Hansard Dynamic Member Index
House of Assembly - Fifty-First Parliament, Second Session (51-2)
ATKINSON, Michael John
- Appropriation Bill
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Inquiry
Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Cannabis Offences) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Possession of Prescribed Equipment) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) (Prescribed Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Abolition of Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-22
- 2008-06-19
Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- 2008-02-12
- Drugs, Penalties
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Justice System
- Kingston, Charles Cameron, Exhumation
Legal Profession Bill
- Member's Remarks
- Paedophile Register
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- 2008-02-13
- 2008-02-26
Standing Orders Suspension
- Statute Law Revision Bill
Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- 2008-02-27
- Statutes Amendment (Proceeds of Terrorism) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill
- 2008-03-06
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Statutory Officers Committee
Summary Offences (Drug Paraphernalia) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Torrens Title
- Youth Justice Reforms
- Aboriginal Interpreters
- Aboriginal Power Cup
- APY Lands Inquiry
Attorney-General's Operating Account
- Australian Crime and Violence Prevention Awards
- Children in
- Children in State Care Inquiry
- Computer Games Classification
- Courts Upgrade
- Crime Prevention Fund
- Crime Prevention Unit
- Crime Statistics
- DNA Technology
- Dundovic, Mr D.V.
- Easling, Mr T.
- Emergency Services Workers
- Firearms Act
Forensic Pathologists
- Forensic Science Program
- High Court Vacancies
- Hoon Driving Laws
- Human Remains
Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Jurors Payments
Legal Aid Funding
- Legal Fees
- Magarey Farlam
- Migration, Baltic States
- Mobilong Prison
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Organised Crime
Penalty Management Services
- Polish Hill River Church Museum Gift
- Port Augusta Gangs
- Public Trustee Office
- Standing Committee of Attorneys-General
- Victims of Crime Fund
- Vining, Dr R.
BEDFORD, Frances Ellen
- Adelaide Botanic Garden
- Appropriation Bill
- Beersheba Charge
- Calisthenics
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Dowie, Mr J.
- Five Star Print
- International Women's Day
- Lehman, Ms M.
- Maternity Hospitals
- Mother's Day
- Stolen Generations
- Trade Union Movement
- Vibe Alive
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- Waterfront Dispute
- Watkins, Mr J.
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Aboriginal Education
- Advertising, False Billing
- Alternative Learning Options Program
- Disability, Recreational and Physical Activity
- Emissions Trading Scheme
- Housing Affordability
- Indigenous Education
- National Youth Week
- Reconciliation, Youth
- Skills Strategy
- United Nations Development Fund for Women
- WorkChoices
BIGNELL, Leon William Kennedy
- Aldinga Aero Club
Appropriation Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Interest Rates
- McLaren Vale Wine Region
- Mitsubishi Motors
Road Safety
- Schools, Physical Fitness
- Science and Research Development
- Shared Services
- Solid Waste Levy
- South Adelaide Football Club
- Supply Bill 2008
- Teachers, Industrial Action
- Tour Down Under
- Valedictories
- Willunga Bushfire
- Willunga Primary School
- Wine Industry
- Active8 Premier's Youth Challenge
- Aldinga GP Plus Health Care Centre
- Climate Change
- Defence and Advanced Manufacturing Industries
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Public Transport
- Recreation and Sport Funding
- Rental Accommodation, Regional South Australia
- School Maintenance
- Security Exercise
Tour Down Under
- Tourism
- Tourism Events
BREUER OAM, Lynette Ruth
- Alcohol Consumption
- Andamooka Primary School
- BreastScreen SA
- Cooper, Ms N.
- Country Health Care Plan
- Country Regions, Professionals
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Federal Election
- Giles Electorate
- Health Care Bill
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Lowly Peninsula
- Marine Parks Bill
- Mcseveney, Elaine
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos, Regulations
Shared Services
- Stolen Generations
- Taxis, Country
- Whyalla Area
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Pierson, Margaret
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
Training and Skills Development Bill
- 2008-05-07
- 2008-05-08
- Abilities for All Program
- Active8 Premier's Youth Challenge
- Adult Community Education
- Alternative Learning Options Program
- Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics
- Broadband Rollout
Broadband Services
- CareerStart SA
- Defence and Advanced Manufacturing Industries
- Diesel Emissions Equipment
- E-Learning Program
Education and Children's Services Department
- Further Education
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Employee Benefits
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Expenditure
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, it Upgrade
- Group Training Organisations
- Higher Education Scholarships
- Indigenous Education
- Marine Science Infrastructure
- Mental Health Training
Mining Sector Employment
- Mitsubishi Motors
- National Youth Week
- Natural Resources Management
- Oliphant Centre
- School Funding
- Science and Research Development
- Skills Strategy
South Australia Works
- South Australia Works in the Regions
TAFE Campuses
- TAFE Closures
- TAFE Graduates
- Trade Promotions
- Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services
- Utility Workers
VET Program
Youth Participation
CHAPMAN, Vickie Ann
Appropriation Bill
- 2008-07-03
- Bogus, Unregistered and Deregistered Health Practitioners
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Controlled Environmental Diseases
- Controlled Substances (Possession of Prescribed Equipment) Amendment Bill
Country Health Care Plan
- Country Health SA
- Country Health Services
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Elective Surgery
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Health
Health Care Bill
- Hospital Boards
- Hospital Chief Executives
Housing Trust Water Meters
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Infrastructure Projects
- Kangaroo Island Fires
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Modbury Hospital
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
- Noarlunga Hospital
- Notices of Motion
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Solid Waste Levy
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
- Water Resources
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Women, Appointments
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Norwood
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Adelaide City Council
- Ambulance Fees
APY Lands
- APY Lands Inquiry
- APY Lands, Housing
- Bore Water
- Bradken Foundry
- Child Adoption
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Children in
Children in State Care Inquiry
Country Health Care Plan
- Country Health Services
- Country Hospital Donations
- Doctors Dispute
- Families SA, Care Placement
- Flinders Medical Centre Casual Nurse Shifts
- Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Hammill House
Health Funding
- Health System
- HomeStart
- Hospital Chief Executives
Hospital Waiting Lists
Housing SA
- Housing SA Tenancy Agreements
Housing Trust Waiting List
- Human Remains
- Immunisation Clinic General Practice
- IMVS Report
Industrial Action
- 2008-07-03
- Legal Aid Funding
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- 2007-10-17
- 2008-07-22
- Medical Staff, Overseas Travel
- Medicare Levy
- Modbury Hospital
- Motel Accommodation
- Nurses' Duties
Office for Women
- Patient Medical Costs
Paxton Report
- Premier's Council for Women
Public Hospitals, Food Services
- Public Housing
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Radioactive Waste
- Renal Service
- Renmark Hospital
- Repatriation General Hospital
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital, Mentally Ill Patients
- SA Ambulance Call Direct Service
- SA Water
- Sentinel Events
- Sewage Overflows
- South Australian Salaried Medical Officers Association
- Tramline Extension
Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Water Security, Australia
Waterfall Gully Road
Women's and Children's Hospital
Women's and Children's Hospital, Breast Cancer
- 2008-06-03
CICCARELLO, Vincenzina
- Beulah Park Fire Station
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Constantinople
- Dental Health
- Foreign Aid Policy
- Hands on SA
- Marden Senior College
- Norwood Swimming Club
- Odeon Theatre
Public Works Committee
- Public Works Committee: Cast Metals Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Clayton Water Supply
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth Park Neighbourhood Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Flood Damage Rectification in Various National Parks
- Public Works Committee: Ifould Apartments
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Northern Expressway
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Regeneration Project—Andrews Farm
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Public Works Committee: Whyalla Pipeline Pumping Stations
- Ramos-Horta, Dr J.
- Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre
- Rotary Club of St Peters
- Sexual Discrimination
- Time for Kids
- Uniting Care Adelaide East
- WorkChoices
- Questions
CONLON, Patrick Frederick
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Deputy Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
Legal Profession Bill
- Mineral Exploration
- National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- 2008-04-30
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
- Northern Expressway
- Patawalonga Barrage Upgrade
- Planning Reform
- Political Donations
Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- 2007-11-14
Standing Orders Suspension
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- 2008-04-29
- Tram and Train Derailments
- TransAdelaide Governance
- Valedictories
- West Beach Recreation Reserve (Boating Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Whyalla Steelworks
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- AAMI Stadium
- APY Lands, Airstrips
- Barrier Highway
Black Spot Program
Blackwood Park Road Link Costs
Blanchetown to Morgan Road
- Bridge Structures
- Broadband Strategy
- Bus Replacement
- Bushfires
- Carbon Emissions
- Contract Positions
- Contractors
- Driver and Vehicle Licensing
- Employees, Full Time
- Federal Funding
- Financial Reconciliation
- Fines Revenue
Flood Damaged Roads
- General Ledger Expenditure
- Gepps Cross Intersection
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Government Car Park Land, Walkerville
Government ICT
- Government Services
- Green Cycle Paths Program
- Growing Prosperity Program
- Initiative Spending
- Interest Payments
- Labor Party Fundraising
Land Management Corporation
Level Crossings
- Long Term Borrowings
- Mannum Ferry
- Marine Infrastructure
- Marine Maintenance
- Mass Action Program
- Mobile Phones
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Motor Vehicle Registration Database
Newport Quays
Noarlunga Rail Line
- Northern Expressway
- O-Bahn Corridor
- Oaklands Park Railway Station
Overtaking Lanes
- P-Plate Drivers
- Payroll Procedures
Policy and Planning Program
- Port River Expressway
- Public Sector Separation Packages
Public Transport
Public Transport Patronage
- Public Works Committee
- Rail Contract Management
Rail Track Replacement
- Rail, Standard Gauge
Rail, Train and Bus Union
- Railway Re-Sleepering
- Recreational Boating Facilities
- Registration and Licensing Transactions
Road Maintenance
- Road Maintenance, Davenport Electorate
- Road Safety Cameras
Road Sealing
- Road Transport Requirements
- Roads, Rural Sealed Network
- Roadside Rest Areas
- South Road Upgrade
- Speeding Fines
- Starfish Hill Wind Farm
Train Derailment
- Tram Airconditioning
Tram and Train Derailments
Tram Derailment
- Tram Passengers
Tramline Extension
- TransAdelaide Assets
TransAdelaide Computer System
- TransAdelaide Payroll Services
- Transport Depreciation
Transport Infrastructure
- 2007-11-14
Transport Infrastructure Services Program
- Transport Initiatives
- Transport Ministerial Council Meeting
- Transport Safety and Regulation Services Program
- Transport Security
Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
- Unley Development Plan Amendment Report
Waterfall Gully Road
EVANS, Iain Frederick
- Appropriation Bill
- Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Registration of Deaths) Amendment Bill
Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- 2008-07-24
Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Civil Liability (Recreational Services) Amendment Bill
- Clovelly Park Railway Station
- Controlled Substances (Cannabis Offences) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Eden Hills Railway Station
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- 2008-06-19
- Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Institute of Physical Activity
- Local Government (Litter) Amendment Bill
- Minister's Remarks
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- School Funding
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Asset Sales
- Blackwood Park Road Link Costs
Easling, Mr T.
- Education Budget
- Employee Benefits
Government Car Park Land, Walkerville
- Metropolitan Fire Service Land Purchase
- Road Maintenance
- Road Maintenance, Davenport Electorate
- School Maintenance
- Trade Promotions
- TransAdelaide Assets
- Virginia Pipeline
FOLEY, Kevin Owen
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Alexander, Mr P.
Appropriation Bill
- Auditor-General's Report
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Budget Papers
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Desalination Plants
- Drought
Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- 2008-05-06
- Marathon Resources
- Murray-Darling Basin
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- 2008-05-06
- Police Handguns
- Police Plane
- Police Resources
- Santos
- Security Intelligence Section
- Sittings and Business
Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-09
Standing Orders Suspension
- State Budget
Statutes Amendment (Budget 2008) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- 2008-03-05
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Tasers
- Water Billing
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
AAMI Stadium
- Adelaide Business Rating
- Adelaide City Council
- Air Warfare Destroyer
- Asset Disposal
- Attorney-General's Department
- Attorney-General's Operating Account
Auditor-General's Report
- BHP Billiton
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Budget Expenditure
- Budget Overspending
Business and Consumer Confidence
- Business Growth Program
- Business Investment
- Capital Projects
- Case Management Secretariat
- Clipsal 500
- Community Builders Program
- Consolidated Financial Report
- Cultana Army Training Camp
- Desalination Plants
- Driver's Licence Curfews
- Economic Development Board
- Economic Strategy and Policy Development Program
- Excess Funds Account
- Exhaust Systems
Expiation Notices
- Federal Election
- Financial Data Collection
- Financial Market Investments
- First Home Buyers
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Goods and Services Figures
- Goods and Services Tax
- Government Boards and Committees Remuneration
- Government Finance Monitoring
- Government ICT
- Grants, Non-Government Entities
- Hay and Straw Carriers
- Holdfast Shores
- Housing Affordability
- ICT Contracts
- Industrial Relations
- Industrial Relations Laws
- Innovation Commercialisation and Development Grants
- Leadership Development Program
- Lean Education and Application Network Programs
- Loan Write-Off
- Maritime Skills Centre
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Metropolitan Adelaide Industrial Land Strategy
- Motor Accident Commission
- Motor Vehicle Industry Funding
- Netball Stadium
- Northern Suburbs
On-the-Spot Fines
- Plant and Equipment Disposal
- Police, Highway Patrol
- Port Augusta Gangs
- Port Stanvac Refinery
- Prisons
- Procurement Reform Program
- Property, Plant and Equipment Purchase
- Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Public Non-Financial Corporations
- Public Sector Comparison
- Public Sector Employment
- Public Sector Wages
- Public Service Employees
Public-Private Partnerships
- Regional Development Boards
- Research and Development Expenditure
- RevenueSA
- Review of Priorities
- SA Water
- Saicorp
- School Computers
Shared Services
- South Australian Economy
- South Australian Private Equity Program
- Specific Purpose Grants
- Speed Cameras
Speeding Fines
State Budget
- State Debt
State Economy
- State Finances
- Subprime Mortgage Market
- Super Schools
- Superannuation Data
- Tiger Airways
Trade and Economic Development Department
- Tram Derailment
- Tramline Extension
- TransAdelaide Dividend Rate
Treasury and Finance Department
Victoria Park Redevelopment
Water Billing
- Water Infrastructure
- Water Pricing
WorkCover Corporation
- 2008-02-28
- Workers Compensation
FOX, Chloe Catienne
- Speeches
- Adelaide Festival of Arts
- Adult Community Education
- Common Ground Franklin Street
- Dundovic, Mr D.V.
