ATKINSON, Michael John
- Appropriation Bill
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Inquiry
Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Cannabis Offences) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Possession of Prescribed Equipment) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) (Prescribed Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Abolition of Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-22
- 2008-06-19
Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- 2008-02-12
- Drugs, Penalties
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Justice System
- Kingston, Charles Cameron, Exhumation
Legal Profession Bill
- Member's Remarks
- Paedophile Register
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- 2008-02-13
- 2008-02-26
Standing Orders Suspension
- Statute Law Revision Bill
Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- 2008-02-27
- Statutes Amendment (Proceeds of Terrorism) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill
- 2008-03-06
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Statutory Officers Committee
Summary Offences (Drug Paraphernalia) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Torrens Title
- Youth Justice Reforms
- Aboriginal Interpreters
- Aboriginal Power Cup
- APY Lands Inquiry
Attorney-General's Operating Account
- Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards
- Children in
- Children in State Care Inquiry
- Computer Games Classification
- Courts Upgrade
- Crime Prevention Fund
- Crime Prevention Unit
- Crime Statistics
- DNA Technology
- Dundovic, Mr D.V.
- Easling, Mr T.
- Emergency Services Workers
- Firearms Act
Forensic Pathologists
- Forensic Science Program
- High Court Vacancies
- Hoon Driving Laws
- Human Remains
Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Jurors Payments
Legal Aid Funding
- Legal Fees
- Magarey Farlam
- Migration, Baltic States
- Mobilong Prison
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Organised Crime
Penalty Management Services
- Polish Hill River Church Museum Gift
- Port Augusta Gangs
- Public Trustee Office
- Standing Committee of Attorneys-General
- Victims of Crime Fund
- Vining, Dr R.
BEDFORD, Frances Ellen
- Adelaide Botanic Garden
- Appropriation Bill
- Beersheba Charge
- Calisthenics
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Dowie, Mr J.
- Five Star Print
- International Women's Day
- Lehman, Ms M.
- Maternity Hospitals
- Mother's Day
- Stolen Generations
- Trade Union Movement
- Vibe Alive
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- Waterfront Dispute
- Watkins, Mr J.
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Education
- Advertising, False Billing
- Alternative Learning Options Program
- Disability, Recreational and Physical Activity
- Emissions Trading Scheme
- Housing Affordability
- Indigenous Education
- National Youth Week
- Reconciliation, Youth
- Skills Strategy
- United Nations Development Fund for Women
- WorkChoices
BIGNELL, Leon William Kennedy
- Aldinga Aero Club
Appropriation Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Interest Rates
- McLaren Vale Wine Region
- Mitsubishi Motors
Road Safety
- Schools, Physical Fitness
- Science and Research Development
- Shared Services
- Solid Waste Levy
- South Adelaide Football Club
- Supply Bill 2008
- Teachers, Industrial Action
- Tour Down Under
- Valedictories
- Willunga Bushfire
- Willunga Primary School
- Wine Industry
- Active8 Premier's Youth Challenge
- Aldinga GP Plus Health Care Centre
- Climate Change
- Defence and Advanced Manufacturing Industries
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Public Transport
- Recreation and Sport Funding
- Rental Accommodation, Regional South Australia
- School Maintenance
- Security Exercise
Tour Down Under
- Tourism
- Tourism Events
BREUER OAM, Lynette Ruth
- Alcohol Consumption
- Andamooka Primary School
- BreastScreen SA
- Cooper, Ms N.
- Country Health Care Plan
- Country Regions, Professionals
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Federal Election
- Giles Electorate
- Health Care Bill
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Lowly Peninsula
- Marine Parks Bill
- Mcseveney, Elaine
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos, Regulations
Shared Services
- Stolen Generations
- Taxis, Country
- Whyalla Area
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Pierson, Margaret
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
Training and Skills Development Bill
- 2008-05-07
- 2008-05-08
- Abilities for All Program
- Active8 Premier's Youth Challenge
- Adult Community Education
- Alternative Learning Options Program
- Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
- Broadband Rollout
Broadband Services
- CareerStart SA
- Defence and Advanced Manufacturing Industries
- Diesel Emissions Equipment
- E-Learning Program
Education and Children's Services Department
- Further Education
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Employee Benefits
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Expenditure
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, it Upgrade
- Group Training Organisations
- Higher Education Scholarships
- Indigenous Education
- Marine Science Infrastructure
- Mental Health Training
Mining Sector Employment
- Mitsubishi Motors
- National Youth Week
- Natural Resources Management
- Oliphant Centre
- School Funding
- Science and Research Development
- Skills Strategy
South Australia Works
- South Australia Works in the Regions
TAFE Campuses
- TAFE Closures
- TAFE Graduates
- Trade Promotions
- Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services
- Utility Workers
VET Program
Youth Participation
CHAPMAN, Vickie Ann
Appropriation Bill
- 2008-07-03
- Bogus, Unregistered and Deregistered Health Practitioners
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Controlled Environmental Diseases
- Controlled Substances (Possession of Prescribed Equipment) Amendment Bill
Country Health Care Plan
- Country Health SA
- Country Health Services
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Elective Surgery
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Health
Health Care Bill
- Hospital Boards
- Hospital Chief Executives
Housing Trust Water Meters
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Infrastructure Projects
- Kangaroo Island Fires
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Modbury Hospital
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
- Noarlunga Hospital
- Notices of Motion
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Solid Waste Levy
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
- Water Resources
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Women, Appointments
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Norwood
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Adelaide City Council
- Ambulance Fees
APY Lands
- APY Lands Inquiry
- APY Lands, Housing
- Bore Water
- Bradken Foundry
- Child Adoption
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Children in
Children in State Care Inquiry
Country Health Care Plan
- Country Health Services
- Country Hospital Donations
- Doctors Dispute
- Families SA, Care Placement
- Flinders Medical Centre Casual Nurse Shifts
- Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Hammill House
Health Funding
- Health System
- HomeStart
- Hospital Chief Executives
Hospital Waiting Lists
Housing SA
- Housing SA Tenancy Agreements
Housing Trust Waiting List
- Human Remains
- Immunisation Clinic General Practice
- IMVS Report
Industrial Action
- 2008-07-03
- Legal Aid Funding
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- 2007-10-17
- 2008-07-22
- Medical Staff, Overseas Travel
- Medicare Levy
- Modbury Hospital
- Motel Accommodation
- Nurses' Duties
Office for Women
- Patient Medical Costs
Paxton Report
- Premier's Council for Women
Public Hospitals, Food Services
- Public Housing
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Radioactive Waste
- Renal Service
- Renmark Hospital
- Repatriation General Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital, Mentally Ill Patients
- SA Ambulance Call Direct Service
- SA Water
- Sentinel Events
- Sewage Overflows
- South Australian Salaried Medical Officers Association
- Tramline Extension
Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Water Security, Australia
Waterfall Gully Road
Women's and Children's Hospital
Women's and Children's Hospital, Breast Cancer
- 2008-06-03
CICCARELLO, Vincenzina
- Beulah Park Fire Station
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Constantinople
- Dental Health
- Foreign Aid Policy
- Hands on SA
- Marden Senior College
- Norwood Swimming Club
- Odeon Theatre
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Cast Metals Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Clayton Water Supply
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth Park Neighbourhood Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Flood Damage Rectification in Various National Parks
- Public Works Committee: Ifould Apartments
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Northern Expressway
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Regeneration Project—Andrews Farm
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Public Works Committee: Whyalla Pipeline Pumping Stations
- Ramos-Horta, Dr J.
- Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre
- Rotary Club of St Peters
- Sexual Discrimination
- Time for Kids
- Uniting Care Adelaide East
- WorkChoices
- Questions
CONLON, Patrick Frederick
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Deputy Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
Legal Profession Bill
- Mineral Exploration
- National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- 2008-04-30
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
- Northern Expressway
- Patawalonga Barrage Upgrade
- Planning Reform
- Political Donations
Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- 2007-11-14
Standing Orders Suspension
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- 2008-04-29
- Tram and Train Derailments
- TransAdelaide Governance
- Valedictories
- West Beach Recreation Reserve (Boating Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Whyalla Steelworks
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- AAMI Stadium
- APY Lands, Airstrips
- Barrier Highway
Black Spot Program
Blackwood Park Road Link Costs
Blanchetown to Morgan Road
- Bridge Structures
- Broadband Strategy
- Bus Replacement
- Bushfires
- Carbon Emissions
- Contract Positions
- Contractors
- Driver and Vehicle Licensing
- Employees, Full Time
- Federal Funding
- Financial Reconciliation
- Fines Revenue
Flood Damaged Roads
- General Ledger Expenditure
- Gepps Cross Intersection
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Government Car Park Land, Walkerville
Government ICT
- Government Services
- Green Cycle Paths Program
- Growing Prosperity Program
- Initiative Spending
- Interest Payments
- Labor Party Fundraising
Land Management Corporation
Level Crossings
- Long Term Borrowings
- Mannum Ferry
- Marine Infrastructure
- Marine Maintenance
- Mass Action Program
- Mobile Phones
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Motor Vehicle Registration Database
Newport Quays
Noarlunga Rail Line
- Northern Expressway
- O-Bahn Corridor
- Oaklands Park Railway Station
Overtaking Lanes
- P-Plate Drivers
- Payroll Procedures
Policy and Planning Program
- Port River Expressway
- Public Sector Separation Packages
Public Transport
Public Transport Patronage
- Public Works Committee
- Rail Contract Management
Rail Track Replacement
- Rail, Standard Gauge
Rail, Train and Bus Union
- Railway Re-Sleepering
- Recreational Boating Facilities
- Registration and Licensing Transactions
Road Maintenance
- Road Maintenance, Davenport Electorate
- Road Safety Cameras
Road Sealing
- Road Transport Requirements
- Roads, Rural Sealed Network
- Roadside Rest Areas
- South Road Upgrade
- Speeding Fines
- Starfish Hill Wind Farm
Train Derailment
- Tram Airconditioning
Tram and Train Derailments
Tram Derailment
- Tram Passengers
Tramline Extension
- TransAdelaide Assets
TransAdelaide Computer System
- TransAdelaide Payroll Services
- Transport Depreciation
Transport Infrastructure
- 2007-11-14
Transport Infrastructure Services Program
- Transport Initiatives
- Transport Ministerial Council Meeting
- Transport Safety and Regulation Services Program
- Transport Security
Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
- Unley Development Plan Amendment Report
Waterfall Gully Road
EVANS, Iain Frederick
- Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Registration of Deaths) Amendment Bill
Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- 2008-07-24
Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Civil Liability (Recreational Services) Amendment Bill
- Clovelly Park Railway Station
- Controlled Substances (Cannabis Offences) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Eden Hills Railway Station
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- 2008-06-19
- Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Institute of Physical Activity
- Local Government (Litter) Amendment Bill
- Minister's Remarks
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- School Funding
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Asset Sales
- Blackwood Park Road Link Costs
Easling, Mr T.
