House of Assembly: Thursday, February 25, 2016


Families SA Staffing

Ms SANDERSON (Adelaide) (14:49): Supplementary: how many people have been employed since the recruitment campaign announced in March 2015, following the Chloe Valentine Coroner's recommendations, and what is the time frame expected for the extra 120?

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for Higher Education and Skills) (14:50): I don't have the figures from the deadline you have suggested, the baseline being around the time of the inquest report on poor Chloe Valentine, so I will have to take that on notice. Equally, it's not possible for me to say when we will complete these 120 on the basis that the 120 (roughly 120) will vary given that we are both filling positions and losing staff, as in any organisation. So, I can't give you a time for 120 absolute numbers, but we are aiming to fill those positions and get as close to our FTE cap as is humanly possible, and that involves continuous recruitment, given the challenge with attrition.