- Emergency Services Workers
- Healthy Eating Program
- Housing Affordability
- Marine Science Infrastructure
- Motorcycle Gangs
- National 2020 Summit
- Refugees, Sporting Activities
- Seniors, Community Involvement
GERAGHTY, Robyn Kathryn
- Dernancourt Primary School
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Food Hygiene
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Hampstead Preschool
- Harmony Day
- Klemzig Primary School
Legislative Review Committee
- Local Government (Advertising Material) Amendment Bill
- Pollution Complaints
- Retail Service
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Sittings and Business
- Solar Panel Connectivity
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Light
- Questions
- Appropriation Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Credit and Investment Schemes
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fire Hydrants
Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Health Care Bill
- Mount Barker Hospital
- Mount Lofty Ranges Water Catchment
- Notices of Motion
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Resources
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Newland
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
GRIFFITHS, Steven Paul
- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill
- BreastScreen SA
- Community Clubs
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
Country Health Care Plan
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Fire Hydrants
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Health Care Bill
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Auditor-General) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Natural Resources Committee: Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board
- Notices of Motion
- Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- Population Growth
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Regional Development Boards
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
Shared Services
Solid Waste Levy
- Southern Expressway
- Stamp Duties (Trusts) Amendment Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Budget 2008) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
- Superannuation Schemes
- Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Water Resources
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Morialta
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Yorke Peninsula Field Days
- Yorke Peninsula Health Bus
AAMI Stadium
- Adelaide Business Rating
- Audit Plans
- Auditor-General's Report
- Budget Expenditure
- CareerStart SA
- Consolidated Financial Report
Country Health Care Plan
- Diesel Emissions Equipment
- E-Learning Program
Education and Children's Services Department
- Federal Election
- Financial Market Investments
- Further Education
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Employee Benefits
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, Expenditure
- Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology Department, it Upgrade
- Goods and Services Figures
Government Employee Housing
- Government ICT
- Group Training Organisations
- Initiative Spending
- Labor Party Fundraising
- Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Mining Sector Employment
- Protocol Unit Procurement Transactions
- Public Service Employee Numbers
- Public Service Employees
- Public-Private Partnerships
- SA Water
- Service SA
Shared Services
- 2008-02-27
Shared Services SA
- South Australia Works
- State Budget
- State Economy
- State Government Investments
- Subprime Mortgage Market
TAFE Campuses
- TAFE Graduates
- Trade and Economic Development Department
- Traineeship and Apprenticeship Services
- Transport Infrastructure
- Utility Workers
VET Program
- Water Infrastructure
GUNN AM, Graham McDonald
- Animal Welfare Regulations
- Appropriation Bill
- BHP Billiton
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Bushfires
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Inquiry
Cooper Discoverer Cruises
- Country Health Care Plan
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Daylight Saving
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Kapunda Hospital
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- 2008-06-19
- 2008-07-24
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos
- Rodeos, Fees
Rodeos, Regulations
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Shared Services
- Sittings and Business
- Solid Waste Levy
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Streaky Bay District Council
- Supply Bill 2008
- Taxis, Country
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- Wakefield Electorate
- Barrier Highway
Blanchetown to Morgan Road
Country Health Care Plan
- Environment Protection Authority
- Expiation Notices
- Hay and Straw Carriers
- Leigh Creek Hospital
- Morgan-Whyalla Pipeline
On-the-Spot Fines
- Police, Highway Patrol
Port Augusta Gangs
- Road Sealing
- Rodeos
HAMILTON-SMITH, Martin Leslie James
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Deputy Speaker's Ruling, Dissent
- Drought
Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
Standing Orders Suspension
- Statutes Amendment (Proceeds of Terrorism) Bill
- Stolen Generations
- Supply Bill 2008
- Water Security
- WorkCover Corporation
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
AAMI Stadium
- 2008-06-04
- Air Warfare Destroyer
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Asset Disposal
Auditor-General's Report
BHP Billiton
- BHP Desalination Plant
- Budget Overspending
- Business and Consumer Confidence
- Business Investment
- Capital Projects
Carbon Emissions
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Clipsal 500
- Competitiveness Council
Country Health Care Plan
- 2008-06-18
- Crime Prevention Unit
- Crime Statistics
- Defence SA
- Defence SA Administrative Unit
- Department Amalgamations
Desalination Plants
- Disability Funding
- Doctors Dispute
Election Advertising
- Equine Influenza
- Families and Communities Department
- Financial Data Collection
- Firearms Act
- First Home Buyers
Forensic Pathologists
- Fuelwatch
- Goods and Services Figures
- Goods and Services Tax
- Government Finance Monitoring
- Government ICT
- Government Legislative Program
- Grants, Non-Government Entities
- Health Funding
- Health Reform Program
Health System
- Housing Affordability
- Housing Trust
ICT Contracts
Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Industrial Action
- Industrial Relations Laws
- Interest Rates
Land Management Corporation
- Land Prices
- Legislative Council Vacancy
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
Mitsubishi Motors
- Motor Accident Commission
Motorcycle Gangs
Mount Bold Reservoir
- 2008-02-14
- Murray River
Murray River Irrigators
- 2008-02-13
Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- 2008-04-30
- Native Vegetation
- Neilson, Mr T.