- Education Budget
- Employee Benefits
Government Car Park Land, Walkerville
- Metropolitan Fire Service Land Purchase
- Road Maintenance
- Road Maintenance, Davenport Electorate
- School Maintenance
- Trade Promotions
- TransAdelaide Assets
- Virginia Pipeline
FOLEY, Kevin Owen
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Alexander, Mr P.
Appropriation Bill
- Auditor-General's Report
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Budget Papers
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Desalination Plants
- Drought
Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- 2008-05-06
- Marathon Resources
- Murray-Darling Basin
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- 2008-05-06
- Police Handguns
- Police Plane
- Police Resources
- Santos
- Security Intelligence Section
- Sittings and Business
Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-09
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Budget
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2008) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- 2008-03-05
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Tasers
- Water Billing
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
AAMI Stadium
- Adelaide Business Rating
- Adelaide City Council
- Air Warfare Destroyer
- Asset Disposal
- Attorney-General's Department
- Attorney-General's Operating Account
Auditor-General's Report
- BHP Billiton
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Budget Expenditure
- Budget Overspending
Business and Consumer Confidence
- Business Growth Program
- Business Investment
- Capital Projects
- Case Management Secretariat
- Clipsal 500
- Community Builders Program
- Consolidated Financial Report
- Cultana Army Training Camp
- Desalination Plants
- Driver's Licence Curfews
- Economic Development Board
- Economic Strategy and Policy Development Program
- Excess Funds Account
- Exhaust Systems
Expiation Notices
- Federal Election
- Financial Data Collection
- Financial Market Investments
- First Home Buyers
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Goods and Services Figures
- Goods and Services Tax
- Government Boards and Committees Remuneration
- Government Finance Monitoring
- Government ICT
- Grants, Non-Government Entities
- Hay and Straw Carriers
- Holdfast Shores
- Housing Affordability
- ICT Contracts
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Relations Laws
- Innovation Commercialisation and Development Grants
- Leadership Development Program
- Lean Education and Application Network Programs
- Loan Write-Off
- Maritime Skills Centre
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Metropolitan Adelaide Industrial Land Strategy
- Motor Accident Commission
- Motor Vehicle Industry Funding
- Netball Stadium
- Northern Suburbs
On-the-Spot Fines
- Plant and Equipment Disposal
- Police, Highway Patrol
- Port Augusta Gangs
- Port Stanvac Refinery
- Prisons
- Procurement Reform Program
- Property, Plant and Equipment Purchase
- Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Public Non-Financial Corporations
- Public Sector Comparison
- Public Sector Employment
- Public Sector Wages
- Public Service Employees
Public-Private Partnerships
- Regional Development Boards
- Research and Development Expenditure
- RevenueSA
- Review of Priorities
- SA Water
- Saicorp
- School Computers
Shared Services
- South Australian Economy
- South Australian Private Equity Program
- Specific Purpose Grants
- Speed Cameras
Speeding Fines
State Budget
- State Debt
State Economy
- State Finances
- Subprime Mortgage Market
- Super Schools
- Superannuation Data
- Tiger Airways
Trade and Economic Development Department
- Tram Derailment
- Tramline Extension
- TransAdelaide Dividend Rate
Treasury and Finance Department
Victoria Park Redevelopment
Water Billing
- Water Infrastructure
- Water Pricing
WorkCover Corporation
- 2008-02-28
- Workers Compensation
FOX, Chloe Catienne
- Speeches
- Adelaide Festival of Arts
- Adult Community Education
- Common Ground Franklin Street
- Dundovic, Mr D.V.
- Emergency Services Workers
- Healthy Eating Program
- Housing Affordability
- Marine Science Infrastructure
- Motorcycle Gangs
- National 2020 Summit
- Refugees, Sporting Activities
- Seniors, Community Involvement
GERAGHTY, Robyn Kathryn
- Dernancourt Primary School
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Food Hygiene
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Hampstead Preschool
- Harmony Day
- Klemzig Primary School
Legislative Review Committee
- Local Government (Advertising Material) Amendment Bill
- Pollution Complaints
- Retail Service
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Sittings and Business
- Solar Panel Connectivity
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Light
- Questions
- Appropriation Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Credit and Investment Schemes
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fire Hydrants
Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Health Care Bill
- Mount Barker Hospital
- Mount Lofty Ranges Water Catchment
- Notices of Motion
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Resources
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Newland
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
GRIFFITHS, Steven Paul
- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill
- BreastScreen SA
- Community Clubs
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
Country Health Care Plan
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Fire Hydrants
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Health Care Bill
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Auditor-General) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board
- Notices of Motion
- Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- Population Growth
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Regional Development Boards
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
Shared Services
Solid Waste Levy
- Southern Expressway
- Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2008) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
- Superannuation Schemes
- Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Water Resources
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Morialta
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Yorke Peninsula Field Days
- Yorke Peninsula Health Bus
AAMI Stadium
- Adelaide Business Rating
- Audit Plans
- Auditor-General's Report
- Budget Expenditure
- CareerStart SA
- Consolidated Financial Report
Country Health Care Plan
- Diesel Emissions Equipment
- E-Learning Program
Education and Children's Services Department
- Federal Election
- Financial Market Investments
- Further Education
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Employee Benefits
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Expenditure
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, it Upgrade
- Goods and Services Figures
Government Employee Housing
- Government ICT
- Group Training Organisations
- Initiative Spending
- Labor Party Fundraising
- Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Mining Sector Employment
- Protocol Unit Procurement Transactions
- Public Service Employee Numbers
- Public Service Employees
- Public-Private Partnerships
- SA Water
- Service SA
Shared Services
- 2008-02-27
Shared Services SA
- South Australia Works
- State Budget
- State Economy
- State Government Investments
- Subprime Mortgage Market
TAFE Campuses
- TAFE Graduates
- Trade and Economic Development Department
- Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services
- Transport Infrastructure
- Utility Workers
VET Program
- Water Infrastructure
GUNN AM, Graham McDonald
- Animal Welfare Regulations
- Appropriation Bill
- BHP Billiton
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Bushfires
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Inquiry
Cooper Discoverer Cruises
- Country Health Care Plan
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Daylight Saving
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Kapunda Hospital
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2008-06-19
- 2008-07-24
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos
- Rodeos, Fees
Rodeos, Regulations
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Shared Services
- Sittings and Business
- Solid Waste Levy
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Streaky Bay District Council
- Supply Bill 2008
- Taxis, Country
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- Wakefield Electorate
- Barrier Highway
Blanchetown to Morgan Road
Country Health Care Plan
- Environment Protection Authority
- Expiation Notices
- Hay and Straw Carriers
- Leigh Creek Hospital
- Morgan-Whyalla Pipeline
On-the-Spot Fines
- Police, Highway Patrol
Port Augusta Gangs
- Road Sealing
- Rodeos
HAMILTON-SMITH, Martin Leslie James
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Deputy Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
- Drought
Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Proceeds of Terrorism) Bill
- Stolen Generations
- Supply Bill 2008
- Water Security
- WorkCover Corporation
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
AAMI Stadium
- 2008-06-04
- Air Warfare Destroyer
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Asset Disposal
Auditor-General's Report
BHP Billiton
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Budget Overspending
- Business and Consumer Confidence
- Business Investment
- Capital Projects
Carbon Emissions
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Clipsal 500
- Competitiveness Council
Country Health Care Plan
- 2008-06-18
- Crime Prevention Unit
- Crime Statistics
- Defence SA
- Defence SA Administrative Unit
- Department Amalgamations
Desalination Plants
- Disability Funding
- Doctors Dispute
Election Advertising
- Equine Influenza
- Families and Communities Department
- Financial Data Collection
- Firearms Act
- First Home Buyers
Forensic Pathologists
- Fuelwatch
- Goods and Services Figures
- Goods and Services Tax
- Government Finance Monitoring
- Government ICT
- Government Legislative Program
- Grants, Non-Government Entities
- Health Funding
- Health Reform Program
Health System
- Housing Affordability
- Housing Trust
ICT Contracts
Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Industrial Action
- Industrial Relations Laws
- Interest Rates
Land Management Corporation
- Land Prices
- Legislative Council Vacancy
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
Mitsubishi Motors
- Motor Accident Commission
Motorcycle Gangs
Mount Bold Reservoir
- 2008-02-14
- Murray River
Murray River Irrigators
- 2008-02-13
Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- 2008-04-30
- Native Vegetation
- Neilson, Mr T.
