House of Assembly: Thursday, November 15, 2018


Legal Services Commission

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee) (14:58): My question is to the Attorney-General. Does the Attorney-General stand by her decision to cut funding to the Legal Services Commission in the recent state budget? Have services to domestic violence victims provided by the commission been quarantined from cost savings?

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General) (14:58): In relation to the second question, domestic violence services are largely delivered, including court legal services, via the Victim Support Service. They are currently being reviewed by the Commissioner for Victims' Rights as to where they might best be placed, how they might continue to be delivered and whether they are actually under a structure that is appropriate. I mention that because the Victim Support Service provides very valuable advice, particularly on what we are expecting to deal with in the Redress Scheme. The court legal services within that area are under a contract that is usually provided by social workers, not lawyers, so, yes, we do need to tidy up some of that.

In relation to the first question, the minister might be surprised to know that, although the previous government had cut out $3 million to the Legal—

The Hon. S.C. Mullighan: Which minister?

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: The former minister. The previous government cut out $3 million to the Legal Services Commission. When I met with the chair, Mr Abbott QC, and the chief executive of the Legal Services—

The Hon. S.C. Mullighan interjecting:

The SPEAKER: Order!

The Hon. V.A. CHAPMAN: —post the budget to assist them in relation to a very significant slice that had been taken out by the former government, they sought assistance to support the voluntary separation of a number of their staff. We acceded to that, to the extent that consideration was given. The Treasurer agreed that it be something to be supported, and so nearly an extra $1 million has been allocated since that time to the Legal Services Commission. We value their support, and for that reason I will be going up to the Riverland shortly to provide the reintroduction and reinstalment of regional community legal services because we understand the significance of the importance of legal services to our South Australians.