House of Assembly: Thursday, November 15, 2018


Universal Ambulance Cover Scheme

Adjourned debate on motion of Ms Bedford:

That this house establish a select committee to inquire into and report on the feasibility and effectiveness of a universal ambulance cover scheme for South Australia, and in particular—

(a) the potential benefits of a universal ambulance cover scheme;

(b) the extent to which there are gaps in current coverage arrangements and the social costs thereof;

(c) the administrative and financial costs and risks associated with current arrangements;

(d) models for a universal ambulance cover scheme (including models for universal ambulance cover in other jurisdictions);

(e) the likely costs of a universal ambulance cover scheme and potential funding models, including alignment with other social insurance schemes;

(f) the legislative and governance arrangements that would be optimal for a universal ambulance cover scheme; and

(g) how a universal ambulance cover scheme could be best implemented.

(Continued from 7 June 2018.)

Mr PEDERICK (Hammond) (11:43): I move:

That the debate be postponed.

The house divided on the motion:

Ayes 22

Noes 19

Majority 3

Basham, D.K.B. Chapman, V.A. Cowdrey, M.J.
Cregan, D. Duluk, S. Ellis, F.J.
Gardner, J.A.W. Harvey, R.M. (teller) Knoll, S.K.
Luethen, P. McBride, N. Murray, S.
Patterson, S.J.R. Pederick, A.S. Power, C.
Sanderson, R. Speirs, D.J. Teague, J.B.
Treloar, P.A. van Holst Pellekaan, D.C. Whetstone, T.J.
Wingard, C.L.
Bedford, F.E. (teller) Bettison, Z.L. Bignell, L.W.K.
Boyer, B.I. Brock, G.G. Brown, M.E.
Close, S.E. Cook, N.F. Gee, J.P.
Hildyard, K.A. Hughes, E.J. Malinauskas, P.
Mullighan, S.C. Odenwalder, L.K. Piccolo, A.
Picton, C.J. Stinson, J.M. Weatherill, J.W.
Wortley, D.
Marshall, S.S. Koutsantonis, A. Pisoni, D.G.
Rau, J.R.