House of Assembly: Thursday, December 03, 2015


Keogh Case

Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:08): Supplementary: having made those inquiries, will the Attorney-General indicate to the house why that report was not produced and, further, why the recommendation that the haemosporidian tests be conducted were not carried out?

The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Child Protection Reform) (15:09): Well, I am grateful for that question. I am waiting for the answer, actually. I did ask the question. What I have done is to take the last question that was asked about this and make it clear that I wanted to have, to the extent I could have, an answer to that. I am not entirely sure that the deputy leader might not have added an extra little element in that question she has just asked then that was not included earlier. And, if that is the case, I will ask that too, but I am still waiting.