House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 08, 2016



165 Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (23 September 2015). In reference to the O-Bahn City Access Project, please advise whether DPTI has considered allowing right hand turns onto Hackney Road from southern Hackney during non-peak hour times?

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Housing and Urban Development): I have been advised of the following:

Allowing right turns during the off-peak period does not sufficiently mitigate the risk of accidents occurring from these movements, as there is a large percentage that still occur during off-peak times.

A total of 54 right angle crashes have occurred along Hackney Road within the last decade with 13 of these resulting in casualties. Approximately 45 per cent of right angle crashes along Hackney Road occur during peak periods (7 to 9 AM and 4 to 6 PM), and approximately 55 percent of crashes occur during the off-peak periods.

The proposed restrictions to various right turn movements, and replacement with alternative u-turn facilities to provide access to the local road network, help address the significant existing safety issues associated with these movements, and aid in reinforcing Hackney Road's functional role as part of the Inner Ring Route.