- Netball Stadium
- Newport Quays
- Northern Suburbs
- Organised Crime
- Police Complaints Authority
- Procurement Reform Program
- Property, Plant and Equipment Purchase
- Public Non-Financial Corporations
- Public Sector Comparison
- Public Sector Employment
- Public Sector Wages
Public Service Employee Numbers
- Rail, Train and Bus Union
- RevenueSA
- Review of Priorities
- Roxby Downs
- Saicorp
Shared Services
Solar Cities Congress
Solar Energy
- Specific Purpose Grants
State Budget
- State Debt
- State Economy
- State Finances
- Super Schools
- Superannuation Data
- Sustainability and Climate Change Program
Train Derailment
Tram and Train Derailments
Tram Derailment
- 2008-02-28
TransAdelaide Computer System
- TransAdelaide Dividend Rate
- Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
Treasury and Finance Department
Victoria Park Redevelopment
Water Billing
Water Security
WorkCover Corporation
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Alcohol Consumption
- Antisocial Behaviour Orders
- Appropriation Bill
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Legislative Council Reform) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Number of Ministers) Amendment Bill
- Coorong
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) (Prescribed Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Abolition of Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Easling, Mr T.
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Government Advertising (Objectivity, Fairness and Accountability) Bill
- Health Care Bill
- Housing Trust Survey Lines
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Legal Profession Bill
Local Government (Advertising Material) Amendment Bill
- 2008-07-24
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Matter of Privilege
- Murray-Darling Basin
- Notices of Motion
- Palestine
- Passenger Transport (Safety of Passengers) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
Private Members' Business
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- School Funding
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Delegate Ministers) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Gaming Machine Limitations) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Members Allowances—Metropolitan Councils) Amendment Bill
- 2008-02-14
Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- 2008-06-05
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
HILL, John David
Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-29
- Blood Lead Levels
- Bogus, Unregistered and Deregistered Health Practitioners
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Container Deposit Increase
- Crown Land Management Bill
- Dowie, Mr J.
Environment Protection (Board of Authority) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-02
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- GP Plus Emergency Hospital Task Force
- Health and Medical Research Review
Health Care Bill
- Home Support Services
- ICT Services
Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
Makk and McLeay Nursing Home
- Marble Hill
Marine Parks Bill
- Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Metropolitan Hospital Efficiency and Performance Review
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prostate Cancer
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Renal Service
- Ring Cycle
- Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital, Mentally Ill Patients
SA Ambulance Service
- Southern Suburbs
- Statutes Amendment (Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction and Regulation of Research Involving Human Embryos) Bill
Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science) Bill
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- TrustPower
- Women's and Children's Hospital
- Aldinga GP Plus Health Care Centre
- Ambulance Fees
- Ambulance Services
- Arts, Regional Centres
- ASSITEJ World Congress and Festival
- Australian Business Arts Foundation Awards
- Bore Water
- Cancer Council of South Australia
Childhood Obesity
- Cigarette Sales
- Country Ambulance Service Upgrade
Country Health Care Plan
Country Health SA
Country Health Services
Dental Health
Doctors Dispute
- Elective Surgery
Environment Protection Authority
- EPODE Program
- Flinders Medical Centre Casual Nurse Shifts
- Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Florey Adelaide Male Ageing Study
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
Hammill House
Health Funding
- 2008-02-28
- Health Ministers' Conference
- Health Reform Program
- Health Reforms
Health System
- HealthDirect
- Home Support Services
- Hospital Chief Executives
- Hospital Statistics
Hospital Waiting Lists
- ICT Contracts
- Immunisation Clinic General Practice
- IMVS Report
- Indigenous Medical Scholarships Project
Industrial Action
- 2008-07-03
- Infant Mortality
- Leigh Creek Hospital
- Lyell McEwin Hospital
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Medical Recruitment
- Medical Research
- Medical Staff, Overseas Travel
- Medicare Levy
- Modbury Hospital
Mount Barker Hospital
- Neilson, Mr T.
- Nurses' Duties
- Patient Assisted Transport Scheme
- Patient Medical Costs
Paxton Report
- Pregnancy SA Telephone Service
- Public Hospitals, Adverse Events
Public Hospitals, Food Services
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
- Radioactive Waste
- Renal Service
- Renmark Hospital
- Repatriation General Hospital
- Rodeos
Royal Adelaide Hospital
- Royal Adelaide Hospital, Mentally Ill Patients
- SA Ambulance Call Direct Service
- Security Exercise
- Sentinel Events
- South Australian Salaried Medical Officers Association
- State Heritage List
- Suicide Postvention
- Vaccination Program
Women's and Children's Hospital
Women's and Children's Hospital, Breast Cancer
- 2008-06-03
- Youth Arts
KENYON, Thomas Richard
- Dog and Cat Management (Cats) Amendment Bill
- Euthanasia
- Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Gomez, Mr R.
- Gould Group
- Infrastructure Spending
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Injuries and Deaths
- Southern Expressway
- Suncube
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Newland
- Questions
KERIN, Robert Gerard
- Speeches
Country Health Care Plan
- 2008-07-24
- Dairy Industry
- Hammill House
- Prawns
KEY, Stephanie Wendy
- Appropriation Bill
- Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute
- Australian of the Year Awards
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
- Cleaning Industry
- Environment Protection (Site Contamination) Amendment Bill
- Gender Workplace Report
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- South Road Upgrade
- Superannuation Schemes
- Trade Union Movement
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- Women in Government
Working Women's Centre
- Questions
- Appropriation Bill
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
Economic and Finance Committee
- Economic and Finance Committee: Consumer Credit and Investment Schemes
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Government Advertising (Objectivity, Fairness and Accountability) Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Liberal Party of Australia
- Nuclear Power Stations
Private Members' Business
- Statutes Amendment (Ethical Investment—State Superannuation) Bill
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Newland
- Questions
- Adelaide High School
- Appropriation Bill
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Consultants and Contractors
- Drug Driving
- Early Childhood Development Services
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- School Closures
- Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia (Review) Amendment Bill
Aboriginal Education
- Asset Sales
- Childhood Obesity
- Cruise Ship Industry
- Cummins Rural Care Facility
- Ecotourism
- Education Budget
- Education, Special Needs
- Employee Benefits
- Hazard Default Notice
Healthy Eating Program
- International Solar Cities Congress
International Year of Languages
- Job Skills
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Outback Tourism
- Premier's ANZAC School Prize
- Premier's be Active Challenge
- Premier's Reading Challenge
- School Computers
- School Facilities
- School Funding
School Maintenance
- School Uniforms
- School-To-Work Program
- Schools, Environmental Sustainability
- Schools, Water and Energy Consumption
- South Australian Certificate of Education
- Teachers
Tour Down Under
Tourism Events
- Tourism Eyre Peninsula
- Tourism, Wine and Food
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
World Food Exchange
- 2008-06-03
MAYWALD, Karlene Ann
- Speeches
Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
Goulburn-Murray Water Recovery Project
- Green Manufacturing
- Labor Party Fundraising
Lake Victoria
- Long Flat Irrigation Trust
- Morgan-Whyalla Pipeline
Mount Bold Reservoir
- 2008-02-27
- Murray River
Murray River Drought Management
Murray River Irrigators
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
Murray-Darling Basin
Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
Public Service Employee Numbers
SA Water
- SA Water Capital Works
- Sewage Overflows
- Stormwater Initiatives
- Virginia Pipeline
- Waste Water
- Water Allocation
Water Billing
- Water Carting, Lower Lakes
- Water Infrastructure
- Water Licences
Water Policy
- Water Purchase Fund
- Water Research
- Water Savings
Water Security
- Water Security Office
- Water Trading
Wellington Weir
MCEWEN, Rory John
