House of Assembly: Thursday, December 03, 2015


Government Radio Network

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:14): Can the minister advise—

The Hon. A. Koutsantonis interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The Treasurer is called to order.

Mr MARSHALL: Can the minister advise whether the estimated cost of $5 million to build the five additional towers is built into the scheduled $175 million upgrade?

The Hon. A. PICCOLO (Light—Minister for Disabilities, Minister for Police, Minister for Correctional Services, Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Road Safety) (14:14): Sorry, can I have that question again, Mr Speaker.

Mr MARSHALL: Can the minister advise whether the estimated cost of $5 million to upgrade the five towers in the Gilbert Valley has been built into the total budget of $175 million for the upgrade of the South Australian government radio network?

The Hon. A. PICCOLO: My understanding is that that network is part of a separate project with the commonwealth. What I do understand is that the network, as mentioned, will cover it but, in terms of specific locations, I will have to get that advice for you.

The SPEAKER: Supplementary.