House of Assembly - Fifty-Third Parliament, Second Session (53-2)
2015-06-04 Daily Xml


Vocational Education and Training

Mr MARSHALL (Dunstan—Leader of the Opposition) (14:15): Given the answers that the minister has already provided to the house, does she stand by the Premier's statement made in the house on Tuesday of this week, and I quote:

We are still supporting in a subsidised fashion the conclusion of the training processes for those people who have begun their courses, which we think is a generous offer.

The Hon. S.E. CLOSE (Port Adelaide—Minister for Education and Child Development, Minister for the Public Sector) (14:15): As I said, if students are undertaking a course this year, then there will be absolutely no change. WorkReady comes in on 1 July, but that is not relevant for the students who are studying this year; they get to complete their study this year. You have then subsequently asked about students who complete their certificate II but wish to go on to a certificate III. I am keeping an eye on where there might be a situation of a student who wishes, having undertaken certificate II in a course that is not on the free list, to go on to certificate III, and I am keeping an eye on that.

Ms Chapman interjecting:

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The deputy leader is called to order. Member for Elder.