Matter of Privilege
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Parliamentary Committees
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Answers to Questions
Statutes Amendment (SACAT) Bill
Committee Stage
In committee.
(Continued from 18 June 2019.)
Clause 161.
Ms HILDYARD: I have one last question on clause 161. Will the appointments of assessors be gazetted?
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: No.
The committee divided on the clause:
Ayes 25
Noes 18
Majority 7
AYES | ||
Basham, D.K.B. | Brock, G.G. | Chapman, V.A. |
Cowdrey, M.J. | Cregan, D. | Duluk, S. |
Ellis, F.J. | Gardner, J.A.W. | Harvey, R.M. (teller) |
Knoll, S.K. | Luethen, P. | Marshall, S.S. |
McBride, N. | Murray, S. | Patterson, S.J.R. |
Pederick, A.S. | Pisoni, D.G. | Power, C. |
Sanderson, R. | Speirs, D.J. | Tarzia, V.A. |
Teague, J.B. | van Holst Pellekaan, D.C. | Whetstone, T.J. |
Wingard, C.L. |
NOES | ||
Bettison, Z.L. | Bignell, L.W.K. | Boyer, B.I. |
Brown, M.E. (teller) | Close, S.E. | Cook, N.F. |
Gee, J.P. | Hildyard, K.A. | Hughes, E.J. |
Koutsantonis, A. | Malinauskas, P. | Michaels, A. |
Mullighan, S.C. | Odenwalder, L.K. | Picton, C.J. |
Stinson, J.M. | Szakacs, J.K. | Wortley, D. |
Clause thus passed.
Clauses 162 to 203 passed.
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: Before we move to the title, I rise to speak and indicate to the committee that I undertook yesterday to answer a question on notice asked by the member for Cheltenham in relation to clause 78 of the bill. I undertook to provide information on the number of equal opportunity matters referred by the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity to the South Australian Employment Tribunal in the last 12 months or last financial year, that is, an indication of the likely number of matters to be transferred to SACAT under this bill.
SAET's 2017-18 annual report reported that SAET received 87 equal opportunity applications in the last financial year, including 73 complaints referred by the commissioner for determination by SAET. The other 14 equal opportunity applications received in that time frame related to applications for exemptions under the Equal Opportunity Act or applications for extension of time. In the period 1 July 2018 to 18 June 2019, SAET reports receiving 47 equal opportunity applications, 45 of which were complaints referred for determination.
I understood the member also to be inquiring as to the number of equal opportunity matters that might be referred to SAET after the equal opportunity jurisdiction is transferred to SACAT on the basis that they relate to other proceedings on foot in SAET. SAET has advised that this information is not recorded in its electronic case management system; however, anecdotally, SAET advises that the number of equal opportunity matters connected to another SAET matter in the last two years is in single figures.
Can I advise the committee that this is consistent with the information that the president, Mr Dolphin, had provided me. He indicated that it was actually not very many, so I think that is consistent with that. It was surprising at the time because I expected that there would be much significant overlap in relation to other industrial concerns. I trust that is adequate information for the committee.
The CHAIR: Thank you, Attorney, for that clarification.
Title passed.
Bill reported without amendment.
Third Reading
The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General) (15:54): I move:
That this bill be now read a third time.
Bill read a third time and passed.