House of Assembly: Thursday, February 25, 2016


Marilyn Jetty Swim

Mr SPEIRS (Bright) (15:25): Picture this, Deputy Speaker. It is Sunday 7 February and I am sitting on my paddleboard providing water cover for the Brighton Jetty Classic, South Australia's most successful open water swim hosted and organised by Brighton's Surf Lifesaving Club. After two hours of watching swimmers from a myriad of age groups complete the 400 metre loop of the jetty, the landscape suddenly changed.

On the beach, a warm glow emerged. A blonde haze began to gather at the water's edge. From my vantage point in the water, I was able to hear the Royal Australian Navy band march down Jetty Road, and now I could see who they were leading to the beach—a group of 107 Marilyn Monroes. It was an amazing sight.

The Marilyns made it to the water's edge, each with a blonde wig, brilliant white swimsuit and an Australian-themed rubber ring hugging tightly around their waist. I had spent two hours watching hundreds of rubber-capped amphibians slice through the water and now my vista was about to change—the Marilyns had arrived.

The Marilyn Swim, an initiative of Brighton local Sarah Tinney who joins us in the gallery today, raised over $53,000 in 2016, taking the accumulative total over the three swims since 2014 to $113,000. In 2014, there were 57 Marilyns, in 2015, there were 100, and in 2016, it rose to 107. The Marilyns have not only had statewide and national coverage, but their story has also been covered by international news networks. There is no doubt that the Marilyns have become a phenomenon, but the story of their genesis is as important as their present day success.

Back in 2006, Sarah Tinney's mother, Esther, living in Michigan, discovered that she had cancer. Living in Australia, Sarah felt far removed from the situation, but wanting to do something she contacted South Australia's Cancer Council and ended up running a Biggest Morning Tea event to honour her mum's battle. This was the beginning of an incredibly fruitful relationship.

Not long after this, Sarah's mum passed away, but not before Sarah told her mum she was going to help cure cancer, channelling her grief into action. Several years later, following a discussion with Brighton surf club's stalwart, Robyn Parsons, Sarah decided to participate in the Brighton Jetty Classic dressed as Marilyn Monroe. Upon reflection, she thought, 'Why one Marilyn? Why not multiple Marilyns?' And so it began. Sarah invited every woman she knew to become a Marilyn, cajoling them into fundraising action.

In 2016, she was even joined by her daughters, mini-Marilyns, Ingrid aged 10 and Isla aged 4. Outside of the swimming Marilyns, there are around 60 other volunteers involved. They are led by Sarah and her next door neighbour, Sarah Ventress, along with Sally Day, Fiona Blinco, Shelly Woodward and Katharina Howard. All of these women live in the local area and bring their own special skills and experience to the committee.

Back to the swim on 7 February. I am sitting out on my paddleboard and the Marilyns begin their 400-metre jetty jaunt. This is a swim, but I am not sure if any of those Marilyns were swimming. They were floating, splashing, kicking, bouncing, bobbing metre by metre towards me, a living wave of blonde wigs and white bathers, one of the most bizarre, hilarious and fantastic sights that I have seen. I do not know the collective noun for Marilyn Monroes, perhaps it is a peroxide of Marilyns, a vibrancy of Marilyns, a laughter of Marilyns or a spectacular of Marilyns. Whatever it was, there it was in all its glory three weeks ago.

Out in front was my good friend and Marino resident, Cheryl Gardiner, who, travelling regally and swanlike through the water at a considerably faster pace than the others, made it first across the finish line, saying that it was the first time she has been early to anything in her life. To conclude, I am about to do something that I never thought I would do in my parliamentary career—I am going to quote Marilyn Monroe: 'Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.'

I can confidently say that the sight of a hundred Marilyns laughing, paddling, splashing, giggling, and thrashing around Brighton Jetty was splendid and ridiculous, and as far from boring as you could get. To Sarah Tinney, Sarah Ventress and their merry band of Marilyns, congratulations on your fantastic efforts, and thank you for bringing fun, colour and vibrancy to our great coastal community. As you often quote, 'Be bold, be fabulous, be a Marilyn.'

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: Before I call the next speaker, I can understand why you did not mention the winners of the swim when all of this was before you, but I understand Craig Caldicott was the club champion that day.

Mr Speirs: In one of the age groups.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: I know; that is a grievance for another day. Member for Giles.