- Netball Stadium
- Newport Quays
- Northern Suburbs
- Organised Crime
- Police Complaints Authority
- Procurement Reform Program
- Property, Plant and Equipment Purchase
- Public Non-Financial Corporations
- Public Sector Comparison
- Public Sector Employment
- Public Sector Wages
Public Service Employee Numbers
- Rail, Train and Bus Union
- RevenueSA
- Review of Priorities
- Roxby Downs
- Saicorp
Shared Services
Solar Cities Congress
Solar Energy
- Specific Purpose Grants
State Budget
- State Debt
- State Economy
- State Finances
- Super Schools
- Superannuation Data
- Sustainability and Climate Change Program
Train Derailment
Tram and Train Derailments
Tram Derailment
- 2008-02-28
TransAdelaide Computer System
- TransAdelaide Dividend Rate
- Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
Treasury and Finance Department
Victoria Park Redevelopment
Water Billing
Water Security
WorkCover Corporation
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Alcohol Consumption
- Antisocial Behaviour Orders
- Appropriation Bill
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Legislative Council Reform) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Number of Ministers) Amendment Bill
- Coorong
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) (Prescribed Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Abolition of Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Easling, Mr T.
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Government Advertising (Objectivity, Fairness and Accountability) Bill
- Health Care Bill
- Housing Trust Survey Lines
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Legal Profession Bill
Local Government (Advertising Material) Amendment Bill
- 2008-07-24
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Matter of Privilege
- Murray-Darling Basin
- Notices of Motion
- Palestine
- Passenger Transport (Safety of Passengers) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
Private Members' Business
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- School Funding
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Delegate Ministers) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Machine Limitations) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Members Allowances—Metropolitan Councils) Amendment Bill
- 2008-02-14
Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- 2008-06-05
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
HILL, John David
Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-29
- Blood Lead Levels
- Bogus, Unregistered and Deregistered Health Practitioners
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Container Deposit Increase
- Crown Land Management Bill
- Dowie, Mr J.
Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-02
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- GP Plus Emergency Hospital Task Force
- Health and Medical Research Review
Health Care Bill
- Home Support Services
- ICT Services
Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
Makk and McLeay Nursing Home
- Marble Hill
Marine Parks Bill
- Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Metropolitan Hospital Efficiency and Performance Review
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prostate Cancer
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Renal Service
- Ring Cycle
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital, Mentally Ill Patients
SA Ambulance Service
- Southern Suburbs
- Statutes Amendment (Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction and Regulation of Research Involving Human Embryos) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- TrustPower
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- Aldinga GP Plus Health Care Centre
- Ambulance Fees
- Ambulance Services
- Arts, Regional Centres
- ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival
- Australian Business Arts Foundation Awards
- Bore Water
- Cancer Council of South Australia
Childhood Obesity
- Cigarette Sales
- Country Ambulance Service Upgrade
Country Health Care Plan
Country Health SA
Country Health Services
Dental Health
Doctors Dispute
- Elective Surgery
Environment Protection Authority
- EPODE Program
- Flinders Medical Centre Casual Nurse Shifts
- Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Hammill House
Health Funding
- 2008-02-28
- Health Ministers' Conference
- Health Reform Program
- Health Reforms
Health System
- HealthDirect
- Home Support Services
- Hospital Chief Executives
- Hospital Statistics
Hospital Waiting Lists
- ICT Contracts
- Immunisation Clinic General Practice
- IMVS Report
- Indigenous Medical Scholarships Project
Industrial Action
- 2008-07-03
- Infant Mortality
- Leigh Creek Hospital
- Lyell McEwin Hospital
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Medical Recruitment
- Medical Research
- Medical Staff, Overseas Travel
- Medicare Levy
- Modbury Hospital
Mount Barker Hospital
- Neilson, Mr T.
- Nurses' Duties
- Patient Assisted Transport Scheme
- Patient Medical Costs
Paxton Report
- Pregnancy SA Telephone Service
- Public Hospitals, Adverse Events
Public Hospitals, Food Services
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Radioactive Waste
- Renal Service
- Renmark Hospital
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Rodeos
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital, Mentally Ill Patients
- SA Ambulance Call Direct Service
- Security Exercise
- Sentinel Events
- South Australian Salaried Medical Officers Association
- State Heritage List
- Suicide Postvention
- Vaccination Program
Women's and Children's Hospital
Women's and Children's Hospital, Breast Cancer
- 2008-06-03
- Youth Arts
KENYON, Thomas Richard
- Dog and Cat Management (Cats) Amendment Bill
- Euthanasia
- Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Gomez, Mr R.
- Gould Group
- Infrastructure Spending
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Injuries and Deaths
- Southern Expressway
- Suncube
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Newland
- Questions
KERIN, Robert Gerard
- Speeches
Country Health Care Plan
- 2008-07-24
- Dairy Industry
- Hammill House
- Prawns
KEY, Stephanie Wendy
- Appropriation Bill
- Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
- Australian of the Year Awards
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
- Cleaning Industry
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Gender Workplace Report
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- South Road Upgrade
- Superannuation Schemes
- Trade Union Movement
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- Women in Government
Working Women's Centre
- Questions
- Appropriation Bill
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
Economic and Finance Committee
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Credit and Investment Schemes
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Government Advertising (Objectivity, Fairness and Accountability) Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Liberal Party of Australia
- Nuclear Power Stations
Private Members' Business
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Newland
- Questions
- Adelaide High School
- Appropriation Bill
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Consultants and Contractors
- Drug Driving
- Early Childhood Development Services
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- School Closures
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
Aboriginal Education
- Asset Sales
- Childhood Obesity
- Cruise Ship Industry
- Cummins Rural Care Facility
- Ecotourism
- Education Budget
- Education, Special Needs
- Employee Benefits
- Hazard Default Notice
Healthy Eating Program
- International Solar Cities Congress
International Year of Languages
- Job Skills
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Outback Tourism
- Premier's ANZAC School Prize
- Premier's be Active Challenge
- Premier's Reading Challenge
- School Computers
- School Facilities
- School Funding
School Maintenance
- School Uniforms
- School-To-Work Program
- Schools, Environmental Sustainability
- Schools, Water and Energy Consumption
- South Australian Certificate of Education
- Teachers
Tour Down Under
Tourism Events
- Tourism Eyre Peninsula
- Tourism, Wine and Food
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
World Food Exchange
- 2008-06-03
MAYWALD, Karlene Ann
- Speeches
Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
Goulburn-Murray Water Recovery Project
- Green Manufacturing
- Labor Party Fundraising
Lake Victoria
- Long Flat Irrigation Trust
- Morgan-Whyalla Pipeline
Mount Bold Reservoir
- 2008-02-27
- Murray River
Murray River Drought Management
Murray River Irrigators
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
Public Service Employee Numbers
SA Water
- SA Water Capital Works
- Sewage Overflows
- Stormwater Initiatives
- Virginia Pipeline
- Waste Water
- Water Allocation
Water Billing
- Water Carting, Lower Lakes
- Water Infrastructure
- Water Licences
Water Policy
- Water Purchase Fund
- Water Research
- Water Savings
Water Security
- Water Security Office
- Water Trading
Wellington Weir
MCEWEN, Rory John
- Speeches
Country Hospital Donations
- Dairy Industry
- Desalination Plants
- Marine Scalefish Fishery
Murray River Irrigators
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
- Prawns
- Alcohol Consumption
- Appropriation Bill
- APY Lands Inquiry
- BreastScreen SA
- Bus Services
- Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Jack Fox Oval
- King Street Bridge
Liquor Licensing Hours
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
- National Ride to Work Day
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
Public Transport
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Stolen Generations
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Tramline Extension
- Water Security
- West Beach Recreation Reserve (Boating Facilities) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- APY Lands, Airstrips
- APY Lands, Sport and Recreation
- Auditor-General's Report
Black Spot Program
- Blackwood Park Road Link Costs
- Bridge Structures
- Broadband Rollout
- Broadband Strategy
- Bus Replacement
Business and Parliament Trust
- Business Growth Program
- Case Management Secretariat
Clayton-Walsh Report
- Community Builders Program
- Contract Positions
- Contractors
- Cultana Army Training Camp
- Driver and Vehicle Licensing
- Economic Development Board
- Economic Strategy and Policy Development Program
- Employees, Full Time
- Employers Mutual Case Managers
- Ernabella Community
- Excess Funds Account
- Expiation Notices
- Federal Funding
- Financial Reconciliation
- Fines Revenue
Flood Damaged Roads
- General Ledger Expenditure
- Gepps Cross Intersection
- Government Boards and Committees Remuneration
- Government Review
- Green Cycle Paths Program
- Growing Prosperity Program
- History Trust and SA Museum Revenue
- Holdfast Shores
- Housing Trust
- Indigenous Medical Scholarships Project
- Industrial Relations
- Innovation Commercialisation and Development Grants
- Interest Payments
- Kanpi Community
Koonibba Community
- Leadership Development Program
- Lean Education and Application Network Programs
Level Crossings
- Loan Write-Off
- Local Government Disaster Fund
- Long Term Borrowings
- Manufacturing Sector
- Marine Infrastructure
- Marine Maintenance
- Mass Action Program
- Metropolitan Adelaide Industrial Land Strategy
- Mobile Phones
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Motor Vehicle Industry Funding
- Motor Vehicle Registration Database
Noarlunga Rail Line
- Northern Expressway
- O-Bahn Corridor
- Oliphant Centre
Overtaking Lanes
- P-Plate Drivers
- Patawalonga Barrage Upgrade
- Payroll Procedures
- Pipalyatjara Community
- Plant and Equipment Disposal
Policy and Planning Program
- Port River Expressway
- Port Stanvac Refinery
- Public Hospitals, Adverse Events
- Public Sector Separation Packages
- Public Service Employees
- Public Transport
Public Transport Patronage
- Rail Contract Management
Rail Track Replacement
- Rail, Standard Gauge
- Railway Re-Sleepering
