House of Assembly: Thursday, August 01, 2019


Foster and Kinship Carer Assessments

892 Ms STINSON (Badcoe) (2 July 2019). Have employees of the Department for Child Protection, who have a current screening due to expire within the next six months, been advised that they need to apply for a new clearance?

The Hon. R. SANDERSON (Adelaide—Minister for Child Protection): I have been advised:

An all-staff communique was sent via email across DCP on 3 June 2019. This communique advised staff of the upcoming changes to the screening process and how these affect employees, carer agencies and carers. Further information is available on the DCP internet and intranet sites.

For all DCP employees, DCP Human Resources monitors clearance expiry dates. Up to six months prior to the expiry of a current clearance, Human Resources initiates a renewal application of an affected staff member. Upon initiating a renewal, the employee receives a notification email, which prompts them to complete the application and submit it to the Department of Human Services.