House of Assembly: Thursday, August 01, 2019



Education and Children's Services Bill


The Hon. J.A.W. GARDNER (Morialta—Minister for Education) (11:01): I have to report that the managers for the two houses conferred together and it was agreed that we should recommend to our respective houses:

No. 4. That the House of Assembly no longer insist on its disagreement to the amendment and that the Legislative Council makes the following consequential amendments:

Clause 54, page 40, lines 28 to 30 [clause 54(2)(d)]—

Delete paragraph (d)

Clause 54, page 40, after line 33 [clause 54]—


(2a) If, after making a request by notice in writing, the Minister does not receive a nomination under subsection (2)(da) within the time specified in the notice (which must not be less than 14 days) the Minister may, in lieu of such a nominee, appoint a person who is a member of staff of a school to which the review relates in accordance with the regulations.

And that the House of Assembly agrees thereto.

No. 5. That the Legislative Council no longer insist on its amendment but makes the following amendment in lieu thereof:

Clause 82, page 56 line 32 to page 57 line 2 [clause 82(3) and (4)]—

Delete subclauses (3) and (4) and substitute:

(3) The regulations may—

(a) make provision for procedures and requirements relating to obtaining the consent of persons who are responsible for students at the school for the student's participation in religious or cultural activities; and

(b) make provision in relation to the exemption of students from participation in religious or cultural activities.

(4) A student who does not participate in a religious or cultural activity under this section—

(a) cannot be made to suffer any detriment for not participating in the activity; and

(b) must be offered an alternative activity related to the curriculum determined by the Chief Executive during the period in which the activity is conducted.

And that the House of Assembly agrees thereto.

No. 7. That the Legislative Council no longer insist on its amendment but makes the following amendment in lieu thereof:

Clause 106, page 68, lines 27 to 34 [clause 106(2)]—

Delete subclause (2) and substitute:

(2) The Chief Executive must call for applications in relation to a position in the teaching service classified at a promotional level in a manner specified by the regulations, and applications for the position are to be submitted in accordance with the regulations to either—

(a) the Chief Executive; or

(b) a committee established by the Chief executive and consisting of members appointed by the Chief Executive, at least 1 of whom must, subject to subsection (2a), be a nominee of the Australian Education Union (SA Branch).

(2a) If the Chief Executive does not receive a nomination under subsection (2)(b) within 14 days after calling for applications in relation to the position, the Chief Executive may appoint, in lieu of a nominee, an officer of the teaching service elected or nominated by other officers of the teaching service to represent them on such committees in accordance with the regulations.

And that the House of Assembly agrees thereto.