- Raukkan Community
- Recreational Boating Facilities
- Regional Development Boards
- Registration and Licensing Transactions
- Research and Development Expenditure
Road Maintenance
- Road Sealing
- Road Transport Requirements
- Roads, Rural Sealed Network
- Roadside Rest Areas
- School Funding
- Scotdesco Community
- Shark Patrols
- South Australian Private Equity Program
- South Road Upgrade
- Speed Cameras
Speeding Fines
- State Heritage List
- State Strategic Plan
- Tour Down Under
- Trade and Economic Development Department
- Trade Union Grants
- Tram Airconditioning
Tram Derailment
- Tram Passengers
Tramline Extension
- 2008-06-05
- TransAdelaide Payroll Services
- Transport Depreciation
Transport Infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure Services Program
- Transport Initiatives
- Transport Safety and Regulation Services Program
- Transport Security
Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Unfunded Liability, Public Sector
- Workers Compensation
- Yalata Community
- Yalata Facilities
O'BRIEN, Michael Francis
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill
- Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Food Plan
- Franchises
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Northern Suburbs
- Passenger Transport (Safety of Passengers) Amendment Bill
- Playford City Council District
- Public Accounts Committee
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Questions
PEDERICK, Adrian Stephen
Appropriation Bill
- Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Country Health Care Plan
- Country Transport Services
- Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) (Prescribed Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Drought
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fire Hydrants
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Food Labelling Laws
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Grain Marketing
- Jabuk Centenary
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Murray Bridge Council Award
Murray River
Murray River Drought Management
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Pinnaroo
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Clayton Water Supply
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Regional Employment
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Sewerage (Water Management Measures—Use of Waste Material) Amendment Bill
- Shared Services
- Social Development Committee: Gestational Surrogacy
- Social Development Committee: South Australian Certificate of Education
- Solid Waste Levy
- Southern Expressway
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Water Briefings
- Water Resources
- Water Security
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Resources
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Country Health Care Plan
- Education, Special Needs
- Employee Benefits
Lake Victoria
- Long Flat Irrigation Trust
- Marine Scalefish Fishery
- Mobilong Prison
- Mount Bold Reservoir
Murray River Drought Management
Murray River, Lower Lakes
- Public Service Employee Benefits
Water Billing
Water Security
Wellington Weir
PENFOLD, Elizabeth Meryl
- American Army Small Ships
Appropriation Bill
- 2008-07-03
- Country Health Care Plan
- Country Health Services
- Cummins Rural Care Facility
- Health Care Bill
- Kirton Point Emergency Services Centre
Marine Parks Bill
- Nuclear Waste
- SA Water
- Shared Services
- Solid Waste Levy
- Spragg Bag Waterbag
- Supply Bill 2008
- The Other Side
- Water Security
- Water Technology
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Ambulance Services
- Country Ambulance Service Upgrade
Country Health Care Plan
- Cruise Ship Industry
- Cummins Rural Care Facility
Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
- Patient Assisted Transport Scheme
- Tourism Eyre Peninsula
PENGILLY, Michael Redding
- Appropriation Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Country Health Care Plan
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Deep Creek
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps
- Fleurieu Peninsula Water Supply
- Health Care Bill
Kangaroo Island Fires
- Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Land Tax
- Legacy Club of Adelaide
Local Government
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
Marine Protected Areas
- Member's Remarks
- Middle River Dam
- Murray Lakes Clean-Up
- Murray River
- Murray River Drought Management
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
- Natural Resources Management
- Notices of Motion
- Onkaparinga City Council
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Cast Metals Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Clayton Water Supply
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth Park Neighbourhood Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Flood Damage Rectification in Various National Parks
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Northern Expressway
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Regeneration Project—Andrews Farm
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Whyalla Pipeline Pumping Stations
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
Solid Waste Levy
- South Coast Public Transport
- Southern Expressway
- Southern Ocean Lodge
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Tiger Airways
- Trade Schools
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- Water Security
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Bright
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- World Food Exchange
- Auditor-General's Report
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Country Health SA
- Formula One Exhibition Race
- Northern Suburbs
- Starfish Hill Wind Farm
- Tiger Airways
- Torrens Parade Ground
Tour Down Under
- 2007-10-18
- Tourism Events
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
World Food Exchange
- 2008-06-03
PICCOLO, Antonio
- Children in Care
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Evanston Gardens Primary School
- Gawler Railway Station Restoration
- International Men's Health Week
- Italo-Australian MP Forum
- Johnson, Mr M.R.
- McLeod's Daughters
- Member's Remarks
- National Men's Health Forum
- Urban Growth Boundary
- Volunteers, Service Clubs
- Questions
PISONI, David Gregory
- Alcohol Consumption
Appropriation Bill
- Attorney-General's Remarks
- Clothing Outworkers
- Constitution (Number of Ministers) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Education, National Curriculum
- Education, Socioeconomic Status Funding Model
- Fashoda Street Property
- Food Additives
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Healthy Eating Program
- Hyde Park Development Proposal
- Ikaria, Anniversary of Liberation
- Le Cornu
- Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Injuries and Deaths
- Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- Police, Unley
- Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Cast Metals Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Ifould Apartments
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Northern Expressway
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Regeneration Project—Andrews Farm
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Scouts Youth Team Challenge
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Shared Services
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
Supply Bill 2008
Training and Skills Development Bill
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Bright
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Light
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Reynell
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
Childhood Obesity
- Cigarette Sales
- Disability Funding
- EPODE Program
- Exhaust Systems
- Green Manufacturing
- Healthy Eating Program
Industrial Action
- Marcos Engineering Limited
- Maritime Skills Centre
- Mining Sector Employment
- Office of the North
Price and Safety Compliance
- Public Works Committee
- Road Safety Cameras
School Computers
- School Funding
- School Uniforms
- Unley Development Plan Amendment Report
- Volunteers
- Adelaide Botanic Garden
- Footpaths
- Graffiti Control (Sale of Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Hartley Electorate
Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-10
- Local Government Education Program
- Medical Records
- Mobile Phones
- Pensions
Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Spent Convictions Bill
- Volunteers
- Business and Consumer Confidence
- Defence Industry
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Health Ministers' Conference
- Higher Education Scholarships
- Legal Aid, Homeless People
- Netball World Championships
- School-To-Work Program
- South Australian Economy
- Sporting Events
- Women's Information Service
- Youth Participation
RANKINE, Jennifer Mary
- Alcohol Consumption
- Auditor-General's Report
- Fair Trading (Telemarketing) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-15
- Liquor Licensing (Power to Bar) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Advertising Material) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Auditor-General) Amendment Bill
Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-15
- Rape and Sexual Offences
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Members Allowances—Metropolitan Councils) Amendment Bill
- Advertising, False Billing
- Auditor-General's Report
- Children's Literature
- Consumer Affairs Ministerial Council
- Consumer Goods, Green Marketing
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Easling, Mr T.
- Flooding
- Fraud Fortnight
- Kangaroo Island Fires
Living Books
- Local Government
- Local Government Disaster Fund
- Local Government Relations
Office for Women
- Pink Ribbon Day
Premier's Council for Women
Price and Safety Compliance
- Public Land
- Schoolies Week
Total Employment Cost
- Travel Scam
- Volunteers
- Women in Local Government
Women's Information Service
- WorkChoices
RANN AC CNZM, Michael David
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Auditor-General's Report
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Bushfires
- Cabinet Reshuffle
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Dangerous Offenders
- Interest Rates
Legislative Council Vacancy
- Mitsubishi Employees, Lending Institutions
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Murray River Irrigators
- Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
- Queen's Counsel
- Rape and Sexual Offences
- Solar Feed-In Laws
- Standing Orders Suspension
- State Strategic Plan
- Stolen Generations
- Veterans Affairs Minister
- Water Security
WorkCover Corporation
AAMI Stadium
Adelaide Cabaret Festival
Adelaide Festival of Arts
- Adelaide International Guitar Festival
- Adelaide Writers' Week
- Adelaide Zoo
- AFL Drugs Policy
- APY Lands Inquiry
- APY Lands, Sport and Recreation
- BHP Billiton
- Brown Hill Wind Farm
Business and Parliament Trust
Carbon Emissions
- Carnegie Mellon University
Children in State Care Inquiry
Climate Change
- Common Ground Franklin Street
- Competitiveness Council
- Consultants and Contractors
- Council of Australian Governments
- Country Health Care Plan
- Defence Industry
- Defence SA
- Defence SA Administrative Unit
- Department Amalgamations
Desalination Plants
- Disability Funding
- Easling, Mr T.
Election Advertising
- Emissions Trading Scheme
- Employee Benefits
- Employment
- Federal Election
- Formula One Exhibition Race
- Fuelwatch
- General Motors Holden
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Government Legislative Program
- Greek Orthodox Church
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Guardianship Board
- Health System
- History Trust and SA Museum Revenue
- Industrial Action
- Interest Rates
- Labor Party Fundraising
- Land Management Corporation
- Land Prices
Legislative Council Vacancy
- Manufacturing Sector
- Marathon Resources
- Marcos Engineering Limited
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Mining and Energy Sectors
Mitsubishi Motors
Motorcycle Gangs
- Mountford, Rev. J.
