House of Assembly: Thursday, December 03, 2015


Answers to Questions

State Government Concessions

64 Dr McFETRIDGE (Morphett) (9 September 2015).

1. For the financial year 2014-15, how many people were in receipt of state concessions for each of the following—

(a) Personal Alert Systems Rebate Scheme;

(b) Spectacles Scheme;

(c) Funeral Assistance Program;

(d) Companion Card Program;

(e) Emergency Financial Assistance Program;

(f) Low Income Support Program;

(g) Utilities Literacy Program; and

(h) Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme?

The Hon. Z.L. BETTISON (Ramsay—Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Social Housing, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Youth, Minister for Volunteers): I have been advised that:

1. For the financial year 2014-15, state concession recipient numbers/program participants were as follows:

Program Number of recipients/participants
(a) Personal Alert Systems Rebate Scheme 2,205
(b) Spectacles Scheme 22,900
(c) Funeral Assistance Program 214
(d) Companion Card Program 6,226
(e) Emergency Financial Assistance Program 6,000
(f) Low Income Support Program 1,400
(g) Utilities Literacy Program 5,463
(h) Emergency Electricity Payment Scheme 914

The Emergency Financial Assistance Program, Low Income Support Program and Utilities Literacy Program are not concessions. The above information relates to the number of people that have received support through these services.'