House of Assembly: Thursday, September 28, 2017



Lewis, Hon. I.P.

The Hon. J.W. WEATHERILL (Cheltenham—Premier, Minister for the Arts) (14:00): Mr Speaker, I seek your indulgence to make a statement on the death of the Hon. Peter Lewis. I rise to inform members of the sad news that a former Speaker of this house, the Hon. Peter Lewis, has passed away. I will have more to say, as I am sure will other members, when the house debates a condolence motion, but for the time being I wish to extend my sympathies on behalf of the state government to his family and friends.

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:00): On indulgence, I echo the thoughts of the Premier and look forward to the opportunity of putting something more fulsome on the record when parliament resumes. At this point, we extend our condolences to the Lewis family.