- Murray River Irrigators
Murray-Darling Basin
- 2008-04-10
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- National 2020 Summit
- Native Vegetation
- Netball World Championships
- Northern Suburbs
- Office of the North
- Plastic Bags
- Police Complaints Authority
- Premier's Reading Challenge
- Prime Ministerial Visit
- Protocol Unit Procurement Transactions
- Public Service Employee Benefits
Public Service Employee Numbers
- 2008-06-05
- Public Service Employees
- Renewable Energy
- Roxby Downs
- Sentencing, Armed Robbery
- Shared Services
Solar Cities Congress
Solar Energy
Sporting Events
- State Economy
- State Government Investments
- State Strategic Plan
- Sustainability and Climate Change Program
- Techport
- Thinker in Residence
- Torrens Parade Ground
Tour Down Under
- Trade Mission, India
- Trade Union Grants
- Tram and Train Derailments
- Tram Derailment
- United Nations Development Fund for Women
Victoria Park Redevelopment
Water Billing
- Water Infrastructure
Water Resources
Water Security
- WOMADelaide
WorkCover Corporation
RAU SC, John Robert
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- Food Labelling Laws
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
- Natural Resources Committee: Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board
- Natural Resources Committee: South-East Natural Resources Management Board
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Water Security
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Bright
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
REDMOND, Isobel Mary
- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Children in State Care Apology
Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Legislative Council Reform) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Deputy Premier's Remarks
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Prescribed Medications
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Statute Law Revision Bill
Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Summary Offences (Drug Paraphernalia) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Voluntary Euthanasia Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Age Accommodation
- Ageing Plan
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Attorney-General's Department
Attorney-General's Operating Account
- Crime Prevention Fund
- Disability Employment Strategy
- Domiciliary Care SA
- Forensic Science Program
- Guardianship Board
- Julia Farr Association
- Jurors Payments
Labor Party Fundraising
- Legal Aid Funding
- Legal Fees
- Magarey Farlam
- Mount Barker Hospital
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Penalty Management Services
- Public Trustee Office
- Salvation Army Alcohol Stabilisation Program
- Supported Accommodation Strategy
- Victims of Crime Fund
SIMMONS, Lindsay Anne
- Appropriation Bill
- Asperger's Syndrome
- BreastScreen SA
- Children in State Care Apology
- East Turkistan
- Environmental Education Centre
Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Health Care Bill
- Indigenous Medical Scholarships Project
- International Year of Languages
- Montacute Country Fire Service Brigade
- National Heart Week
- Polomka, Mr G.
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- With One Voice
- Adelaide Cabaret Festival
- Adelaide International Guitar Festival
- Consumer Affairs Ministerial Council
- Disability Funding
- International Association of Labour Inspection
- Ngarrindjeri Regional Partnership Agreement
- Public-Private Partnerships
- School Facilities
- Schools, Environmental Sustainability
- Taxation
- Adelaide City Council
- Children in State Care Apology
- Coorong
- Elizabeth Grove Community Campus
- Elizabeth Vale Primary School
- Health Care Bill
- Lyell McEwin Hospital
- Organ Donation
- Para West Early Learning Centre Preschool
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Remembrance Day
- SA Ambulance Service
- Stolen Generations
- Superannuation Schemes
- Supply Bill 2008
- Questions
SUCH, Robert Bruce
- Adelaide Botanic Garden
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Alcohol Consumption
Appropriation Bill
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Registration of Deaths) Amendment Bill
- BreastScreen SA
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
Bus Services
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Electoral Redistribution) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Legislative Council Reform) Amendment Bill
- Coorong
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Abolition of Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Dog and Cat Management (Cats) Amendment Bill
- Dog and Cat Management (Council Plans of Management) Amendment Bill
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Voting Age) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Female Foeticide
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Food Hygiene
- Food Labelling Laws
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Gould Group
- Graffiti Control (Carrying Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Control (Orders on Conviction) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Control (Sale of Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Health Care Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Lobbying and Ministerial Accountability Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Member's Remarks
- Men's Health
- Murray River Drought Management
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution Bill
- Ovarian Cancer
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Injuries and Deaths
- Population Growth
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Referendum (Electoral Redistribution) Bill
- Referendum (Legislative Council Reform) Bill
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Superannuation Schemes
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Indirect Orders) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Water Security
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Resources
- Workplace Health
THOMPSON, Mary Gabrielle
- Speeches
- Questions
VENNING, Ivan Howard
- Alcohol Consumption
Appropriation Bill
- Barley Contracts
- Barossa Train Service
- Boats, Grey Water Treatment System
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- Childhood Obesity
- Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
Country Health Care Plan
- Division Count
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Fire Hydrants
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Control (Sale of Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Health Care Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Labor Government
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
- Mannum
- Mannum Ferry
- Member's Remarks
- Murray
- Murray River
- Murray River Drought Management
- Murray River Irrigators
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Planning
- Port River Bridges
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Shared Services
- Southern Expressway
- Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Proceeds of Terrorism) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Superannuation Schemes
- Supply Bill 2008
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
Voluntary Euthanasia Bill
- Water Resources
- Water Transfers
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- West Beach Recreation Reserve (Boating Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Western Australian Parliamentarians
- Wheat Crops
- Wheat Marketing
- Wine Industry
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Light
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Butler, Sir Richard
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Child Protection
- Children in State Care Apology
- Children in State Care Inquiry
- Disability Funding
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Johnson, Mrs G.
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- Valedictories
- Water Security
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Age Accommodation
- Ageing Plan
APY Lands
- APY Lands Inquiry
- APY Lands, Housing
- APY Lands, State Government Transaction Services
- Bradken Foundry
- Child Adoption
- Child Protection
- Child Sexual Abuse
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Companion Card
- Disability Employment Strategy
Disability Funding
- Domiciliary Care SA
- Ernabella Community
- Families and Communities Department
- Families SA, Care Placement
- Gambling, Problem
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Government Review
- HomeStart
Housing Affordability
Housing SA
- Housing SA Tenancy Agreements
Housing Trust
Housing Trust Waiting List
- Julia Farr Association
- Kanpi Community
Koonibba Community
- Legal Aid, Homeless People
- Motel Accommodation
- Ngarrindjeri Regional Partnership Agreement
- Pipalyatjara Community
- Poverty
Public Housing
- Public Sector Week
- Raukkan Community
- Reconciliation, Youth
- Rental Accommodation, Regional South Australia
- Salvation Army Alcohol Stabilisation Program
- Scotdesco Community
- Seniors, Community Involvement
- Supported Accommodation Strategy
- Technical Aid for the Disabled
- Yalata Community
- Yalata Facilities
WHITE AM, Patricia Lynne
- Badcoe, Major Peter
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Public Housing
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Gestational Surrogacy
- Social Development Committee: South Australian Certificate of Education
- Two Wells Golf Club
- Virginia Floods
- Questions
WILLIAMS, Michael Richard
Appropriation Bill
- 2008-07-03
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Coorong
Country Health Care Plan
- Drought
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Fisheries Management Regulations
- Health Care Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Kangaroo Island Fires
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
Murray River
- Murray River Drought Management
Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Premier's Comments
- Public Transport
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Shared Services
- Solid Waste Levy
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Stormwater Initiatives
Supply Bill 2008
- Water Billing
- Water Security
- Water Trading
- WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
Auditor-General's Report
- Country Health Care Plan
- Desalination Plants
- Federal Election
Goulburn-Murray Water Recovery Project
- Hazard Default Notice
- Home Support Services
Industrial Relations Commission
- Labor Party Fundraising
- Marathon Resources
- Mount Bold Reservoir
Murray River Irrigators
Murray-Darling Basin
- 2008-05-08
- Newport Quays
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Rail, Train and Bus Union
SA Water
- 2007-10-25
- SA Water Capital Works
- Shared Services
- Stormwater Initiatives
- Waste Water
Water Billing
- Water Carting, Lower Lakes
Water Infrastructure
- Water Licences
Water Policy
- Water Pricing
- Water Purchase Fund
Water Resources
- Water Savings
Water Security
- Water Security Office
- Water Trading
WorkCover Corporation
WRIGHT, Michael John
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Fire and Emergency Services Act Review
- Gladstone Explosion
- Industrial Relations Commission
- Legal Profession Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
Wangary Coronial Inquest Working Party
- WorkChoices
WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-10
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-03
AAMI Stadium
- Audit Plans
Auditor-General's Report
- Australian Workplace Agreements
- Child Workers
Clayton-Walsh Report
- Disability, Recreational and Physical Activity
- Easling, Mr T.
- Employers Mutual Case Managers
- Equine Influenza
- Fairness Test
Government Employee Housing
Industrial Action
Industrial Relations Commission
- International Association of Labour Inspection
- Metropolitan Fire Service Land Purchase
- Olympic Games
- Police Resources
- Racing Industry
Recreation and Sport Funding
- Recreational Trails
- Refugees, Sporting Activities
- Service SA
Shared Services
Shared Services SA
- Shark Patrols
- Taxation
WorkCover Corporation
- 2008-03-05
- 2008-03-06
- 2008-05-01
- WorkCover Unfunded Liability, Public Sector
- Workplace Health and Safety
Introduction and First Reading
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON (Croydon—Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (11:04): Obtained leave and introduced a bill for an act to amend the Correctional Services Act. Read a first time.
Second Reading
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON (Croydon—Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (11:04): I move:
That this bill be now read a second time.
On 19 November 1991, Shane Andrews was convicted of the murder of Mr Brian Lyden. Andrews was found by a jury to have shot Mr Lyden (who had formed a relationship with Andrews' estranged wife) with a rifle outside the Aberfoyle Park Primary School. Justice Cox sentenced Andrews to life imprisonment with a nonparole period of 23 years. When the Statutes Amendment (Truth in Sentencing) Act 1994 was proclaimed, that nonparole period was recalculated, in accordance with the act, to 14 years, 11 months and 20 days.
