House of Assembly: Thursday, August 01, 2019


Foster and Kinship Carer Assessments

885 Ms STINSON (Badcoe) (2 July 2019). What actions to date have been taken by the Department for Child Protection, to ensure that adult household members and regular guests of a carer household comply with the new working with children checks that are due to come into force on 1 July 2019?

Hon Rachel Sanderson MP:

The Hon. R. SANDERSON (Adelaide—Minister for Child Protection): I have been advised:

In the 2018-19 budget, $250,000 was allocated by the Department of Human Services towards an advertising campaign comprising print, radio, digital and social media.

As part of that DHS campaign, a wideranging communication strategy is underway to ensure the community is aware of the changes that have occurred and transitional arrangements.

Valid child-related screening checks issued prior to 1 July 2019 remain valid until they expire, even if this expiry date is after 1 July 2019.

Information on the changes has been regularly communicated to foster care agencies and is on the DCP website. This information includes specific sections for foster care agencies and carers, as well as a fact sheet. This material is clear on the obligations of other adults residing at or visiting the carer household.

Transition arrangements are in place for foster carers, kinship carers and specific child only carers during the implementation of the new legislation and arrangements in regard to working with children checks.

NGO services and the Kinship Care program are working with carer households, including adult household members and regular guests, to ensure they comply with the new working with children checks.