgrade of existing equipment. 3,657,107
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Active Fencing and Retaining Pty Ltd Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 75,000
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Adelaide Hydro Fresh Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 25,000
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund All Car & Truck Pty Ltd Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 10,000
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Bryce Sturman Podiatry Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 66,000
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Monastery Coffee Pty Ltd Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 90,000
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Prestige Joinery and Projects Pty Ltd Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 100,000
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund ProActiv People Solutions Pty Ltd Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 97,350
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Ray White Salisbury Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 28,296
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund RMG Industrial Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 14,000
Northern Economic Plan: Small Business Development Fund Santona Produce Support business expansion in the City of Playford, Port Adelaide-Enfield and Salisbury with a focus on the creation of jobs. 100,000
SA Film Corporation South Australian Film Corporation Operational Funding for SA Film Corporation. 14,355,000
Science and Research Fund Department for Energy and Mining Dedicated Research and Development funding to support the State's research community to compete successfully on a national and global scale. 450,000
Science and Research Fund Primary Industries and Regions South Australia Dedicated Research and Development funding to support the State's research community to compete successfully on a national and global scale. 300,000
Skilling South Australia Adelaide Training and Employment Centre Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 168,351
Skilling South Australia Australian Council for Educational Research Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 107,930
Skilling South Australia Australian Industry Group Training Services Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 362,500
Skilling South Australia Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 169,850
Skilling South Australia Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (SA Branch) Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 61,400
Skilling South Australia Benairn Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 116,850
Skilling South Australia Career Employment Group INC Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 695,550
Skilling South Australia Child Care Services Training Australia Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 16,000
Skilling South Australia Civil Contractors Federation (SA Branch) Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 165,000
Skilling South Australia Defence Teaming Centre Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 87,500
Skilling South Australia Employment Options Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 135,400
Skilling South Australia Furnishing Industry Association of Australia Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 68,400
Skilling South Australia GP Links Wide Bay Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 464,000
Skilling South Australia Heather Langton Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 18,750
Skilling South Australia Hessel Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 221,470
Skilling South Australia Hospitality Industry Training Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 105,000
Skilling South Australia Lai Industries Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 87,500
Skilling South Australia Logging Investigation & Training Association Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 21,000
Skilling South Australia Master Builders Association SA Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 78,450
Skilling South Australia Maxima Training Group Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 255,400
Skilling South Australia McMahon Services Australia Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 87,888
Skilling South Australia MEGT (Australia) Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 196,400
Skilling South Australia MRWED Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 72,000
Skilling South Australia My Budget Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 22,000
Skilling South Australia Mynd Shyft Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 5,015
Skilling South Australia National Disability Services Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 343,000
Skilling South Australia Outside Ideas (SA) Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 80,000
Skilling South Australia Plumbing, Electrical, Electronic, Refrigeration, Vocational Education & Training Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 357,000
Skilling South Australia PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting (Australia) Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 1,098,200
Skilling South Australia Regional Development Australia Barossa Gawler Light Adelaide Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 57,550
Skilling South Australia Regional Development Australia Whyalla & Eyre Peninsula Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 274,020
Skilling South Australia Restaurant & Catering Industry Association of Australia Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 84,000
Skilling South Australia Resthaven Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 124,800
Skilling South Australia SANFL Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 85,000
Skilling South Australia SkyCity Adelaide Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 47,200
Skilling South Australia The Academy of Interactive Entertainment Limited Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 38,000
Skilling South Australia The Fourth Force Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 1,182,940
Skilling South Australia The Landscape Association of South Australia Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 126,000
Skilling South Australia The MTA Group Training Scheme Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 792,200
Skilling South Australia The Quality Training and Hospitality College Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 186,900
Skilling South Australia Traineeship and Apprenticeship Placement Services Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 196,000
Skilling South Australia Transport Training Solutions Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 254,248
Skilling South Australia VET Development Centre Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 30,900
Skilling South Australia Workskill Australia Inc. Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 79,750
Skilling South Australia YourLife Health & Learning Inc Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 350,000
Skilling South Australia Zancott Recruitment Pty Ltd Fund to support a range of initiatives to create an additional 20,800 apprenticeships and traineeships in South Australia through subsidised training and support services. 176,900
Tauondi Tauondi Aboriginal Corporation Paid to Tauondi, a Registered Training Organisation funded to assist Aboriginal people with skill development, job preparation and brokerage into jobs. 2,500,000
Training Fund subsidies Various non-TAFE training providers Subsidies for TAFE and non-government training providers for the provision of VET and associated services. 37,844,000