- Speeches
Country Hospital Donations
- Dairy Industry
- Desalination Plants
- Marine Scalefish Fishery
Murray River Irrigators
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
- Prawns
- Alcohol Consumption
- Appropriation Bill
- APY Lands Inquiry
- BreastScreen SA
- Bus Services
- Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Jack Fox Oval
- King Street Bridge
Liquor Licensing Hours
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
- National Ride to Work Day
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
Public Transport
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Stolen Generations
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Tramline Extension
- Water Security
- West Beach Recreation Reserve (Boating Facilities) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- APY Lands, Airstrips
- APY Lands, Sport and Recreation
- Auditor-General's Report
Black Spot Program
- Blackwood Park Road Link Costs
- Bridge Structures
- Broadband Rollout
- Broadband Strategy
- Bus Replacement
Business and Parliament Trust
- Business Growth Program
- Case Management Secretariat
Clayton-Walsh Report
- Community Builders Program
- Contract Positions
- Contractors
- Cultana Army Training Camp
- Driver and Vehicle Licensing
- Economic Development Board
- Economic Strategy and Policy Development Program
- Employees, Full Time
- Employers Mutual Case Managers
- Ernabella Community
- Excess Funds Account
- Expiation Notices
- Federal Funding
- Financial Reconciliation
- Fines Revenue
Flood Damaged Roads
- General Ledger Expenditure
- Gepps Cross Intersection
- Government Boards and Committees Remuneration
- Government Review
- Green Cycle Paths Program
- Growing Prosperity Program
- History Trust and SA Museum Revenue
- Holdfast Shores
- Housing Trust
- Indigenous Medical Scholarships Project
- Industrial Relations
- Innovation Commercialisation and Development Grants
- Interest Payments
- Kanpi Community
Koonibba Community
- Leadership Development Program
- Lean Education and Application Network Programs
Level Crossings
- Loan Write-Off
- Local Government Disaster Fund
- Long Term Borrowings
- Manufacturing Sector
- Marine Infrastructure
- Marine Maintenance
- Mass Action Program
- Metropolitan Adelaide Industrial Land Strategy
- Mobile Phones
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- Motor Vehicle Industry Funding
- Motor Vehicle Registration Database
Noarlunga Rail Line
- Northern Expressway
- O-Bahn Corridor
- Oliphant Centre
Overtaking Lanes
- P-Plate Drivers
- Patawalonga Barrage Upgrade
- Payroll Procedures
- Pipalyatjara Community
- Plant and Equipment Disposal
Policy and Planning Program
- Port River Expressway
- Port Stanvac Refinery
- Public Hospitals, Adverse Events
- Public Sector Separation Packages
- Public Service Employees
- Public Transport
Public Transport Patronage
- Rail Contract Management
Rail Track Replacement
- Rail, Standard Gauge
- Railway Re-Sleepering
- Raukkan Community
- Recreational Boating Facilities
- Regional Development Boards
- Registration and Licensing Transactions
- Research and Development Expenditure
Road Maintenance
- Road Sealing
- Road Transport Requirements
- Roads, Rural Sealed Network
- Roadside Rest Areas
- School Funding
- Scotdesco Community
- Shark Patrols
- South Australian Private Equity Program
- South Road Upgrade
- Speed Cameras
Speeding Fines
- State Heritage List
- State Strategic Plan
- Tour Down Under
- Trade and Economic Development Department
- Trade Union Grants
- Tram Airconditioning
Tram Derailment
- Tram Passengers
Tramline Extension
- 2008-06-05
- TransAdelaide Payroll Services
- Transport Depreciation
Transport Infrastructure
Transport Infrastructure Services Program
- Transport Initiatives
- Transport Safety and Regulation Services Program
- Transport Security
Transport, Energy and Infrastructure Department
WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Unfunded Liability, Public Sector
- Workers Compensation
- Yalata Community
- Yalata Facilities
O'BRIEN, Michael Francis
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Appropriation Bill
- Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Food Plan
- Franchises
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Northern Suburbs
- Passenger Transport (Safety of Passengers) Amendment Bill
- Playford City Council District
- Public Accounts Committee
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Questions
PEDERICK, Adrian Stephen
Appropriation Bill
- Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Country Health Care Plan
- Country Transport Services
- Criminal Law (Clamping, Impounding and Forfeiture of Vehicles) (Prescribed Offences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
- Drought
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Fire Hydrants
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Food Labelling Laws
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Grain Marketing
- Jabuk Centenary
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Motor Vehicles (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Murray Bridge Council Award
Murray River
Murray River Drought Management
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Pinnaroo
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Clayton Water Supply
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Regional Employment
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Santos Limited (Deed of Undertaking) Bill
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Sewerage (Water Management Measures—Use of Waste Material) Amendment Bill
- Shared Services
- Social Development Committee: Gestational Surrogacy
- Social Development Committee: South Australian Certificate of Education
- Solid Waste Levy
- Southern Expressway
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment and Repeal (Taxation Administration) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Water Briefings
- Water Resources
- Water Security
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Resources
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Country Health Care Plan
- Education, Special Needs
- Employee Benefits
Lake Victoria
- Long Flat Irrigation Trust
- Marine Scalefish Fishery
- Mobilong Prison
- Mount Bold Reservoir
Murray River Drought Management
Murray River, Lower Lakes
- Public Service Employee Benefits
Water Billing
Water Security
Wellington Weir
PENFOLD, Elizabeth Meryl
- American Army Small Ships
Appropriation Bill
- 2008-07-03
- Country Health Care Plan
- Country Health Services
- Cummins Rural Care Facility
- Health Care Bill
- Kirton Point Emergency Services Centre
Marine Parks Bill
- Nuclear Waste
- SA Water
- Shared Services
- Solid Waste Levy
- Spragg Bag Waterbag
- Supply Bill 2008
- The Other Side
- Water Security
- Water Technology
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Ambulance Services
- Country Ambulance Service Upgrade
Country Health Care Plan
- Cruise Ship Industry
- Cummins Rural Care Facility
Eyre Peninsula Water Supply
- Patient Assisted Transport Scheme
- Tourism Eyre Peninsula
PENGILLY, Michael Redding
- Appropriation Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Country Health Care Plan
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Deep Creek
- Economic and Finance Committee: Emergency Services Levy
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps
- Fleurieu Peninsula Water Supply
- Health Care Bill
Kangaroo Island Fires
- Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Land Tax
- Legacy Club of Adelaide
Local Government
- Local Government (Superannuation Scheme) Amendment Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
Marine Protected Areas
- Member's Remarks
- Middle River Dam
- Murray Lakes Clean-Up
- Murray River
- Murray River Drought Management
- Murray River, Lower Lakes
- Natural Resources Management
- Notices of Motion
- Onkaparinga City Council
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Cast Metals Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Clayton Water Supply
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Elizabeth Park Neighbourhood Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Flood Damage Rectification in Various National Parks
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Northern Expressway
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Regeneration Project—Andrews Farm
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Whyalla Pipeline Pumping Stations
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
Solid Waste Levy
- South Coast Public Transport
- Southern Expressway
- Southern Ocean Lodge
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
Supply Bill 2008
- Tiger Airways
- Trade Schools
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- Water Security
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Bright
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- World Food Exchange
- Auditor-General's Report
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Country Health SA
- Formula One Exhibition Race
- Northern Suburbs
- Starfish Hill Wind Farm
- Tiger Airways
- Torrens Parade Ground
Tour Down Under
- 2007-10-18
- Tourism Events
- Victoria Park Redevelopment
World Food Exchange
- 2008-06-03
PICCOLO, Antonio
- Children in Care
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Evanston Gardens Primary School
- Gawler Railway Station Restoration
- International Men's Health Week
- Italo-Australian MP Forum
- Johnson, Mr M.R.