So, what happened was that the truth in sentencing legislation of the Liberal government, with which the Labor opposition agreed in 1994, was passed, with disagreement about only one clause, and that was the Liberal government's proposal to give all existing prisoners all the remissions they could have expected to have earned in the course of their term of imprisonment up front and, therefore, their nonparole periods were recalculated and reduced. Labor opposed that aspect of the bill.
On 13 February 2006, the recalculated nonparole period expired. Andrews has applied for parole three times and has been refused each time. Andrews has taken legal action against the state of South Australia. He argues that he is entitled to parole under the act as it stood at the date on which he was sentenced.
When Andrews was first sentenced in 1991, the Correctional Services Act 1982 provided for automatic release on parole at the expiry of a prisoner's nonparole period. The Parole Board had a discretion to impose conditions on release and, for prisoners serving a life sentence, was required to make a recommendation to the Governor about how long the parole period should extend for: a period between three and 10 years. Assuming that the conditions of parole were agreed by the prisoner, neither the Parole Board nor the Governor had a discretion to refuse release on parole.
This regime occasioned controversy. In the early 1990s, there was a concerted move to amend the law to provide for truth in sentencing across Australia. In 1994, as part of the truth in sentencing reforms, the Correctional Services Act was amended by the Statutes Amendment (Truth in Sentencing) Act 1994.
One major change brought in by that amending act was abolition of automatic parole for sentences above five years. So, at the expiry of a nonparole period, a prisoner became entitled to apply to the Parole Board for release. In the case of prisoners serving life sentences, the board could only recommend release to the Governor.
Andrews has sued the state of South Australia. He argues that section 16 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915, which effectively enacts the common law presumption against retrospective operation, applies to the truth in sentencing act so that, in accordance with the law as it stood in 1991, the Parole Board now has no discretionary power to refuse his release. Section 16(1)(d) of the Acts Interpretation Act provides:
Unless the contrary intention appears,...[an] amendment...does not affect any...penalty...or punishment...imposed, prior to the...amendment.
The Andrews case was heard by the Full Court of the Supreme Court, comprising Justices Duggan, Anderson and David, on 15 July 2008. The decision has been reserved.
In 1991 section 66(1) of the Correctional Services Act 1982 stated that the Parole Board was obliged to order the release of any prisoner whose nonparole period had expired before 30 days had elapsed after that expiry so long as the prisoner had agreed to the conditions, if any, proposed to him or her for parole. Any detention after that 30-day period was unlawful and could base an action for false imprisonment.
On 1 August 1994 the Statutes Amendment (Truth in Sentencing) Act 1994 came into force. It amended the Correctional Services Act 1982. Section 11 of the amending act repealed sections 66 and 67 of the act and replaced them with new sections. The effect of the amendments was that the system of automatic parole was left for sentences of less than five years, calculated according to the amending act, but that for prisoners serving life sentences or any other sentence of more than five years, that expectation was abolished. The act now provided (by section 67(5)) that a prisoner serving a sentence of life imprisonment would apply for parole not more than six months before the nonparole period expired, if there were one, that the board had a discretion whether to recommend parole and, if it did recommend parole for a lifer, release was subject to the overriding discretion of the Governor.
This was a law proposed by the parliamentary Liberal Party. It was moved in this place, as I recall, by the then correctional services minister, the Hon. Wayne Matthew, and in another place by the Attorney-General of blessed memory, the Hon. K.T. Griffin. The central purpose of the amending act was to abolish the system of automatic remissions. As a member in the house at the time who handled the bill for the opposition, I can corroborate that that was the understanding of all of us. The idea was that individual prisoners already in prison were not harmed. The act had a transitional provision that said:
A sentence of imprisonment imposed before the commencement of this act and a nonparole period imposed before the commencement of this act are, on the commencement of this act, reduced by the number of days of remission credited to the prisoner (section 20(a)).
This provision made it clear that the parliament intended that, but for the reduction of nonparole periods by remission credits, prisoners seeking parole after the commencement of the amendments were to be dealt with in accordance with the new scheme provided for by the act. Indeed, as already noted, Andrews' nonparole period was recalculated and reduced in accordance with the act that he now claims did not apply to him.
I recall moving an amendment against this provision, but I was not successful. On party lines the Liberal government prevailed and automatic remissions remain to be credited to existing prisoners and Andrews, as an existing prisoner, took the benefit of that Liberal Party initiative. Otherwise, he would not yet have served his nonparole period as imposed by the trial judge. The intentions of the government and the parliament are equally apparent from Hansard. The second reading explanation of minister Matthews says:
All prisoners will no longer be automatically released by the Parole Board at the end of their nonparole periods...Prisoners serving a sentence of five years or more will have to apply to the Parole Board for release at the expiration of their nonparole period.
And, he said:
The government believes that it would be undesirable for there to be two groups of prisoners: pre-amendment prisoners who continue to be eligible for remissions; and, post-amendment prisoners not being eligible for remissions.
He continued:
The retention of the two systems would be particularly confusing if a prisoner was serving a sentence under both the old and the new system. A dual system would have to be maintained until the prisoner with the longest remaining nonparole period is discharged on parole.
The question of the rights of pre-amendment prisoners was examined by Justice Lander in the case of Summers v Frances Nelson QC and Others on 23 December 1994. Summers made the same argument that Andrews is now making. It was rejected. One of the most telling reasons was that at the time the amending act was passed the prisoner had accrued no right to release at all, merely an expectation that there would be a right once the nonparole period had expired—which it had not. The decision was not appealed nor has it been challenged before now. The government has relied in good faith on the decision of Justice Lander ever since.
The government is of the opinion that Andrews is wrong in law, wrong in policy and wrong as a matter of principle. There are substantial reasons for that position which I have set out above. The bill is not an admission that the government's legal position is wrong or even weak—and that applies to the Brown Government as much as it applies to the Rann government.
The current assessment is that the government's legal position is strong. The bill is being introduced as insurance in case the worst happens. Furthermore, the government is in a strong moral position. It has relied in good faith upon a decision of the Supreme Court that has gone unchallenged for 14 years. It is entitled to do so.
The consequences of losing the argument will be dramatic. Currently, there are 20 prisoners who were sentenced before 1994 whose nonparole period has expired. If Andrews' argument is correct then these prisoners would be entitled to automatic release. Given that all these prisoners are serving sentences of at least 14 years all their crimes are very serious.
In addition, these prisoners, and many others who were not granted immediate parole after the commencement of the amending act in 1994, may be entitled to compensation for unlawful imprisonment. Further consideration is being given to a rough quantum of potential damage. On a very preliminary basis it appears that this may run into many millions of dollars. These consequences are not tolerable for the public or the government.
It should be noted that if Andrews gets his judgment before the bill comes into operation that judgment will stand, but the effect of the bill is to forestall any pending judgment or order. The bill will also prevent any further applications or claims when it comes into operation. The bill will come into force upon assent. I commend the bill to members. I seek leave to have the explanation of clauses inserted in Hansard without my reading it.
Leave granted.
Explanation of Clauses
Part 1—Preliminary
1—Short title
2—Amendment provisions
These clauses are formal.
Part 2—Amendment of Correctional Services Act 1982
3—Insertion of Schedule 1
This clause inserts new Schedule 1.
Schedule 1—Application of Truth in Sentencing Act amendments
Clause 1 sets out definitions for the purposes of the measure.
Clause 2(1) provides that the amendments to the Correctional Services Act 1982 provided for by the Statutes Amendment (Truth in Sentencing) Act 1994 apply, and have always applied, in respect of all prisoners serving sentences of imprisonment immediately before the commencement of those amendments regardless of when the prisoners were sentenced.
Clause 2(2) provides that it follows that anything done or omitted to have been done in relation to such prisoners before the commencement of this clause on the basis referred to in subclause (1) has been, and has always been, validly done or omitted to have been done.
Clause 2(3) provides that this clause affects rights and liabilities arising between parties to proceedings initiated before the commencement of this clause to the extent to which those rights and liabilities arise from, or are affected by, an act or omission referred to in subclause (2); but does not affect any such rights or liabilities arising between parties to proceedings heard and finally determined before the commencement of this clause.
Clause 2(4) provides that nothing in this clause affects the operation of a subsequent amending Act which will have effect according to its terms.
Mrs REDMOND (Heysen) (11:18): I will be the lead speaker for the opposition in relation to this bill. The opposition will be supporting the bill. I have read Hansard in relation to debate on the 1994 bill, and I was interested in the comments that the Attorney-General made at that time as the opposition spokesperson. They were not entirely favourable to the bill, as it happens. Nevertheless, we do recognise the need and, indeed, the urgency attaching to the legislation which the government has introduced this morning. I thank the Attorney-General and officers of the Attorney-General's Department and the Attorney-General's own office for their briefings on the matter.
It should not be necessary to have this legislation because, when one reads the Hansard in relation to the original truth in sentencing bill that was passed and became the act in 1994, it is obvious that the parliament was expressing a clear intention in relation to two particular things which were outlined by the then attorney-general in his speech. The predominant thing was to meet the community's expectation that, when a judge sentences someone to a term of imprisonment and sets a nonparole period, that person will, indeed, serve that nonparole period in prison.
