House of Assembly: Tuesday, March 08, 2016


Answers to Questions

APY Lands

94 Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (9 September 2015). For the Budget year 2014-15, what was the $6.2 million in expenditure associated with APY Lands additional services transferred from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and what additional services were provided and transferred as a result of this expenditure item?

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister for Housing and Urban Development): The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation has been advised as follows:

The increase in expenses from 2013-14 estimated result to 2014-15 budget was primarily due to transfer of APY Lands additional services from the Department of Premier and Cabinet to the Department of State Development.

In 2014-15 the services provided included:

Community services for aged, disability, young families, homemaker programs and youth program (Department for Communities and Social Inclusion $2.355 million);

The Amata Wellbeing Centre (SA Health $1.07 million);

Maintenance of swimming pools in Amata, Mimili, and Pipalyatjara (Department of Education and Child Development $0.55 million);

The Nganampa Health Environmental Health Program (SA Health $0.4 million);

Rural Transaction Centres (Department of Premier and Cabinet—Services SA $0.1 million); and

Other general services and programs on the APY Lands ($1.7 million) which includes APY financial management and controls, housing, vehicles, electricity and funding for RASAC.