House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-12-02 Daily Xml


South Road Upgrades

The Hon. S.W. KEY (Ashford) (14:36): My question is directed to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure. Can the minister update the house on recent works associated with the Torrens to Torrens project?

The Hon. S.C. MULLIGHAN (Lee—Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, Minister Assisting the Minister for Planning, Minister Assisting the Minister for Housing and Urban Development) (14:37): I thank the member for her question and for her interest in this project. As members who may have recently driven down South Road or Port Road would be aware, works on the Torrens to Torrens project are well underway. As I have previously reported to the house, this is a project championed by this government, including in the lead-up to the last state election, and for good reason. The $896 million Torrens to Torrens project will have significant benefits for the freight industry and for all traffic moving on this part of the north-south corridor on South Road. Of course, it has a very strong positive cost-benefit ratio of approximately 2.5.

However, as with any major project, particularly with works associated with existing roadways, the government recognises that this project will cause some inconvenience to motorists at times. While it is a condition of the contract for the project consortium that capacity during peak hours is maintained throughout the works, we know that there will inevitably be inconvenience. At times there will be lane and speed restrictions in the project area.

To provide real-time information to motorists about traffic conditions and travel times, I am pleased to advise the house that six new variable messaging signs have been installed—and indeed turned on today—in the western and north-western suburbs. The signs are located at Grange Road at Flinders Park, Park Terrace at Brompton, Port Road at Woodville Park, Torrens Road at Kilkenny, Port Road at Thebarton and South Road at Richmond. Using the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure state-of-the-art Bluetooth technology, these signs have the ability to display travel times to the city by alternative routes. We are also installing variable speed signs on Port Road near the Entertainment Centre to improve safety for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers in the vicinity, giving a capacity for speed limits to be adjusted in response to prevailing traffic conditions.

As part of the $896 million project, the government is also operating roads to provide alternatives to motorists during these major works. These include the duplication of James Congdon Drive and upgrades to Richmond Road, as well as the widening of Park Terrace and Fitzroy Terrace. I am advised by DPTI that these works are expected to finish by the end of this year.

I am also pleased to advise the house that works have now commenced on a new $1.7 million pedestrian/cycling bridge across the River Torrens in West Hindmarsh, connecting the electorates of both the member for Croydon and the member for Hindmarsh. This is an important project as it will provide connectivity during the Torrens to Torrens construction process and will leave a great piece of infrastructure for the local communities on both sides of the river. They will benefit from better connections between Linear Park and other cycleways in the area and encourage more people to take up these recreational activities of walking and cycling.

The bridge will also provide better access to community facilities, such as Thebarton Senior College, Thebarton Community Centre, St Joseph's School and local shopping precincts and, hopefully, will encourage more people to leave the car at home. I am advised that lighting will be installed on the bridge and along existing paths, improving safety and security at night. I was particularly pleased to see that South Australian company SMB Civil won the contract to build the bridge and I am advised that works will be completed in 2016. I look forward to continuing to update the house in the new year as the Torrens to Torrens project progresses.

The SPEAKER: The Speaker notes that this project has always been opposed by the Greens political party and would remain in its current unfinished state indefinitely were they in executive government. The leader.