Until this legislation was passed in the early 1990s, many people were released from prison a significant amount of time before the expiry of the nonparole period. Indeed, I think that Lorraine Rosenberg in her contribution on the matter referred to a case that had been dealt with recently where someone was sentenced to a term of imprisonment with a nonparole period of a number of years (I think five years, or something like that), and they were out in eight months. Mrs Rosenberg, the then member for Kaurna, said in her speech:
There is a clear...expectation that a five-year sentence will mean just that. If a person is given a sentence of five years, the community expects that person to be behind bars paying a price to society for five years and not to be out in eight months, as in a recent case.
I can only presume from her comments that, in fact, she was leaving out that intermediate step of a five-year sentence and a certain nonparole period, because I really doubt that, unless a nonparole period was set as low as that, someone sentenced to five years would have been out in eight months unless there was, say, a 1½ or a two-year nonparole period. That was the primary intention of this legislation when it was originally passed; that when a judge sentenced someone to a term of imprisonment and then determined what the nonparole period should be, the community expectation that the person would then serve their nonparole period would be met.
I am still a little puzzled as to why, with respect to that aspect, we then went through the process of dealing with the prisoners who were then in prison and said, 'We are now going to adjust your sentence and your nonparole period.' To me, it would have made more sense to leave that aspect alone and not have a transitional provision for that aspect. Nevertheless, that was what the parliament of the day did: it put in place this review of all the prisoners who had already been sentenced and were serving their term.
I think the Attorney in his contribution referred to it as being prospective remissions that the powers that be went through for each of the prisoners who were already in there to say, 'Had we not passed this legislation, you would have had an expectation that you would be given remissions amounting to this, so we will now give you those remissions.' Therefore, in the case of Mr Andrews, his sentence was reduced from some 23 years to 14 years and 11 months, I think it was. It surprises me that they went through that process, but that was what they did.
I also agree with another aspect of the comments made by the Attorney in his contribution on the earlier occasion. In my view, it would have made more sense to have a system all along that said, 'Yes, you can earn remissions but you have to earn those remissions; they are not just going to be granted automatically.' To some extent, they were simply granted automatically under our previous system. As I said, I will come back to what the Attorney said on this bill, but that was the first aspect of the original legislation.
The other aspect was the idea of people being entitled to automatic release when they had served their nonparole period, with or without remissions. Even if they behaved really badly and did not have any remissions, if they were sentenced to 15 years, for example, with a 10-year nonparole period, once they reached that 10 years they had an automatic entitlement to release. The only function of the Parole Board was to determine what the conditions of that release might be, but it had no power to prevent the person from being released.
I would suggest that they were two significant shortcomings in our corrections and sentencing system. I note that both sides did support the changes when they were brought in and the Attorney, as usual, took considerable delight in criticising the Democrats in the other place at the time of his contribution because he assumed that, on law and order issues in this state, largely, it was Liberal and Labor versus the Democrats at that time.
The change brought about in relation to the issue of the nonparole period was to say, 'From now on, you will serve your nonparole period. You will not be entitled to automatic release at the time of your reaching the end of that nonparole period, but you will have to apply to the Parole Board and satisfy them that you should be released on whatever conditions.' Their role expanded from simply setting the conditions of an automatic release to making the determination or, indeed, the recommendation as to whether someone should be granted parole.
I think that is a critical thing to understand in relation to the case of Mr Andrews, because he has now put the argument to say that part was not retrospective. He seems to want to have his cake and eat it too. He wants the benefit of the reduced remissions that the first part of the legislation provided so that his sentence went, as I said, from about 23 years to 14 (or thereabouts), but he does not want the retrospectivity in respect of that aspect; that is, Mr Andrews says, 'Once I have reached the end of my nonparole period, I now want to argue that I am entitled to automatic release, subject to conditions that might be imposed.'
Indeed, he wants to argue that, since February 2006, he has been entitled to release. The argument that he is putting, as I understand it and as the Attorney said, is based on the Acts Interpretation Act, which basically presumes, in the absence of a clear statement to the contrary, non-retrospectivity. He is arguing that the retrospective aspect, so far as it related to his remissions is fine, but retrospective operations so far as it relates to his non-release under the new regime is not fine. Unfortunately, we are now faced with the prospect of not just Mr Andrews but potentially any number of other people who would be in the same situation, if he is successful, then also arguing that they are also entitled to release.
I do understand the urgency of the situation, given that the matter has now been heard, and I also fully support the intention because, in my view, this legislation simply clarifies and confirms the original position of the parliament and, indeed, the then Liberal government when the legislation was originally introduced. About a week ago in The Advertiser, people may have seen an article headed 'Freedom hinges on appeal by killer'. The information is already out there that Mr Andrews has put his case and that we are awaiting the decision.
I refer to some of the things the Attorney said in his contribution on the original legislation. At the outset, he says that the opposition (which he then represented) will be supporting this bill but will be making some criticisms of it in committee. He then goes to on to put the argument and says, 'I am not an uncritical admirer of the bill.' He puts the argument that the government, instead of doing what it is doing, should be following a different report and moving towards home detention and so on. In fact, he seems to be implicitly criticising the fact that the government of the day was putting more people in prison, which I find an interesting criticism, given that every chance the Attorney gets now, he bleats about how many more people he has put in prison.
I do find it interesting to read what he said, although to be fair to the minister, he did say 'My sympathies are with the minister.' In his second reading explanation, the now Attorney-General stated:
So, as of the proclamation of this bill, all prisoners in South Australian gaols will receive full remission on the rest of their sentence—prospective remission—and they will get it without any of the good behaviour or discipline that would have been required of them to earn those remissions in the future.
It is interesting that he does not then seem to go on to support the idea that I did think would be reasonable, and that is that, if remissions were available, they should be available as the result of positive earning rather than simply behaving. Indeed, in the second reading explanation he went on to say that the remissions are:
... an important tool for maintaining good behaviour in our prisons. I am not saying that it is as effective as it might be ...
He then went on to say that the system of remissions can take some credit for the fact that there had not been any riots, and so on. He further stated:
With remissions abolished, how do we give prisoners an incentive to behave in an orderly way in prisons?...I confidently predict that we will have an upsurge in disorder in prisons as a consequence of this bill.
The Hon. M.J. Atkinson: How wrong could I be?
Mrs REDMOND: I do suggest that the Attorney was indeed—and he is sitting here now—admitting that he was terribly wrong about that suggestion: that we were going to suddenly have riots on our hands because people were no longer going to receive automatic remissions. At the end of his speech, the Attorney said:
I support the Statutes Amendment (Truth in Sentencing) Bill because the Liberal Party has a mandate for it, and however misguided its provisions the minister's heart is in the right place.
I put those comments of the Attorney on the record, but that said, putting aside whatever misgivings he might have had and whatever suggestion he might have had that we were suddenly going to have riots in our prisons because we were not granting automatic remissions, the fact remains that we do have a very serious issue before us today. The issue is one which the Liberal Party has considered carefully and reached the conclusion that, indeed, the intention of the government is to clarify something that everyone had understood had been clarified (at least since the decision of Lander J some 10 years ago), that the intention was that the two provisions of the bill—that is the removal of automatic remissions and the removal of the automatic right to parole once one had reached the end of a nonparole period—were both to apply to all the sentencing which occurred after the bill came into operation, but also to apply to the people who were already serving their sentences when the bill came into operation.
I make one minor correction to my comments, and that is that I neglected to say that, when we changed that provision about the automatic entitlement to parole, we did not remove it for those serving sentences of up to five years. That is as the situation remains at the moment. We left that in place so that those with a sentence of less than five years who have a nonparole period will automatically be entitled to their parole, subject to the conditions that the Parole Board imposes. But in the case of all other prisoners, and it is really the very serious prisoners—and those are the ones that we are concerned about today—those people are now subject to only being able to apply for parole and will not necessarily be granted it.
I think that there is a community expectation that the government will ensure that the Parole Board, if it makes a recommendation that someone should not be released from prison once they have reached their nonparole period, will not be recommending their release and that people will not be released into the community unless the Parole Board considers that it is appropriate for them to be so released. With those few comments I indicate, once again, the intention of the opposition to support this bill and to assist, so far as it can, in its speedy passage through the house.
Mr HANNA (Mitchell) (11:34): I am speaking in relation to the government's proposal to amend the Correctional Services Act in respect of parole for long-term prisoners. The legislation arises because one particular prisoner, Mr Shane Andrews, has taken a case before the Supreme Court in relation to his parole. He says that the truth in sentencing legislation of 1994 should not be retrospective and, if that was the case, he should have been released automatically. That relates to the law as it was before the 1994 legislation came into effect. The Attorney-General draws on the emotional argument that, if the legislation were not to proceed and the Supreme Court were to decide against the State of South Australia, there would be a number of prisoners serving long sentences who would be released and perhaps entitled to damages for unlawful imprisonment as well.
What is most regrettable in the debate is the disregard for the principle that we should be reluctant to interfere with court decisions while the court is itself considering judgment in the matter. This is a case where Mr Andrews has taken his case to the court, the arguments have been put by him and on behalf of the State of South Australia and, while judgment is being considered, the Attorney-General would have the parliament cut the ground from under the court's feet with this legislation.
The principle is a significant one, and this parliament should be extremely reluctant to intervene in court decisions, particularly once the arguments of both sides have closed. If there was a time for this legislation, it was as soon as Mr Andrews came forward with his claim that the 1994 legislation did not apply to him. Then, at least, it would have been more principled for the government to come along and say that it is not a matter for the courts: it is a matter of clarifying the intention of parliament.
