House of Assembly: Tuesday, December 01, 2015


Chemotherapy Treatment Error

Ms CHAPMAN (Bragg—Deputy Leader of the Opposition) (15:09): My question is to the Minister for Health. Given that cancer patient Andrew Knox described this morning's statement by the minister as 'megaphone diplomacy which does nothing for the patients', what steps will the minister take to ensure Mr Knox and other patients affected by the chemotherapy error receive proactive assistance from him, his office or his department to get the health care they need?

The Hon. J.J. SNELLING (Playford—Minister for Health, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Health Industries) (15:10): My understanding is Mr Knox was contacted yesterday by a person from Southern Adelaide Local Health Network and spoken to about whatever assistance or needs he has. I think everyone affected has now been contacted and, of course, they were all contacted as part of the review undertaken by Professor Marshall; and all of those who wanted to be involved in that review were spoken to by Professor Marshall and given an opportunity to do that.

As I say, I stand ready to assist in any way. I have made very clear that we stand ready to reimburse any out-of-pocket expenses of any of the people who have been the, I guess, victims of this bungle. That includes Mr Knox, of course, and the same goes for all those others who have been affected by this.

I have offered a heartfelt apology for what has happened. It shouldn't have happened. I am particularly angry that, having made a mistake, the policies that were in place when a mistake is made in Health weren't adhered to by the clinicians. We now have a process whereby the Chief Executive of the Central Adelaide LHN will make a determination about whether to refer those clinicians to AHPRA and, of course, we will undertake our own disciplinary process.

I need to be careful because I don't want to prejudice those deliberations by the Chief Executive of the Central Adelaide Local Health Network, but I have made it very clear that I want her to make those deliberations in a quick way. As I say, I stand ready to do anything I possibly can to assist these unfortunate people, and officials in the department have been in contact with them to convey that offer personally.