- McLeod's Daughters
- Member's Remarks
- National Men's Health Forum
- Urban Growth Boundary
- Volunteers, Service Clubs
- Questions
PISONI, David Gregory
- Alcohol Consumption
Appropriation Bill
- Attorney-General's Remarks
- Clothing Outworkers
- Constitution (Number of Ministers) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Economic and Finance Committee: Franchises
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Education, National Curriculum
- Education, Socioeconomic Status Funding Model
- Fashoda Street Property
- Food Additives
Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Healthy Eating Program
- Hyde Park Development Proposal
- Ikaria, Anniversary of Liberation
- Le Cornu
- Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Injuries and Deaths
- Pay-Roll Tax (Harmonisation Project) Amendment Bill
- Police, Unley
- Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Public Works Committee: Cast Metals Precinct
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Dunstan Playhouse
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Ifould Apartments
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Northern Expressway
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Regeneration Project—Andrews Farm
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Scouts Youth Team Challenge
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Shared Services
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
Supply Bill 2008
Training and Skills Development Bill
- Voluntary Euthanasia
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Bright
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Light
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Reynell
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
Childhood Obesity
- Cigarette Sales
- Disability Funding
- EPODE Program
- Exhaust Systems
- Green Manufacturing
- Healthy Eating Program
Industrial Action
- Marcos Engineering Limited
- Maritime Skills Centre
- Mining Sector Employment
- Office of the North
Price and Safety Compliance
- Public Works Committee
- Road Safety Cameras
School Computers
- School Funding
- School Uniforms
- Unley Development Plan Amendment Report
- Volunteers
- Adelaide Botanic Garden
- Footpaths
- Graffiti Control (Sale of Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Hartley Electorate
Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-10
- Local Government Education Program
- Medical Records
- Mobile Phones
- Pensions
Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Spent Convictions Bill
- Volunteers
- Business and Consumer Confidence
- Defence Industry
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Health Ministers' Conference
- Higher Education Scholarships
- Legal Aid, Homeless People
- Netball World Championships
- School-To-Work Program
- South Australian Economy
- Sporting Events
- Women's Information Service
- Youth Participation
RANKINE, Jennifer Mary
- Alcohol Consumption
- Auditor-General's Report
- Fair Trading (Telemarketing) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-15
- Liquor Licensing (Power to Bar) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Advertising Material) Amendment Bill
- Local Government (Auditor-General) Amendment Bill
Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- 2007-11-15
- Rape and Sexual Offences
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Members Allowances—Metropolitan Councils) Amendment Bill
- Advertising, False Billing
- Auditor-General's Report
- Children's Literature
- Consumer Affairs Ministerial Council
- Consumer Goods, Green Marketing
- Cost Benefit Analysis
- Easling, Mr T.
- Flooding
- Fraud Fortnight
- Kangaroo Island Fires
Living Books
- Local Government
- Local Government Disaster Fund
- Local Government Relations
Office for Women
- Pink Ribbon Day
Premier's Council for Women
Price and Safety Compliance
- Public Land
- Schoolies Week
Total Employment Cost
- Travel Scam
- Volunteers
- Women in Local Government
Women's Information Service
- WorkChoices
RANN AC CNZM, Michael David
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Auditor-General's Report
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Bushfires
- Cabinet Reshuffle
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Children in State Care Apology
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Crimes, Mr E.H.
- Dangerous Offenders
- Interest Rates
Legislative Council Vacancy
- Mitsubishi Employees, Lending Institutions
- Mitsubishi Motors
- Motorcycle Gangs
- Murray River Irrigators
- Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Health
- No Confidence Motion: Minister for Transport
- Queen's Counsel
- Rape and Sexual Offences
- Solar Feed-In Laws
- Standing Orders Suspension
- State Strategic Plan
- Stolen Generations
- Veterans Affairs Minister
- Water Security
WorkCover Corporation
AAMI Stadium
Adelaide Cabaret Festival
Adelaide Festival of Arts
- Adelaide International Guitar Festival
- Adelaide Writers' Week
- Adelaide Zoo
- AFL Drugs Policy
- APY Lands Inquiry
- APY Lands, Sport and Recreation
- BHP Billiton
- Brown Hill Wind Farm
Business and Parliament Trust
Carbon Emissions
- Carnegie Mellon University
Children in State Care Inquiry
Climate Change
- Common Ground Franklin Street
- Competitiveness Council
- Consultants and Contractors
- Council of Australian Governments
- Country Health Care Plan
- Defence Industry
- Defence SA
- Defence SA Administrative Unit
- Department Amalgamations
Desalination Plants
- Disability Funding
- Easling, Mr T.
Election Advertising
- Emissions Trading Scheme
- Employee Benefits
- Employment
- Federal Election
- Formula One Exhibition Race
- Fuelwatch
- General Motors Holden
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Government Legislative Program
- Greek Orthodox Church
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Guardianship Board
- Health System
- History Trust and SA Museum Revenue
- Industrial Action
- Interest Rates
- Labor Party Fundraising
- Land Management Corporation
- Land Prices
Legislative Council Vacancy
- Manufacturing Sector
- Marathon Resources
- Marcos Engineering Limited
Marjorie Jackson-Nelson Hospital
- Mining and Energy Sectors
Mitsubishi Motors
Motorcycle Gangs
- Mountford, Rev. J.
