House of Assembly: Thursday, February 25, 2016


Hospital Management Investigation

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:17): Is the minister aware that there were over 300 separate complaints categorised as 'privacy issues' in the 2014-15 year?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (14:17): Given that we see 8,000 patients who have an interaction with our health system every single day of the week, that doesn't particularly surprise me. Those 300 complaints, if that is correct, would not necessarily—in fact, wouldn't—relate to access to medical records. They could be anything.

Mr Marshall: Well, they are categorised as privacy.

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: There is more to patient privacy than medical records.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: Well, the addresses of patients, the phone numbers of patients, the presence of a particular patient in a hospital. These are all things—they are not medical records; they don't go into—they are not access to medical records.

Mr Marshall interjecting:

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING: I mean, the Leader of the Opposition gives us fake laughter but it is a simple fact that the Leader of the Opposition doesn't like the answer that those privacy breaches could be any number of things and don't mean that there have been that many occasions of access to medical records.