House of Assembly: Thursday, August 01, 2019


O.G. Road Intersection

Ms LUETHEN (King) (14:50): My question is to the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government. Can the minister update the house on the Marshall Liberal government's commitment to upgrade the intersection of O.G. Road and Turner Street in the north-east?

The Hon. S.K. KNOLL (Schubert—Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Local Government, Minister for Planning) (14:50): I would like to thank the member for King for this question and for her keen interest in this topic. I wouldn't want to suggest at all that she was seeking to curry favour with the Premier whose electorate this election commitment sits in, but we can all enjoy very soon the benefits of this election commitment.

I have talked a lot in this house about making large investments to improve our road network right across South Australia and the billions of dollars that we are investing to make sure that our city remains the beautiful, liveable place that it is. More than that, I think we need to look to some of the smaller investments that we are making that will have very big impacts in discrete communities within Adelaide; and here we are, with another one of the Marshall Liberal government's election commitments being delivered.

On Monday, works commenced to upgrade the O.G. Road and Turner Street intersection, Mr Speaker, a project that I think you would be well familiar with. The $2.7 million upgrade will include the installation of traffic signals at the existing junction of O.G. and Turner, the extension of the left-turn lane onto Turner Street, an extension of the right-turn lane onto O.G. Road, modifications to the south-west corner of a traffic island, the relocation of an existing pedestrian walk-through on O.G. Road and the relocation of a number of bus stops.

These smaller commitments that were made by the Marshall Liberal government were all about fixing discrete issues that we know exist within our community. Certainly, for those residents who live in and around O.G. Road who are seeing increased levels of congestion and who want to make sure that there are equal opportunities to be able to get around, this $2.7 million is going to deliver so many benefits for them.

This project is due to be completed in early November, weather permitting, and we will see works occur both during the day and also overnight. For those road users, they will know that this road will remain open with speed restrictions in place, but there will still be ongoing access to these roads.

This is just another example of the government delivering on the commitments that it took to the people of South Australia, another example of this government's commitment to improving our road network with projects big and small, and another example of this government doing everything it can to improve safety outcomes for pedestrians, cyclists, public transport users and road users, to make sure that as many people as possible can get home safely to their families each and every night.