The second matter I want to address is what I consider the most significant principle in relation to truth in sentencing, and that is the maintenance of the ability of our senior politicians to decide whether or not people should be in gaol. I think the time for politicians to decide on people's liberty is overdue for abolition. It is a relic of colonial days when governors had the power to decide whether people should go to the gallows or be reprieved. As I understand it, it has been a right of the executive, through the Governor (abolished in other states), and I believe that the Correctional Services Act as it relates to the parole provisions should be amended so that decisions of the Parole Board stand.
The Parole Board has to make decisions based on such matters as the gravity of the offence committed by the offender, the behaviour of the prisoner while in prison, or the behaviour of the prisoner during previous time spent on parole. The Parole Board also receives, almost as a matter of course, reports on the psychological and medical background of the prisoner. In all, the board gathers as much information as it can to determine whether the prisoner is going to be a useful, or at least responsible, member of society upon release. The Parole Board then makes a reasonable decision.
In the case of those serving sentences of life imprisonment, the board may only recommend to the Governor release of a prisoner, and it is this power that I find archaic. I find that the board, being a responsible creation of the parliament with the very purpose of making reasonable decisions about people's liberty, ought to be the final arbiter of that question. I do not think it should be left to senior politicians as to whether or not we spend time in gaol. So, if we want real truth in sentencing, that refers to all questions of liberty being based on reason and reasonable decisions based on all the available facts. In relation to parole, that means the Parole Board making the final decision, not our senior politicians. Frankly, I do not trust Mr Rann or Mr Atkinson to decide whether or not I spend another day in prison. In relation to the legislation before us—
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: I rise on a point of order, Mr Speaker. The member for Mitchell is referring to the Premier and me by our surnames and not by our title in the house.
The SPEAKER: I uphold the point of order. The member for Mitchell.
Mr HANNA: The Attorney-General has won the day with his point of order, so I conclude my remarks.
Mr GRIFFITHS (Goyder) (11:41): I wish to talk only briefly about this bill. It is an important bill, and I recognise that it is an example of where the parliament is reacting quite quickly to an issue that is important to society. I commend all involved. I particularly thank the shadow minister for providing a very detailed and fair briefing paper on this bill. It was discussed only quite recently within the opposition and, I think it is fair to say, there was unanimous support that the bill should be supported. I do not profess to understand all pieces of legislation that come before parliament; I do rely upon others to inform me of those issues.
However, in this case I think my understanding of the issues involved come from the expectations of people in the community with whom I talk, and those people quite clearly want to ensure that, when a crime is committed and charges are laid, the matter is prosecuted successfully before a magistrate or a judge and a sentence is imposed, that sentence is fulfilled. I respect the fact that there are several levels of crime, and some are more serious than others. However, as I understand it, the issue we are talking about here relates to the more serious end of crime, and it is important that a sentence should be implemented. There should not be an expectation that a non-parole period will automatically be granted.
As other speakers have noted, I think it is important that, when someone is convicted and found guilty of a crime, part of a person's sentence include rehabilitation so that they can come back out into the community at a time the Parole Board deems suitable. I put my complete trust in the Parole Board as being the adjudicator in these matters, because the members of the Parole Board are the people most aware of all the issues involved. I think it is important that the Parole Board does have flexibility. In this case it still means that an application can be lodged, as I understand it, before the Parole Board but that, if in the judgment of the Parole Board the person is not deemed fit to be released into the wider community, that person should remain in custody and continue with their sentence, and I support that.
People in the communities which I represent have a great frustration with the fact that they see crimes of all levels committed, and they do not think the sentence necessarily reflects the crime that was committed. Society needs to know that we put laws in place to protect people; and, clearly, we do that. Governments of all persuasions and colours need to ensure that the laws that are implemented and the basis upon which the laws are framed reflects the needs of society to live in a safe environment whereby if you do the right thing you run no risk, but if you do the wrong thing and if you are charged and found guilty you must respect the fact that, as a result, there will be consequences.
I have told my children ever since they were young that there is either a positive or a negative reaction depending on whatever action they take. This matter is another example of that. As I understand it, in this case, presumably in a fit of rage, a chap murdered the lover of his estranged wife. We are using that case as the basis for this discussion, but I have no doubt from the information provided by the shadow minister that potentially there are another 19 prisoners who could equally seek some form of exemption and automatic release from the gaol system. I do not support that. I think it is important that the legislation is there, so that when a sentence is imposed (unless a person found guilty of a crime can prove that, upon release, they will become a productive member of society) a guilty person should fulfil their full sentence.
I think this is a positive step, and I commend the Attorney for introducing the legislation. I commend the shadow attorney-general for her presentation to the shadow cabinet and, indeed, to our party room about the importance of this legislation. Importantly, I think this legislation also reflects society's expectations. We know there are completely unscrupulous people out there who commit horrible crimes, and we need to ensure that legislation is in place to make certain that those people serve their full sentence, and that is what the people we represent expect. I do not very often talk about serious matters such as this because I do not necessarily feel qualified to do so. However, people in the communities I serve talk to me about the fact that they want to ensure that they are safe, and they see that the message this sort of legislation sends is an important aspect to ensuring their safety because it means that people will have to serve out their full sentence. I commend the legislation, and I trust that it has a swift passage through the house.
Mr PENGILLY (Finniss) (11:46): Along with my colleagues in the Liberal Party, I support the bill. This is sensible legislation, which seeks to fix an error in the current act. Like the member for Goyder, I am no expert in these matters, but decisions have been made by others who do have the knowledge about the justice system's ability to put people in prison. The fact is that there are people amongst us who commit these horrendous crimes, and they deserve to be sent to prison and to stay there for a long time. If we have to fix up legislation in this place to ensure that those prisoners stay there for a reasonable time, I have no problem in supporting it.
As I understand it, the intent and the automatic remissions are the areas where amendments are required, and I agree with those who have stated that the Parole Board has the information, the skills and the necessary judgment to make good decisions about what may or may not happen in relation to the individual cases that come before it, and I have confidence in the Parole Board to do that.
I also thank my colleague the member for Heysen for the very informative and useful briefing she gave us on this matter. It is no secret that we had a good discussion about the matter, and the fact that the Liberal Party has chosen to support this legislation introduced by the government as it stands is largely due to the excellent presentation put to us by the shadow attorney-general.
The other change introduced in the truth and sentencing legislation was that all prisoners who reached the end of their nonparole period were automatically entitled to parole. The 1994 act changed that so that automatic parole was available only to prisoners sentenced to five years or less; in other cases, the prisoner had to apply for parole and may or may not have been successful. Mr Andrews, the person in question at the moment, is challenging this, and I understand that the judges are making their decision and will announce that decision in due course. I understand also that this legislation must pass through this parliament this week to ensure that, if Mr Andrew is somehow or other granted release from the South Australian prison system, that does not happen, and I support that. If the state loses, Mr Andrews will be out the door, and he would be entitled to apply for compensation dating back to February 2006. He is a villain who has committed an extremely serious offence, and I see no reason he should be walking the streets of South Australia or Australia, or anywhere else for that matter, and he should stay where he is for a substantial period of time. I also understand that another 20 prisoners are waiting on Mr Andrews' case and, in the event that he wins his case and is released, they would immediately go through the process—
An honourable member: They will be waiting a long time.
Mr PENGILLY: Well, they may well do. The fact is that they would be released, and we cannot have that happen. I do not think anyone in this place would support von Einem being able to walk out the door. In fact, it is my desire, quite frankly, that he rots in the place. I have no hesitation in supporting the bill, and I thank the house for the opportunity to speak on it. Like the member for Goyder, we have always raised our children to know right from wrong. All of us have to continue to do that. I know, Mr Speaker, that you have an increasing number of people to whom you will have to teach the difference between right and wrong, and you will be very busy for a long time. I thank members once again, and I support the bill.
Mr PISONI (Unley) (11:50): I will make some brief comments in support of the bill. I think any fair-minded person would realise that this bill is simply implementing the intent of the original bill. I would also like to take a moment to thank the member for Heysen. I certainly look forward to the day when she becomes the chief lawmaker in this state, when we again put back some credibility into that position in South Australia, with someone who has actually practised law and also run a business. It would be great to have someone in that position making decisions about our future.
I stand here in support of the bill. Just remember, this is all about individual responsibility. This is a man who was convicted of a heinous crime for which he was found guilty. I believe he was standing at the victim's place of abode with the gun ready to commit the act. It was contemplated and well thought out. It is also obvious that he had some people who thought about ways to find loopholes in this legislation.
Traditionally, I am not in favour of anything that is retrospective, but this simply clears up the original intent of a bill which was introduced some 15 years ago. I am very happy as a libertarian and someone who stands for individual responsibility to stand here and support the bill this morning.
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON (Croydon—Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (11:52): I thank members for their cooperation in the dispatch of this business. I want to make the point again that the government does not say it is correcting an error—we disagree with the member for Finniss to that extent. We say there is no error but we are acting out—
Mrs Redmond interjecting:
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON: The member for Heysen took the words out of my mouth. Thank you for completing my sentences; you so often do.
Bill read a second time.
Third Reading
The Hon. M.J. ATKINSON (Croydon—Attorney-General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Minister for Veterans' Affairs) (11:53): I move:
That this bill be now read a third time.
Mrs REDMOND (Heysen) (11:53): I would like to make one very brief comment that I neglected to traverse in my earlier comments on the second reading; that is, it is apparent to me that Mr Andrews reached his nonparole period in February 2006, which was cut down with remissions to 14 years and 11 months, or whatever. Whilst I have not investigated his case in particular, I would have no doubt that, having reached his nonparole period at that point, he has applied for parole unsuccessfully. If the parole board thinks that he is not fit to be released into the community at this stage, that indicates to me why we would not like to have him just automatically released if nothing was done. I just wanted to add that to my earlier comments.
Bill read a third time and passed.