Parliamentary Procedure
Parliamentary Procedure
Ministerial Statement
Question Time
Parliamentary Procedure
Question Time
Grievance Debate
Limitation of Actions (Institutional Child Sexual Abuse) Amendment Bill
Second Reading
Adjourned debate on second reading.
(Continued from 29 September 2016.)
The Hon. T.R. KENYON (Newland) (10:34): I move:
That Order of the Day No. 2 be postponed.
The house divided on the motion:
Ayes 20
Noes 14
Majority 6
AYES | ||
Bedford, F.E. | Bettison, Z.L. | Brock, G.G. |
Caica, P. | Close, S.E. | Cook, N.F. |
Digance, A.F.C. | Gee, J.P. | Hamilton-Smith, M.L.J. |
Hildyard, K.A. | Hughes, E.J. | Kenyon, T.R. (teller) |
Key, S.W. | Koutsantonis, A. | Piccolo, A. |
Picton, C.J. | Rankine, J.M. | Snelling, J.J. |
Vlahos, L.A. | Wortley, D. |
NOES | ||
Chapman, V.A. | Duluk, S. | Gardner, J.A.W. |
Knoll, S.K. | Pederick, A.S. | Pengilly, M.R. |
Pisoni, D.G. | Sanderson, R. | Tarzia, V.A. |
Treloar, P.A. (teller) | van Holst Pellekaan, D.C. | Whetstone, T.J. |
Williams, M.R. | Wingard, C. |
PAIRS | ||
Bignell, L.W.K. | Speirs, D. | Mullighan, S.C. |
Goldsworthy, R.M. | Rau, J.R. | Marshall, S.S. |
Weatherill, J.W. | Griffiths, S.P. |
Motion thus carried; order of the day postponed.