House of Assembly: Thursday, February 25, 2016


Child Protection

Ms SANDERSON (Adelaide) (14:46): Further supplementary: has the minister written to the chair of the Family Law Council to note the recommendation and put it on the agenda there also?

The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Child Protection Reform, Minister for the Public Sector, Minister for Consumer and Business Services, Minister for the City of Adelaide) (14:47): I really do not have any recollection of writing to the Family Law Council about this matter, and I am not sure how they would be able to assist me. I will consider that matter, but I have no recollection of writing to them. I am not quite sure how they could help me, other than to provide some sort of commentary. I usually get letters from people like the Law Society without me having to ask for them, so I would expect that if they had a view I possibly might have heard it.