House of Assembly: Thursday, October 31, 2019


Port Pirie Fish Deaths

Dr CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (14:54): My question is again to the Minister for Primary Industries. Why did the minister not inform the Minister for Environment and Water that there were reported fish deaths next to an industrial site?

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE (Chaffey—Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development) (14:54): I thank the shadow minister for her question. The EPA were leading the investigation and—

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order! Members on my left and right, please; I'm trying to listen to this answer.

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE: —where fisheries were involved, we inquired about the fish deaths. There were two fish deaths: two trumpeters. They were sent to Brisbane for analysis. There was no heavy metal contamination with the fish—

Members interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. T.J. WHETSTONE: —which didn't relate to the deaths of the fish, by the sulphuric acid spill.