- Murray River Irrigators
Murray-Darling Basin
- 2008-04-10
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- National 2020 Summit
- Native Vegetation
- Netball World Championships
- Northern Suburbs
- Office of the North
- Plastic Bags
- Police Complaints Authority
- Premier's Reading Challenge
- Prime Ministerial Visit
- Protocol Unit Procurement Transactions
- Public Service Employee Benefits
Public Service Employee Numbers
- 2008-06-05
- Public Service Employees
- Renewable Energy
- Roxby Downs
- Sentencing, Armed Robbery
- Shared Services
Solar Cities Congress
Solar Energy
Sporting Events
- State Economy
- State Government Investments
- State Strategic Plan
- Sustainability and Climate Change Program
- Techport
- Thinker in Residence
- Torrens Parade Ground
Tour Down Under
- Trade Mission, India
- Trade Union Grants
- Tram and Train Derailments
- Tram Derailment
- United Nations Development Fund for Women
Victoria Park Redevelopment
Water Billing
- Water Infrastructure
Water Resources
Water Security
- WOMADelaide
WorkCover Corporation
RAU SC, John Robert
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Emergency Services Funding (Protection of Funds) Amendment Bill
- Food Labelling Laws
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
Natural Resources Committee
- Natural Resources Committee: Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board
- Natural Resources Committee: Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board
- Natural Resources Committee: South-East Natural Resources Management Board
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Water Security
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Bright
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
REDMOND, Isobel Mary
- Adelaide Festival Centre Trust (Financial Restructure) Amendment Bill
Appropriation Bill
- Children in State Care Apology
Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Classification Process) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Legislative Council Reform) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
- Correctional Services (Application of Truth in Sentencing) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Victims of Crime) Amendment Bill
Criminal Law Consolidation (Double Jeopardy) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Deputy Premier's Remarks
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
Legal Profession Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Prescribed Medications
Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Standing Orders Suspension
- Statute Law Revision Bill
Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Public Order Offences) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Real Property) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Summary Offences (Drug Paraphernalia) Amendment Bill
Summary Offences (Indecent Filming) Amendment Bill
- Voluntary Euthanasia Bill
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Age Accommodation
- Ageing Plan
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Attorney-General's Department
Attorney-General's Operating Account
- Crime Prevention Fund
- Disability Employment Strategy
- Domiciliary Care SA
- Forensic Science Program
- Guardianship Board
- Julia Farr Association
- Jurors Payments
Labor Party Fundraising
- Legal Aid Funding
- Legal Fees
- Magarey Farlam
- Mount Barker Hospital
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Penalty Management Services
- Public Trustee Office
- Salvation Army Alcohol Stabilisation Program
- Supported Accommodation Strategy
- Victims of Crime Fund
SIMMONS, Lindsay Anne
- Appropriation Bill
- Asperger's Syndrome
- BreastScreen SA
- Children in State Care Apology
- East Turkistan
- Environmental Education Centre
Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Health Care Bill
- Indigenous Medical Scholarships Project
- International Year of Languages
- Montacute Country Fire Service Brigade
- National Heart Week
- Polomka, Mr G.
- Vietnamese Veterans Association of South Australia
- With One Voice
- Adelaide Cabaret Festival
- Adelaide International Guitar Festival
- Consumer Affairs Ministerial Council
- Disability Funding
- International Association of Labour Inspection
- Ngarrindjeri Regional Partnership Agreement
- Public-Private Partnerships
- School Facilities
- Schools, Environmental Sustainability
- Taxation
- Adelaide City Council
- Children in State Care Apology
- Coorong
- Elizabeth Grove Community Campus
- Elizabeth Vale Primary School
- Health Care Bill
- Lyell McEwin Hospital
- Organ Donation
- Para West Early Learning Centre Preschool
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Remembrance Day
- SA Ambulance Service
- Stolen Generations
- Superannuation Schemes
- Supply Bill 2008
- Questions
SUCH, Robert Bruce
- Adelaide Botanic Garden
- Adelaide Park Lands (Facilitation of Development of Victoria Park) Amendment Bill
- Alcohol Consumption
Appropriation Bill
- Asperger's Syndrome
- Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Registration of Deaths) Amendment Bill
- BreastScreen SA
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
Bus Services
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Electoral Redistribution) Amendment Bill
- Constitution (Legislative Council Reform) Amendment Bill
- Coorong
- Criminal Law (Sentencing) (Abolition of Suspended Sentences) Amendment Bill
- Criminal Law Consolidation (Rape and Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill
- Dog and Cat Management (Cats) Amendment Bill
- Dog and Cat Management (Council Plans of Management) Amendment Bill
- Education (Compulsory Education Age) Amendment Bill
- Electoral (Voting Age) Amendment Bill
- Fair Work (Prohibition Against Bargaining Services Fee) Amendment Bill
- Female Foeticide
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Food Hygiene
- Food Labelling Laws
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Gould Group
- Graffiti Control (Carrying Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Control (Orders on Conviction) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Control (Sale of Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Health Care Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Independent Commission Against Crime and Corruption Bill
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
- Lobbying and Ministerial Accountability Bill
- Marine Parks Bill
- Member's Remarks
- Men's Health
- Murray River Drought Management
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution Bill
- Ovarian Cancer
- Parliamentary Committee on Occupational Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation: Workplace Injuries and Deaths
- Population Growth
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Flinders Medical Centre Redevelopment
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
- Rail Network, Seaford Rise
- Referendum (Electoral Redistribution) Bill
- Referendum (Legislative Council Reform) Bill
- Select Committee on Balancing Work and Life Responsibilities
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Superannuation Schemes
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Indirect Orders) Amendment Bill
- Training and Skills Development Bill
- Water Security
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- Western Mount Lofty Ranges Water Resources
- Workplace Health
THOMPSON, Mary Gabrielle
- Speeches
- Questions
VENNING, Ivan Howard
- Alcohol Consumption
Appropriation Bill
- Barley Contracts
- Barossa Train Service
- Boats, Grey Water Treatment System
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Child Sex Offenders Registration (Registration of Internet Activities) Amendment Bill
- Childhood Obesity
- Civil Liability (Food Donors and Distributors) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Controlled Drugs, Precursors and Cannabis) Amendment Bill
- Controlled Substances (Drug Detection Powers) Amendment Bill
Country Health Care Plan
- Division Count
- Environment, Resources and Development Committee: Coastal Development
- Fire Hydrants
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Gaming Machines (Hours of Operation) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Control (Sale of Graffiti Implements) Amendment Bill
- Graffiti Vandalism
- Health Care Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Kangaroo Island Transport
- Labor Government
- Lake Eyre Basin (Intergovernmental Agreement) (Ratification of Amendments) Amendment Bill
- Liquor Licensing (Certificates of Approval) Amendment Bill
- Mannum
- Mannum Ferry
- Member's Remarks
- Murray
- Murray River
- Murray River Drought Management
- Murray River Irrigators
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Native Vegetation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Notices of Motion
- Planning
- Port River Bridges
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act
- Private Parking Areas (Penalties) Amendment Bill
- Public Transport
- Public Works Committee: Rail Revitalisation Project
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Serious and Organised Crime (Control) Bill
- Shared Services
- Southern Expressway
- Statutes Amendment (Advisory Panels Repeal) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Evidence and Procedure) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Police Superannuation) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Proceeds of Terrorism) Bill
Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Young Offenders) Bill
- Superannuation Schemes
- Supply Bill 2008
- Tobacco Products Regulation (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Valedictories
Voluntary Euthanasia Bill
- Water Resources
- Water Transfers
- Waterworks (Water Management Measures—Use of Rainwater) Amendment Bill
- West Beach Recreation Reserve (Boating Facilities) Amendment Bill
- Western Australian Parliamentarians
- Wheat Crops
- Wheat Marketing
- Wine Industry
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Light
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Mawson
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- Questions
- Aboriginal Lands Parliamentary Standing Committee
- APY Lands Inquiry
- Broomhill, Hon. G.R.
