House of Assembly: Thursday, September 28, 2017


Europe Engagement Strategy

The Hon. P. CAICA (Colton) (15:03): My question is to the Minister for Investment and Trade. What are the key outcomes from the recent South Australian government-led business mission to Europe?

The Hon. M.L.J. HAMILTON-SMITH (Waite—Minister for Investment and Trade, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Defence and Space Industries, Minister for Health Industries, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (15:04): I thank the member for Colton for his question. I know there are many exporting businesses in his electorate. From 10 to 18 September 2017, the South Australian government led, on behalf of local companies, a business delegation to Germany, the UK, the Netherlands and Sweden in support of the implementation of the state government's Europe Engagement Strategy.

It is part of a program of engagement year on year. Our two-way trade with Europe is valued at $2.83 billion. I commend InDaily today for their business index of the top 100 companies, many of which are companies exporting to Europe, companies like Santos, Adelaide Brighton, OZ Minerals, Beach Energy, Mayne Pharma, Thomas Foods, Elders, Coopers Brewery and so it goes on. They are all involved in creating jobs and investment in South Australia by taking their goods and services to the world.

The main objective of the mission was to grow jobs and investment in South Australia by further developing key relationships with government, industry chambers and business associations. I remind the house that there are 72,000 South Australians who have a meal on the table every night as a consequence of selling our goods and services to the world. We aim to continue to increase that number of jobs. Twenty-five delegates joined the mission across the medical technologies, wine, education, advanced manufacturing and defence sectors on this occasion.

The business mission to Europe was supported by a number of South Australian government departments. The Department of State Development led the program for the travelling business delegation. Investment Attraction South Australia conducted an independent investment program in parallel with the business mission. Defence SA managed the state's presence at the Defence and Security Equipment International (DSEI) conference in London from 12 to 15 September 2017, promoting South Australia's defence capabilities and international collaboration opportunities with supply chain companies such as Wartsila Marine, Rolls-Royce UK and MTU Diesel.

Discussions were held with representatives of shipbuilders Damen, Fassmer and Lurssen, each of which are bidding for work on the offshore patrol vessels, and discussions continued with future frigate contenders Fincantieri, BAE and Navantia. The state government agrees with the federal government that we should be exporting more in the way of defence products. Industry associations participating in the missions were represented by Mr Nigel McBride, CEO of Business SA; Ms Margot Forster, CEO of Defence Teaming Centre; and others.

During the mission, I participated in 21 meetings and events with senior government officials, business chambers, associations and corporate leaders. This included promotion of targeted investment and future business opportunities to chambers of commerce and their members at the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (GACIC) business forum in Berlin and the annual German Australian Business Council (GABC) in Frankfurt, hosted by our ambassador.

The mission took delegates to key corporates, including SAP and Siemens in Berlin, to explore their international strategies. It was good to see the University of South Australia present. Delegates who engaged with Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands were able to explore R&D collaborations in the smart city. It is intended that the government, as part of its intention to grow international engagement, will conduct visits year on year. Next year is Euronaval and SIAL, the big defence and food expos respectively.

At the request of companies, we will continue to help them grow jobs and investment by improving their sales of goods and services around the world, with a particular focus on Europe, one of our biggest trading partners.