House of Assembly: Thursday, October 31, 2019



Surrogacy Bill

Final Stages

The Legislative Council agreed to the bill with the amendments indicated by the following schedule, to which amendments the Legislative Council desires the concurrence of the House of Assembly:

No. 1. Schedule 1, page 19, after line 34—Insert:

3A—Amendment of section 15—Donor conception register

(1) Section 15(1)—delete 'The Minister may' and substitute 'The Minister must'

(2) Section 15(2)—delete 'If the Minister does keep the donor conception register, the register' and substitute 'The donor conception register'

(3) Section 15(8)—delete subsection (8) and substitute:

(8) This section applies in relation to assisted reproductive treatment whether provided before or after the commencement of this section.

Consideration in committee.

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: I will briefly indicate that we accept the amendment on behalf of the government. Although the model is yet to be identified as to the operation of the register, that will be a matter that will be attended to by the nominated minister who is, of course, the Minister for Health. Accordingly, I move:

That the Legislative Council's amendment be agreed to.

The Hon. A. KOUTSANTONIS: What is the implication of the amendments?

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: The amendments are to make it mandatory so that instead of 'The Minister may' it becomes 'The Minister must', as moved by the Hon. Connie Bonaros and, secondly, to substitute a description of the donor conception register after deleting the words 'If the Minister does keep the donor conception register'. That is generally to make it consistent. The third is to delete subsection (8) and substitute:

(8) This section applies in relation to assisted reproductive treatment whether provided before or after the commencement of this section.

It introduces the obligation of the minister to establish and maintain a donor conception register; and for the member's benefit we are accepting that whilst we are indicating that we are still yet to determine the model.

The CHAIR: The member for West Torrens has asked a question on the amendment and the Attorney has answered. Is there any further discussion on that? If not, I will put the question that the motion be agreed to.

Motion carried.