House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-05-12 Daily Xml


Public Sector Employment

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:20): My question is to the Minister for the Public Sector. Can the minister guarantee that there are no other instances of government agencies spying on their employees without due process?

The Hon. J.R. RAU (Enfield—Deputy Premier, Attorney-General, Minister for Justice Reform, Minister for Planning, Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Child Protection Reform) (14:20): The reason I rise is those last words 'without due process'. The point I am trying to make to the parliament, the point that seems to be lost on the Leader of the Opposition, is we have been trying for years to put into place what is due process, to make the law provide for due process, and we have been thwarted over and over again.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The SPEAKER: The deputy leader is warned for the first time.