- Butler, Sir Richard
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Child Protection
- Children in State Care Apology
- Children in State Care Inquiry
- Disability Funding
- Environment Protection (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill
- Johnson, Mrs G.
- Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Animal Welfare) Amendment Bill
- Sittings and Business
- Valedictories
- Water Security
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Age Accommodation
- Ageing Plan
APY Lands
- APY Lands Inquiry
- APY Lands, Housing
- APY Lands, State Government Transaction Services
- Bradken Foundry
- Child Adoption
- Child Protection
- Child Sexual Abuse
Children in State Care Inquiry
- Companion Card
- Disability Employment Strategy
Disability Funding
- Domiciliary Care SA
- Ernabella Community
- Families and Communities Department
- Families SA, Care Placement
- Gambling, Problem
- Glenside Hospital Redevelopment
- Government Review
- HomeStart
Housing Affordability
Housing SA
- Housing SA Tenancy Agreements
Housing Trust
Housing Trust Waiting List
- Julia Farr Association
- Kanpi Community
Koonibba Community
- Legal Aid, Homeless People
- Motel Accommodation
- Ngarrindjeri Regional Partnership Agreement
- Pipalyatjara Community
- Poverty
Public Housing
- Public Sector Week
- Raukkan Community
- Reconciliation, Youth
- Rental Accommodation, Regional South Australia
- Salvation Army Alcohol Stabilisation Program
- Scotdesco Community
- Seniors, Community Involvement
- Supported Accommodation Strategy
- Technical Aid for the Disabled
- Yalata Community
- Yalata Facilities
WHITE AM, Patricia Lynne
- Badcoe, Major Peter
- Economic and Finance Committee
- Public Housing
- Public Works Committee: Craigmore High School
- Public Works Committee: Little Para Dam Safety Upgrade
- Public Works Committee: Old Stock Exchange Building
- Public Works Committee: Playford North Urban Renewal Project
- Public Works Committee: Virginia Reclaimed Water Pipeline
Social Development Committee
- Social Development Committee: Gestational Surrogacy
- Social Development Committee: South Australian Certificate of Education
- Two Wells Golf Club
- Virginia Floods
- Questions
WILLIAMS, Michael Richard
Appropriation Bill
- 2008-07-03
- Australian Energy Market Commission Establishment (Consumer Advocacy Panel) Amendment Bill
- Coorong
Country Health Care Plan
- Drought
- Firearms (Firearms Prohibition Orders) Amendment Bill
- Fisheries Management Regulations
- Health Care Bill
- Independent Commission Against Corruption
- Kangaroo Island Fires
- Landlord and Tenant (Distress for Rent—Health Records Exemption) Amendment Bill
Murray River
- Murray River Drought Management
Murray-Darling Basin
- Murray-Darling Basin Agreement
- National Electricity (South Australia) (National Electricity Law—Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment Bill
- National Gas (South Australia) Bill
- Premier's Comments
- Public Transport
- Road Traffic (Heavy Vehicle Driver Fatigue) Amendment Bill
- Rodeos, Regulations
- Shared Services
- Solid Waste Levy
- Statutes Amendment (Transport Portfolio) Bill
- Statutes Amendment (Water Conservation Target and Sustainable Water Resources) Bill
- Stormwater Initiatives
Supply Bill 2008
- Water Billing
- Water Security
- Water Trading
- WorkCover Corporation
- WorkCover Corporation: Member for Hartley
- Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
Auditor-General's Report
- Country Health Care Plan
- Desalination Plants
- Federal Election
Goulburn-Murray Water Recovery Project
- Hazard Default Notice
- Home Support Services
Industrial Relations Commission
- Labor Party Fundraising
- Marathon Resources
- Mount Bold Reservoir
Murray River Irrigators
Murray-Darling Basin
- 2008-05-08
- Newport Quays
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Rail, Train and Bus Union
SA Water
- 2007-10-25
- SA Water Capital Works
- Shared Services
- Stormwater Initiatives
- Waste Water
Water Billing
- Water Carting, Lower Lakes
Water Infrastructure
- Water Licences
Water Policy
- Water Pricing
- Water Purchase Fund
Water Resources
- Water Savings
Water Security
- Water Security Office
- Water Trading
WorkCover Corporation
WRIGHT, Michael John
- Cameron, Hon. C.R.
- Fire and Emergency Services Act Review
- Gladstone Explosion
- Industrial Relations Commission
- Legal Profession Bill
- Supply Bill 2008
Wangary Coronial Inquest Working Party
- WorkChoices
WorkCover Corporation (Governance Review) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-10
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation (Scheme Review) Amendment Bill
- 2008-04-03
AAMI Stadium
- Audit Plans
Auditor-General's Report
- Australian Workplace Agreements
- Child Workers
Clayton-Walsh Report
- Disability, Recreational and Physical Activity
- Easling, Mr T.
- Employers Mutual Case Managers
- Equine Influenza
- Fairness Test
Government Employee Housing
Industrial Action
Industrial Relations Commission
- International Association of Labour Inspection
- Metropolitan Fire Service Land Purchase
- Olympic Games
- Police Resources
- Racing Industry
Recreation and Sport Funding
- Recreational Trails
- Refugees, Sporting Activities
- Service SA
Shared Services
Shared Services SA
- Shark Patrols
- Taxation
WorkCover Corporation
- 2008-03-05
- 2008-03-06
- 2008-05-01
- WorkCover Unfunded Liability, Public Sector
- Workplace Health and Safety
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